
Chapter 146: Breath! Come on, don't die Owen!

Chapter 146: Breath! Come on, don't die Owen!

Waylen's POV 

An hour earlier

When I found Joey, he was playing the piano in Zuri's piano room. 

How he found the place puzzled me.

He was wearing a black tuxedo without a tie of any kind and he looked lost in his music.

"What's that awful sound?" I asked myself. The closer I got, the bigger the urge to run in the opposite direction. My eardrums were almost bleeding.

Using my hands as a sound shield, I moved closer to him. Joey had his back to me and I wondered whether he knew someone was in the room with him.

I grabbed one of the throw pillows on the sofa close to the door and threw it at him but Joey turned like the speed of lightning and caught the throw pillow with his hands. There was no sneaking up on him.

He might not be a werewolf but he was sharp as a sword.

"See what you did, Wally. You interrupted my music" Joey said with a frown.

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