
Chapter 3

With the feat she just showed, she's pretty sure trouble will find her sooner or later, so instead of telling him what's on her mind, she just nods, ready to hear what he wants to say.

"Before, I was asking about your condition, but now that I think about it, I never asked you if you knew how you got blind. Do you?" Shit. She tenses slightly and the guy must have been a shinobi because he notices it, as his next words are, "So you do. Can you explain it to me?"

Fuck, fuck. What she's going to do now?

"I won't get in trouble?"

"No, don't worry. If you want to be healed, you need to know what caused it in the first place. Can you tell me?" He probably senses her hesitation, because he adds, "I won't tell others, promise."

Won't tell others my ass. You're just a lying liar that lies! If the Hokage doesn't know about it by the end of midday, she would be even more worried as that would mean the target of this doctor is Danzo.

Oh, fuck it.

Now how much to reveal? It will have to be half-truths as she doesn't think she's a good enough liar for a shinobi not to pick it up.

"Well, I had a dream yesterday. There was a voice that said if I wanted power, I had to pick a random flaw. I accepted it and when I woke up, I was blind."

True enough, she thinks.

"And what is that you gained?"


"... Knowledge?"


"I wasn't able to look for it because my mom distracted me, but I know is inside my head," she says hastily, slightly nervous with every expression she now makes.

The doctor hums, "But you know what it's about, right?"

Well, she's not going to share Mihawk's knowledge with no one. She's still weak, after all. But maybe Katara is a safe bet? After all, he did see her using water bending.

"It's the knowledge of a girl who could control water."

"Can you control the water that is on the ground?"

She hesitates, unsure if she can. The previous time she did it unconsciously, after all.

"I can try."

"Good enough."

So she tries, concentrating on the water that she still can see on the ground. She's also able to see the shards of glass thanks to the way the water mold around them. Huh, something to think about later, first she needs to concentrate.

She feels it moving towards her until it covers her hands like a glove.

"Interesting, You're not even using chakra," he says muttering the last part. She's lucky to be as concentrated as she is because she would have flinched otherwise. She doesn't know if chakra is common knowledge or not, but she still is not willing to risk it.

With that comes another whirlwind of tests and more. She doesn't know what will happen to her but she's sure that even if she had not revealed some of what she can do, she would have been discovered anyways. After all, she doesn't use chakra for it and it shows. So whether she liked it or not, she would have been discovered sooner or later.

Is not until it's dark and she's in her hospital room that she breathes a sigh of relief. She's been told she can return to her home tomorrow. Her mother confirmed the same when she was there. They just wanted to check that nothing else happened to her while sleeping again.

So with a thought, she opens again the blue panel once again.

Host: Souma Yukihira

Ability: Water bending (low-beginner level), Kenbunshoku Haki (high-novice level)

Dokiri: 9

Energy control: 10%

Character Template: Katara (5%), Dracule Mihawk (2%)

She knows she has water bending as she has used today and kenbunshoku is the sixth sense type of haki, while Dokiri means power level in one piece level, though she doesn't know how good 10 is in this world.

When she focuses on energy control, she knows that it means chi and chakra both. Turning her attention to the character template, she selects first Katara.

Character template: Katara (5%)

Tier: 8C

Strengths: Average Human

Speed: Above average reflexes

Abilities: Water bending (low-beginner level), Healing (LOCKED), Plant manipulation (BLOCKED), Ice manipulation (BLOCKED), Steam Manipulation (BLOCKED), Bloodbending (BLOCKED)

Woah. Those are good skills to have.

She then blinks away from that panel and concentrates on Mihawk's template.

Character Template: Dracule Mihawk (2%)

Tier: 6B

Strength: Class T

Speed: FTL

Abilities: Kenbunshoku Haki (beginner level), Busoshoku Haki (BLOCKED), Master Swordsman (BLOCKED), Extrasensory Perception (BLOCKED)

That's more than good. She knows something about Mihawk's strength thanks to forums and fanfics, so she's sure she will be a force to reckon with in the future. Now though she needs to learn more about this system.



Author: Help! Can someone tell me cool items our little Souma could gain in a beginner package? Like, I need five and I only got a couple ready. It can be something random, too. As somehow my other Souma in 'MCU: Two templates and a shitty flaw' gained 'Double Gold Spandex' from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, which I plan to use it in the future as a gag item. So it can be something fun or to embarrass Souma, too. GIVE ME IDEAS PLZ.

(That's the only reason I'm posting early. I need IDEAS.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

JorieDScreators' thoughts
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