
Natural Wizard

"The cooldown of Dragon Fire is relatively short," Imeng explained, his tone steady. "After casting the spell, you can utilize it again within a span of one minute. However, keep in mind that the duration of the flames themselves is dependent on the amount of mana you invest. With a steady supply, you can sustain Dragon Fire for several minutes."

Fein nodded, absorbing the information. He imagined the flames flickering and dancing, envisioning the intricacies of maintaining their fiery presence.

"As for Air Purifier," Imeng continued, his voice filled with assurance, "the cooldown for this spell is slightly longer, around two to three minutes. It requires time for the winds to settle and regain their balance. The duration of the purifying effect varies based on the concentration of your mana and the extent of the area you wish to cleanse. With precise control, you can maintain its effects for approximately five to ten minutes."

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