
Peaceful protest? Nah

A/N: (the following message is not for the bulk of my readers, just a few annoying individuals, that purposefully put swear words in their comments so I can't reply,) Hey guys!!!! Some are struggling with the concept of Pov's☺️ Pov means point of view! Wow! So when it's Harry's Pov it means that everything I write is what harry perceives, shocking I know!😁 so that means not everything he perceives is in fact the truth!!!! 'OMG AUTHOR NO WAY!😱' yeah it's the truth I know right unbelievable🙄

--Gellert Pov --

I arrived at my manor after the meeting with Harry and Elizabeth, it was a fruitful meeting. We all swore oaths to keep the deal secret and to stop us from betraying each other, well I wouldn't say that is a fact. Rather something they believe.

After the tournament, I got thinking about many things, I don't particularly like being hoisted into anything without my consent, even though I consented that time.

I gazed at my family tapestry, all names were blurred out, I was the last of my line. I hope Elizabeth can birth an heir, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl.

I sighed then went back to my ritual room, old age comes with many problems and imprisonment doesn't help either.

Luckily rituals can fix most of the problems with my body.

I have to love that art.

-Narrator pov -

As Gellert turned away from the family tapestry, a single glowing name stood out, Gabriel Grindelwald.

-Harry Pov -

In front of me was a tea set, not the one I took from Yao, it was a different one. It was very beautiful, in fact, I would put it on par with Yao's.

A slight smile graced my lips, I felt a little bad after stealing her tea set, I could tell it meant a lot to her, I am not the type of person to return the things I stole, it's just not in my character.

But, that doesn't mean I won't give some gifts to make up for something I stole, I got this tea set specifically for Yao, it was originally just very expensive and plain looking. I caved some designs and added enchantments that work perfectly for tea.

The cups have enchantments that keep the tea in perfect condition, and the teapot had a scent enhancer so you can smell the fragrance of the tea while brewing it and it also had a water boiling setting where you can adjust how fast the water heats by tracing the small flame pattern.

There is also a grinder to grind tea leaves and small prongs. Overall it was a beautiful tea set. I even made some tea leaves with specific purposes, some let you relive your happiest memory, and others make you feel like someone special to you is embracing you.

And then there is my personal favorite, I call it Budlong tea, it makes you high as a kite. For medical purposes of course.....

Packaging it I teleported it to Yao since I have improved my teleportation methods, literally, no one can keep me out.

Well, there was my nice act for the month, maybe next month I will donate to charity.

-Yao pov -

A box appeared before me, this is honestly getting old, it's like Kamar-Taj has no defenses at this point. I have improved the defenses so many times. And still, this stuff happens.

I checked the box for various traps, but I found none.

Thank you!

I opened it slowly, I was a little scared of what I would find, life has been hard for me recently.

The first thing I saw was a note, I picked it up slowly it read,

'Hey, I heard someone stole your tea set so I decided to make you this! There are some tea leaves in here as well, read the labels carefully, please!


A person that feels bad'

Why should they feel bad? I opened the box more to see what this person made, I saw a beautiful tea set, there were instructions and labels.

I read everything carefully, this. This is the nicest thing someone had done for me.

A small tear ran down my face, this time it was one of happiness.

The tea set looked very similar to my old one, this one just had extra functions and designs, it made me wonder how this person knew what my tea set looked like.

Even if this person was the thief, the compassion with the tomes, and now this.

It just brings a smile to my face.

-Harry Pov -

It was the day of Hermione's planned peaceful protest, which also means it was the day of my planned unpeaceful protest.

My people are in place already, it will soon be time to cause a little more chaos.

I have healers on standby, of course, I don't want anyone dying, at that point I wouldn't even be myself anymore if I'm willing to sacrifice people that just want to bring a change.

I turned invisible, then went to Diagon Alley, there was already a small crowd, I saw some people with signs that said, 'We just want to be treated like humans!' and 'we want freedom!'

It was actually heartwarming, the protest just started and Aurors were already showing up to end it.

"Alright, people you had your fun please go home now!" one shouted

"Please don't make a scene and leave peacefully!" another yelled

"They are trying to silence us!" someone in the crowd shouted

"We will not be silenced!" someone added

""we will not be silenced!"" The crowd began to chant

I saw an Auror reach for his wand, that was a mistake.

I quickly put an abundance of mental suggestions in his head, the Aurors hand halted before shooting out as he yelled, "Reducto!"

"Protego!" someone in the crowd yelled blocking the spell

"Bombarda!" the same Auror yelled once more

"Protego!" this time someone else shouted blocking the spell, unfortunately, the explosion the spell caused still hit the people not protected by the shield.

""AHHHH!"" the yelled in pain and alarm

"What are you doing!" one Auror yelled at the one that I put mental suggestions on

I saw him reply, I couldn't hear him over all of the screaming, but by his body language he looked nervous and ashamed.

The crowd all of the sudden, took on a mind of its own, there were a plethora of spells being flung at the Aurors, and both sides were now fighting, my Holocron was going crazy, I wanted to cause some chaos, but this is insane.

'Boss, the crowd has gone crazy! What should we do?' I got a message from one of my subordinates.

Shit, the hell if I know!

'Let it play out,' I replied





Several more teams of Aurors showed up, the fight was getting more intense. There weren't even any dangerous spells being fast besides the original confrontation. Most spells being cast were stunning and disarming spells.

More people started joining, and before I could even comprehend what was happening, Diagon Alley turned into a battlefield.

I realized where this situation was going, and a plan formed in my head, I own a lot of territory here, and I can move a lot of supplies.

I decided to make my move, I turned visible and then enhanced my voice.


The crowd subconsciously did what I said, now they looked less like a mob and more like fresh recruits.

I sent a message to my people, "if you are in Diagon Alley, help me lead the crowd, help whoever you can, let's take Diagon Alley,"

It was like a switch flipped, my people came in and started directing the way the battle flowed.

I teleported into the assembly of Aurors, and my magic flared. The less experienced Aurors backed away in fear.

I wasted no time and began to take them out, I shot stunners and binding spells like a Gatling gun.

I didn't want to do too much, that would kill the momentum of this whole thing. For that reason, I backed off shortly after I joined the fight.

I watched as several Aurors apparated into Diagon Alley, they formed a circle around the citizens.

I didn't even need to do anything, my people reacted and engaged them in battle.

"I say we take over Diagon Alley, nobles own shops here let's take away their money source!" Someone shouted

""YEAH!"" several people agreed

I saw Hermione looking dejected at the side, probably because she hasn't done much.

I walked over to her, "have your people join the battle, show them what it means to bring a new age to Britain," I told her in a flat tone

"Don't miss out on this chance Hermione," I added enticingly

She seemed to steel her determination, she turned around to her people and said, "join them let's show the world who we are!"

A snake-like smile spread on my face under my mask.

-Fury pov -

I was in my office enjoying a rare peaceful moment, there were no troubles happening today.

Then I heard a pop outside of my office, one of my wizard spies must have some news to report, probably how the peaceful protest is doing.

My wizard spy ran into my office, he looked like he just fought in a war, "Director, a fucking war has broken out in Diagon Alley!"



-Elizabeth pov -

I was sipping my tea when one of my agents burst into my tea room, "your majesty, a war has broken out in Diagon Alley!"


"And it seems like the merchants are directing the battle alongside the group called Britains new age!" she added


"I want constant updates!" I ordered and then left my tea room

It seems like the situation is getting serious in Britain.

The people could use a queen.


A/N: some might be like 'wtf!' about how the whole situation went down. Think about it like this when Aurors arrive tensions already went high. Then the auror attacking the crowd. Magic is known to be emotionally driven, with all of that piled up some people would fight back, then the situation would spiral. Not to mention that stuff with Draco. Aurors didn't take them seriously at first so they only sent a small number, the crowd is much bigger that's why they could contend with Aurors. And the syndicate members are great fighters.

With mcs group stoking the flames, this happens. We have seen in real life, that stuff like this happens. So honestly with magic in the mix, I think this is realistic.

Also, I'm getting some comments about how mc is just straight up turning into a villain, please give me some credit😅 it's for a purpose. The life and time tablet will help him clear his head. Thank you for reading!

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