
Chapter 6: Opera House Delight

Rhea looked around at the wood trim, sophisticated furniture and elaborate entrances.

“You own the opera…You must come here often.”

“I used to…”Arras looked up the small staircase to his box and held out his arm for Rhea to take. “I haven’t been here in a while. I don’t enjoy coming by myself.”

He went quiet and said nothing more until the orchestra began to play.

“If you don’t understand, I will explain what’s going on,” Arras whispered gently in Rhea’s ear. His warm breath made all the hair on the back of her neck instantly rise. She nodded in reply. Arras smelled like thyme and some sort of spice, an unusual but incredibly pleasant combination.

The opera began and Rhea was lost in the music and story. Once, she cast a glance at the man beside her, taking in the serious eyes and sharp features. He was deeply focused on the scene before him, but as if he could feel her stare, Arras turned to look at Rhea.

She leaned close to his ear and said, “This is amazing. I’m having a wonderful time.”

Rhea swore the corners of Arras’ mouth turned up in a small smile.

Intermission came, and Rhea was surprised to see an employee appear from behind them with drinks and a light meal. Arras seemed to open up just a little bit as they chatted about the opera, and Rhea was impressed with his knowledge of the opera house. He spoke about the fun he had here years ago, and briefly mentioned his brother.

“I have a brother too, but I haven’t seen him in a while,” Rhea said. “Are your parents still around?

Arras blinked.


Rhea nodded and sighed, “Mine are gone too.”

Arras had turned his head to look out over the railing of the box. At her words, his head snapped back to her face. He studied her quietly.

Rhea, herself, opened up and explained how she ended up working for Andre Hoffman and his company. Arras listened quietly and when Rhea finished, he placed his hand on hers.

“So you know of loss, I am sorry,” Arras said in a low, intense voice. “I hope this opera brings a smile to your face.”

“Oh yes,” Rhea felt heat rising to her cheeks. “This is another thing I can cross off my ‘bucket list.’

The lights dimmed, signaling the impending continuation of the opera. Inwardly, Rhea breathed a sigh of relief because she could feel the blush spreading from her cheeks to the rest of her face and neck. She watched the light dim on Arras’ face and was struck at how handsome the man really was. From what Arras said, Rhea figured he must be a few years older than she was. His memory of things that happened years ago was so clear.

‘Well, there’s no way I’m going to ask,’ Rhea thought. The curtains parted and she turned her attention back to the stage. It was only then Arras removed his hand from hers.

Nearing the end of Fidelio, Arras saw a tear slide down Rhea’s face but kindly said nothing. He handed her a tissue, which made her laugh silently and dab her eyes. She caught Arras watching her, and he sharply turned his head away.

The lights came on, causing everyone to begin to stand up and leave. Rhea slowly leaned forward to stand up, but Arras touched her arm.

“Wait,” he said. “Let most of these people leave before we go down. I’ll show you my opera house.”

Rhea smiled and took her seat. Once again, the couple talked about the opera they had just experienced and the parts that thrilled them most.

“Do you think you will come to the opera again?” Arras asked as he finally stood.

Rhea took his offered arm and they began descending the stairs to the lobby below.

“Oh, of course! There are so many operas I still have to see,” Rhea smiled as Arras covered his mouth to stifle a laugh.

“I will see what I can do,” he grinned.

In the lobby, Arras briefly left her side to gather their coats. Seeing a mirror by the coatroom, she walked over to check her appearance after sitting in her beautiful dress. Pleased with her hair, and the minimal wrinkles on her dress, Rhea had just turned to get a back view when Arras handed her her coat.

Rhea jumped, because she had not seen Arras approach in the mirror. It was like suddenly the coat was touching her arm, and she was slightly offended at the idea Arras had tossed it to her. However, when she turned to take the coat, Rhea realized Arras was still holding it.

Rhea frowned, taking the coat.

“Is something wrong?” Arras asked.

“Oh, no,” Rhea smiled, shaking her head. “I was just thinking. Thank you.”

Arras, himself, frowned. He glanced up and noticed the mirror.

“Are you ready?” he asked. “Let me show you my opera house.”

Rhea was guided by the dashing Mr. Mordhas throughout his establishment, and they stopped to talk to the conductor, costume designer and several stagehands. All seemed to regard Mordhas with a deep respect, and treated Rhea the same way.

Arras finished his tour with a visit to the stage. Rhea spun slowly and dramatically under the lights, and laughed.

“I’m not much of a dancer, or singer!”

Suddenly, Arras took her hand.

“Let me teach you a short dance…”

Taking her waist, Rhea forgot everything else but the gentle grip of Arras’ hand on her waist and his soft, whispered instructions. Time lost all meaning. After teaching Rhea the steps, Arras expertly hummed a tune, letting Rhea put the lesson into practice.

When they finished, Arras’ eyes locked onto Rhea’s.

“Thank you,” Rhea breathed. “That was wonderful!”

Arras abruptly released her.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your night,” he said. “Let’s get you back to your hotel so you can rest before you must go to work.”

Rhea nodded and they headed out to the car the valet had brought around for them.

Before descending the steps to the car, Arras stopped.

“I just had a thought,” he said suddenly.

Rhea waited patiently.

“Why don’t you stay at the Manor? It would save you having to pay a cab each time you needed to work, and you could enjoy your time off in my garden.”

Rhea practically jumped up and down in excitement.

“Really? I would love to do that!” she said breathlessly. Then she became serious. “How much would you need for me to stay there?”

Arras waved his hand, “Nothing. You don’t need to pay anything for now. It’s not very often I run into people who have experienced loss and stayed as pleasant as you. You can consider the offer a gift until you can get your own place.”

“Thank you, so very much,” Rhea smiled at her good fortune and they continued on.

Rhea walked by the car and saw her reflection clearly in the window, her hair and dress still looked great. Arras leaned in front of her to open the door, and she paused.

There was no reflection of Arras in the car window.

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