
blood magic and dungeon

[host that will not be wise, using dungeon boss as a summon her red aura will make people suspicious and you have power to pass the exam on your own]

"that is true, thank you for your advice." Lukas bow his head as some kind of servant apologizing to his master. Years of bullying make him selfconscious and shy.

[don't worry about your strength. Your power are connected to power of dungeon so you will grow with your dungeon, but be careful your heart is core of dungeon so when your heart is in one peace your body will regenerate, but when your heart is destroy you are dead.]

So as long as my heart is intact I'm going to regenerate but my heart is also my weakness I must be wary about that. Thinking about him self Kron expression was stoic, bit you can see small smile in coner of his lips.

"master if something happen don't think twice about calling me to deal with them" scary smile appear on her face as she speak, but she speak and express her self as elegantly as noblelady wherever she go and in whatever she does.

[host if you are going out please summon few more defenders, as you can call them from dungeon whenever you need, but with your mana I would advise summon only around 6. You can even create your own monster as dungeon master but it wise to create only higher level monsters as low level ones are killed pretty early]

"So I can create my own units and design them to my liking Aurora what units you think will benefit us most now" Lukas eyes start sparkling as he talk about unit design.

"hmmm Wizard are weak when lower ranks monsters so they are out of questions, archers and knight are best option." her expression when thinking is cute think Lukas when looking at Aurora.

"so let's make them" red knights which have Armor and weapons make from blood of their enemies they can heal or boost they stats for short while with blood their weaknesses is ice which can froze the blood from which they bodies are made with spear and shield they will make shield wall protecting archers they attack don't inflicted much damage, but their defence is massive.


hold the line

if more knight make a wall they can divide the force between them making it harder to puss through them or break formation.

blood creation

from blood it can create arrows or knife... ,

the more blood or blood of stronger enemies will make the equipment stronger.

blood gathering

they gather blood from near by area to boost they stats as long as they have blood reserve or regenerate as their body is made intirely made of it.

damage -50%

defence +65%

bloodycrossbows spirits after many battle this crossbows shed so many blood that they couldn't stop and their will to shed blood was so strong that it make them spirits, because that their defence against normal attack rose, but magic is more effective, but if you destroy their medium (crossbow) they aren't able to maintain their physical form.


blood creation

from blood it can create arrows or knife... ,

the more blood or blood of stronger enemies will make the equipment stronger.

magic defence -55%

defence. +80

[host are you wishing create new tipe of magic and devot the dungeon to it]


[new skills acquare blood creation, blood control, blood storage, blood control]


blood storage

can store blood as blood magic require blood instead mana you can store it for later use.

blood control

can control mana around you and change it's shape to attack your enemies.

(you can limitly control weapons make from blood)

[summon] before Kron appear 5 knight and one bloodycrossbow spirit they are in worse condition then I expect what is that.

[as they don't exist before summoning their equipment is lowest level because lack of blood to upgrade it]

"understand, Aurora let's upgrade the defence" flustered expression on his face which he can't hide any more make it's way on his face.

"Yes master Kron I personally think that it will be best to make defence right at enterence we will barricade the big doors leading to second room and make knight hold their ground, because they will block the doors enemies can advance and as they can't go around and breaking through them will be really hard as they are going to divide the force between them and bloodycrossbows spirit shooting on them we are going to quite well" giving orders to soldiers as she speak and when see finish her speech they already start with fortification.

"Aurora you are demon what magic can you cast" his curiosity win over him as he start asking her questions about her power.

"Yes, but as I was created when you summon me I can only cast blood magic when you devoted the dungeon to it I gein the ability to cast some spells as blood reinforcement and blood barrier usefull skills for me" proudly Stait Aurora with quick demonstration using her own blood.

"are you okay" with frighten look Kron yell at Aurora as he run to her and scold her.

"yes master it's only small scratch" unconcern Aurora shift her attention to knight building a defences and like true boss of dungeon she naturally lead them to make the best defences.

[Host it will be beneficial to increase level of dungeon as soon as possible]

"how do I upgrade level of dungeon" Lukas casually ask

[you need to get nutrition for dungeon to make it grow faster options are soul in form of crystals or anything that die in this dungeon]

wait, are you trying to say that magic crystal are souls?

[yes they are fragments of monsters soul that drop when they die but don't worry it's only small piece it can regenerate over time around 5 minuts in dungeon outside it's around 24 hours, but if human die in a dungeon you get all of his soul]

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