
A Step into a Path: Chapter 103

I remained in place…

I remained standing with this unsettling feeling inside of me.

As I feel him getting further and further away. My heart began to grow heavy and the feeling of being abandoned suddenly came to me out of nowhere.

I could not for the life of me understand why I was feeling like this.

Was it guilt?

A lost chance to something great?

Is it?

Or is this the feeling of being a coward?

"..." With my head looking down on the floor, I could no longer hear his footsteps tapping down in the halls. I could only ever guess that he was no longer near me.

*Sigh* "Why am I like this…"

I questioned myself…the reasons for why I acted like such a coward in front of him…it makes me wanna crawl up into a ball and hide…hide away from everything, especially him.

"Because of fear Iris…we fear for the mistakes we might make along the way."

"...!?" I heard him, I heard his voice who was much nearer than I would have expected. He has not left me at all.

"...A lot of times when given an opportunity, the people won't know what to do with it…it applies to you, to the others and especially to me…people like us who do not know what to do with our lives." he said this in a calm tone. As if he wasn't mad at all despite what I did to him.

"But when given an opportunity, all it takes for anyone to do something is to take the first step…the first step is always the most important one to make. It's the very foundation of your choice to go through with this given opportunity…And I am here to offer you that first step, to take my hand and follow me as we try to make our paths both clear and true for each other to walk on."

"But I don't know what to do…How can I help you when I don't know what it is that I have to do." I said as tried not to look to him in my act as a coward.

"Haha…yeah, neither do I." he said as he laughs.

"What?" I was flabbergasted by this.

"When I first got my authority as a Ruler, it was about a week before class has even started yet. It hasn't been a month yet since I got this power."


"...But make no mistake that despite me given such a role, I still have to prove to myself that this opportunity wasn't a waste. I worked my ass off just to grow as fast as I could be…and if I was even strong enough, I could have avoided all of the things that happened today."


"...I promised the Rulers that I would do my job. And by my life, I will fulfill that Role…that promise will happen."

As he said this…he began to reach out his hand to me..

"So I don't want you to feel so bad about having a hard time in choosing this path…that's not what I want. Instead…just take my hand and believe in me when you need me the most, that's my role as a Ruler. And when you finally have a chance of clarity in life…walk that path, I'll be there to support you."

"...Hamil…I" I wanted to say something…but I couldn't…I didn't know what to say…but the guilt inside me knows that I wanted to help him…more than anything.

"Just take my hand and believe in me."

"..." I slowly went and grabbed his hand…by then, as I did, I saw the smile on his face as he felt accepted by my choice.

"...Your not mad?" I asked.

"No…no I'm not."

As I held him by the hand, the owls reacted by going up to me and looked at my hand that was holding his…and in response, they looked to me with a less menacing nature.

"...Hmm, I guess they like you." he said.

And for that notion, I felt happy knowing that these giant owls accepted me. It made me wonder why they were here and how they were following Hamil around like he was their owner. But as I wondered, I looked to him in the eyes and noticed a particular conflict within him.

"...Hamil, is there something you-" but before I could finish, he lets go of his hands and he begins to walk away from me.

"...Thank you Iris."

"Y-yeah." I could only ever stand in wonder for why he would show his back to me.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he went further and further away from me.

"...I just want to let the owls go out the school, so I'm going to look for a window or an exit."

"C-can I follow you?"

"Sure, if you want to."

But as he said so, I had a feeling that I could not walk by his side…I can only ever follow him from from a few steps back.

But I wasn't sad about it, I didn't feel conflicted… instead, I felt like I was in the sight of a path carved by the man who I chose to follow. His back was shown to be more broad and reliable…more accepting despite the fact that I was looking at his back.

"..." I smiled and simply walk to follow him.

By then, it was as fast as it could be, but I knew that I choose right.



I walked…

With the owls by my side…with Iris who chose to accept me as a Ruler…

I walked.

Through the halls, I made my way without ever caring for the gazes from the bunch of students who looked my way. It was clear that the owls were the one causing the attention, so I had to have them wait somewhere else without making a fuss to the rest of the students.

Although I didn't care for their gazes, I didn't want to attract such attention as it wasn't a good time right now.

It was just the start of the morning and already, five major things happened to me.

One was the fact about the cancellation of the classes…

The second was for me losing Gordeseus…

Third was for Gordeseus to gift me with the owls…

Fourth was for me to have access to the Ruler's domain…

As for the last, it wasn't so depressing as I finally have Iris come to accept me…

These first development of having the class canceled for about a week was a part of the story's development, however the only thing that changed about it was for the fact that it happened about a week earlier than I expected. As well as the fact that this development might have never properly affected Arthur in any way emotional as a motivation to get stronger. He never lost Ethea or anyone of that matter…so I worry for how he'll move forward after yesterday's incident.

As for the four other developments…it all involves me alone.

I lost Gordeseus…a friend, and because of that, I am now at the tip of my edge of wondering how I'll get stronger from here on out. He gifted me with the owls, so I appreciate him for that…but that sudden development was never something I'd expected. With him gone from his domain, I wondered how It'll affect the story at all…

With the fourth development of me having gained access to the Ruler's domain, it made me wonder how it was possible. And why would the system show this to me now? Either way, I have to figure out what I'll do with this access…and how it'll benefit me in some sort of way.

As for the last, Iris is finally a part of my group in a way. I've convinced her and now I'll do my best as a Ruler who actually has the necessary element of having a people for him to look over. I expected this development to happen somehow, but now, it did and I'm just wondering how I'll move forward with her by my side.

And speaking of Iris…I never knew that her last name was "Dragonfold". it's quite an edgy name, but knowing her family history, it might be something unique about her.

"...Iris, is your last name Dragonfold?" I asked her.

"Uh no, its Bakersfold."


"My great grandfather Oliver Bakersfold, was great baker who founded a bakery down at fester town…Why are you asking me this?"

"I thought it was Dragonfold…when I invited you to the Ruler's Domain, your name was revealed to me, so I thought it might have been true."

"...Is this so!?" Iris was just as confused as I was.

"...It must be, and if you think I'm lying, you might as well ask about the truth to your parents."

"My Dad…I see."

"Hmm, if you feel like your not ready yet, you don't have to." I said.

"N-no, I'll ask him today, after I go home."

"Okay then." as I said so, I began to walk out of the school and to a balcony that showed the entrance gate of the academy.

"Should I tell him about you?" she asked.

"...Are you referring to me being a Ruler?"


"...I don't know. For now I don't have a clear plan as to what I should do, so maybe just keep this between us."

"I see, okay then." as she said so, I began to look to the three owls.

"..." Facing them up front, I wanted to tell them to wait for me from the roof of the academy.

In response, they bowed their heads and simply flew out to the sky with their giant wings.

"...About the birds, where did you find them?" asked Iris.

"Found them inside the Domain of the Elemental Earth King." I said truthfully.

"W-what? The Earth King Gordeseus!?" Iris was a bit shocked by hearing this from me.


"What do you mean by how?"

"I mean, how were you able to go inside the Domain of the Earth king?"

Judging by her reaction, it is a great deal to be invited by one of the elemental earth kings. After all, they were known to be kings who kept balance of all natures of events in Elthen. Being invited by him must mean that he either takes interest in you or that he respects you.

"...I was invited."

"Holy cow…"

"If you find it really shocking, I suggest that you keep this kind of conversation just between us." I said.

"Ah!…Y-yes, of course. My lord."

"...And also, you don't have to call me lord. Just say my name as you always would have."



"..I understand." she said.

I don't really like being called by that just yet, seeing as how our circumstances in the school makes it weird if I was called a lord despite the fact that I don't have a royally known family backing me up.

"What are we going to do now?" she asked.

"I'm going home…and you should too."

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