
Empyrean Rabbit - Part 21

Batt watched Geoff as he bartered for some bread and fruits from a food cart that had been passing them by, heading into the town over.

The man was massive and broad. Perhaps a few inches below two meters tall, with shoulders that forced him to let the seam out of any garment just so he could move about comfortably.

And also, without his balls. The very thought of it made Batt want to cover his own in some semblance of protection.

But being that he was such a well-developed man, the... 'procedure'... must've been performed once all of that was established.

In southern Burke, there was a goddess who ruled over the River Fluraich - the deadliest water source in all of the kingdom. It was responsible for more than three hundred reported disappearances and/or deaths a year - the vast majority being men. The goddess has a true name that only her priestesses are privy to, but officially, to the Burkean people, she is referred to as 'She Who Demands Flowers'.

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