
One hundred and Twenty

 Still vibrating with fury and fear for his mate, James strolled over to the group near the hut. They instantly parted, letting him through. He went to stand before Merk and Jace. Their expressions were blank, but undiluted fear was wafting from both of them, pleasing his enraged wolf. They knew they weren't getting out of this alive.

 Jace voice was shaky. "If you kill me, the rest of my—"

 James held up a hand to silence him. "I've heard it all before from your friend -Ray. It never worked for him, and it certainly won't work for you." He looked at Merk. "You're supposed to be dead." Under any other circumstances, Onyy would have been glad to find out that Merk was still alive, that he could let go of the guilt he had been carrying for a very long time. But not now; no, the son of a bitch really did deserve to die. "Know what's ironic? I always felt bad, since I never meant to kill you. But now I'm actually wishing I had."

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