
King Potter and the life and time tablet

A/n: for those reading my Dc story, I will hopefully post a chapter today, if not tomorrow.

-Harry pov -

I looked off in the distance, I sat in a throne room, on the throne of course. The main ministry building was turned into a castle, and while different buildings were made for different departments, it is still easy to go to different departments because of the teleportation stations I have built.

My castle is now mainly for meetings, and councils.

It has been two years, two whole years since I took over magical Britain and became the King of Britain.

I have spent these two years improving Britain, and the magical society as a whole. I worked alongside Headmistress McGonagall to reform Hogwarts as a whole, there are two teachers for every subject and new subjects were introduced. Like warding, battle magic, healing, languages, and more.

I built schools for magic-borns and first-generation magicals to attend before Hogwarts our their school of choice, they are like an elementary school. They help the kids interact before Hogwarts, and for the first generations to be knowledgeable of magic before entering their magic academy of choice.

Needless to say, they have been a major success.

I have also been slowly integrating technology into the magical world, a research team has already invented prototypes of magic phones. They are kind of like iris messages from Percy Jackson but in a rectangular form. They can only make calls so far, and there are some distance issues, but as I said it's only a prototype.

It was actually beautiful to watch the community band together nobles and people of common origin working together to improve Britain as a whole.

Now, that doesn't mean there aren't some disgruntled people out there, but they are the minority.

I've even had some assassination attempts in my life, it was like I was slapping away flies when they came for me.

Other than magical Britain, I personally have been building more and more towers, I now have a tower on every continent, and almost every country.

That also means it is time for me to finally do the life and time tablet ritual.

I got everything ready and left I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't nervous, for the past couple of years I have been trying to find a way I could do this in the Theifs Grand Hall, but none of my magic from the towers could reach inside. Understandably so.

The thing is, doing this and achieving the greatest effect needs a lot of energy and power. I don't want to drain myself and die.

I translated the written message, it read,

'the soul mind and body must complete the trifecta, beware of death for she will come, and she will try to stop you, I am the last person alive from Atlantis, I was gone on the day they tried the ritual. They all died, no one survived and she is hunting me down, this knowledge is too grand. Don't tempt her and don't deny her, for she will claim your soul.' then it described the process to those who dare to do so. Apparently, the whole of Atlantis did the ritual, not just one person.

That's also why I have been preparing for her descent, I know she will come and she will try her best to kill me.

I am literally a speck of dirt compared to her, and I'm actually a little scared. So much can go wrong but so much can also go right.

I thought about it for a long time, and I thought of a solution, I sure as hell can't fight her, but I might be able to contain her.

I have the power of invisibility from the hollows, it is so powerful even death wouldn't be able to find me. But she will still know where the ritual is happening, so my being invisible won't help much.

So, I have been creating a clone, using blood magic, and necromancy. The clone is a lifeless husk of myself, and she will be able to tell that it is in fact not alive.

So that's why I also used soul magic, to put a lion's soul into my clone, then I molded the soul to appear human. She most definitely won't fall for it, but she might be stalled for a second or two.

Why a lion's soul? Well, that's because I just so happen to have found a lion when I thought of the idea.

All of my preparations are for stalling while in performing the ritual, after I'm done with it, I will try to use sorcery and exorcist magic to banish her from the earth.

Currently, I am standing on top of a plataue, in turkey, most consider this the closet to the center of the world, it is the center of most of my towers.

I took out a vibranium dagger, I cut my palm, and began to draw a huge circle, each rune I carved was in the Atlantian language.

Then I took a metal bowl that was made from pure bronze. I dropped my blood into the bowl and began to fill it up. I then added elongated my fangs and dripped my own poison inside of the bowl.

The ritual is rather simple, it needs no outside ingredients because everything comes from your body.

I began to flood my magic into the bowl, I then began to chant in Atlantian.

"Mind body and soul,"

"Acend to best death'"

"For she is nothing to us,"

"Break the limit of the mortal plane,"

"Ascend to something greater,"

"I the one marked by death will rise against her,"

The last line was added by me, it was added because the tablet said the last line of the ritual has to be something the caster, makes himself.


Magic flooded around Harry, no around the world. The mage towers began to send Harry their magic, it was like a tornado of pure mana was revolving around Harry, and he was dead enter of everything.

A dark shadow began to descend upon earth, the world turned dark.

Death appeared before Harry's clone.

"Did you think this clone would fool me!" She roared killing it with a gaze

The clone literally disintegrated.

She began to flood the area with her power. The mana tried to fight back but everything was for naught.

She couldn't see Harry, but that didn't mean his location wasn't obvious. He was literally in the center of the mana storm, with the mana floating into his body.

"Foolish, that's what you are Harry, did you think you could defy me?" she said in a cold tone

Harry couldn't reply his whole body was being rebuilt, the Hollow tattoo on his hand disappeared, the goblin mark disappeared, and he was becoming flawless.

She swiped her hand downward, and a black spear flew forward and pierced his body.

The mana stopped flowing into his body, he dropped to the floor. His body started to decay.

"Fool," she said

Right when she was about to leave, his decaying stopped.

"What?" she said in disbelief

She began to attack again when she felt the space around her try to teleport her away.

She turned around and saw Harry, with the tesseract pointed at her.

"Hey, this is awkward for you isn't it," he said simply

"How," she said trying to escape the locked space she was in

"I gambled on the space stone being able to constrict you, seeing as you aren't the real death, only a portion of her power," he replied with a slight smirk

"but, you were doing the ritual I felt it! And how did you know I am not my main body!" she screamed in anger

"Haha, well actually the person doing the ritual was my second clone. Made purely from my DNA, your attack destroyed its soul, so that's why it didn't continue to deteriorate, and I know your real body couldn't descend here, you're mere presence would kill all living beings on this planet." He replied in a matter-of-fact tone

"But how can a clone use the power of invisibility from the Hollows?" she asked building up her power

"Oh, that's a secret~" he replied slyly

-Harry Pov -

"Oh, that's a secret~" I replied slyly

Did I just gamble on the fact the space stone can hold death? yes, did I also gamble on the fact she would kill my clone before it could finish the ritual? also yes.

"Now be a dear and LEAVE MY PLANET!" I yelled using the space stone at full power

I saw her being pulled in. Instead of the furious expression, I thought she would have. She laughed.

"Hehehehehe using the stone like that will kill you boy! You think you have won? Wrong! I always win!" she yelled at me with a smile

The Hollow tattoo on my hand began to burn, I felt my soul begin to be assaulted.

She got thrown away as the portal closed.

I dropped the stone and collapsed, my whole body felt weak, and my soul was being assaulted.

I began to crawl toward the ritual circle.

Cutting my palm, I began to fill the bowl, I didn't have much time.

I began to chant once more.

Each word was I said was filled with conviction and anger toward death.

I downed my blood in one haggard motion.

I could fill the mana being poured into me. My vision darkened and I knew no more.

I slowly opened my eyes, I felt different, I felt powerful. I could sense everything around me.

I put my hand down to prop myself up.


The whole Plateau just crumbled.

I reacted fast and started to fly.

I realized something, I couldn't sense the end of my mana.

I checked my status,


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Race: true God of magic and serpents (true god because Asgardians tho called gods aren't real gods, he is a real one)

Hp: 100%

Mp: ♾️/♾️ (any god of magic in my opinion should have infinite mana)

Strength: Dimensional (Odin would get bitch slapped,)

Speed: Dimensional

Dexterity: Dimensional

Stamina: Dimensional

Serpent form: Serpent of the end

Wand: thestral hair core, yew wood, silver

linings, basilisk venom binding agent, 12 1/2

inches, flexible (keeping wand here because he still technically owns it although doesn't need it)]


Hope you enjoyed this chap. Btw death will be back. Also, you will learn what happened when he blacked out next chapter.


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