

On the sandy plains of Mali, a lone figure could be seen trekking ahead of a female with his hands behind his back and a smile across his angelic face. This was the man known as the 'Big-Boss'. Only few knew his name. And even fewer knew his position. It wasn't that this man didn't want his presence known. Heck, he enjoyed attention as much as he enjoyed souls. It was the main reason why he chose to keep the face of a young man in the first place.

The big boss had a domineering presence that was hard to forget. just like he wanted it. In the past, he used to move about a lot. The 'bugs' as he called men had some pretty beautiful women which even he found hard to resist. So it wasn't wrong to say that earth was his second home, or more accurately, his workplace as that was where he did most of his scheming and tempting.

So why didn't people know anything about this man? Well, it all came down to an annoying habit that had been forced on him by his enemies.

After the pantheon war, The big boss who had been on the losing side had gotten half his soul ripped from him by the elder gods as well as his wings. This was done to weaken him greatly. He had been maimed from the experience and had been famished ever since. The remaining half of his soul yearning for relief.

To add insult to injury, the elder gods, unable to kill him, and not wanting to release him on their precious humans again had tossed his weak body through a portal unto a baren hot land with no shade. He most likely would have gone mad there if help hadn't come in the most unlikely manner he could ever think of. He was saved from that hell but his soul was maimed for all eternity.

The big boss managed to get to the mortal realm with his 'partners' help undetected. He managed to stay hidden for a long time whiles gathering his strength and bidding his time. During this time, he found out that collecting the soul of mortals gave him temporary relief from the gnawing hunger he always felt even if only for a few hours.

After making that discovery, humans had since then been his source of food. It was also one of the reasons why he hadn't destroyed their realm already. to do that he had to be at a hundred percent first so that he didn't weaken himself further in the process.

Plus he knew he wasn't ready yet for a full-scale war with the other gods. This annoyed him greatly. A whole him having to hide from those weaklings. But all that was about to change soon.

He had gotten information on where his wings were. And tonight, he was going to bring back his army from limbo. Those foolish elder gods in their fancy castles would grovel before his feet like the ants that they were.

This thought pleased him so much that when he realized they were already at the place they had set out for, he couldn't stop himself as he burst out laughing. "Hahahahahaha...HAHAHAHA!!!"

"Draw the circle child! " He Commanded the girl behind him who immediately set upon the task. She brought out a small pouch from inside her jacket, opened it up, slipped her hand inside, and scooped out some black sand that looked to be sparkling In the moon's light.

Stacy then started spreading the black sand unto the desert floor whiles moving. 5 minutes later, she was done. She moved back to stand beside the big boss as he inspected the large magic circle which had a six-pointed star with all its vertices touching the inner circle.

The big boss inspected the circle for some time in silence. Everything looked fine. He then stretched his open palm to Stacy which got filled with a sharp knife. He proceeded to walk forward until he was at the very edge of the circle before making a deep cut on his palm In one swift motion.

There was no hesitation nor any indication of pain as this was done. The blood flowed In torrents from the open wound unto the ground as the big boss started muttering some words under his breath.

" Maj ki tarem vuis dezac eluis. Tian pakiri tentogua balem jenac macium..." He continued In this manner for like 3 minutes straight, all the while his voice rising steadily until he was finally shouting.


The big boss shouted into the night as large clouds started forming above. The wind started picking up pace. Soon, the wind was howling loudly and throwing dust everywhere. Lighting struck right into the center of the circle followed by a loud ear-piercing thunderclap. If anybody were to be in the circle at the moment, they would be burnt to fine sand. a second lighting strike hit the middle of the circle again, followed by one last massive lightning bolt that blinded everyone in the nearby vicinity.

When the light finally went out, there was a large oval-shaped portal, red and black in color right in the middle of the circle. The portal seemed to be warping In and out as if something was trying to force its way out from the other side.

The big boss was watching all this in silence with a smug grin on his face. Stacy on the other hand was her usual silent-poker face self. Watching everything with rapt attention. Then in front of their very eyes, a figure materialized from the Portal.

It was short and...fat? It had no clothes on its blackish scaly skin. Its fingers, one of which was in its mouth were claw-like and looked to be extremely sharp. The creature looked around in fascination. All the while silent until its eyes fell on the beautiful blonde-haired man in the tuxedo. It immediately went to its knees with its head bowed in deep respect.

"Master..your humble servant pays his respect," the creature said in a deep baritone voice. Behind it, two other creatures that looked just like it, except for the size had appeared. They also bowed beside their comrade. This continued until there were seven creatures like the first one, all bowing to the big boss on one side.

"Aah, my seven deadly beauties. How I've missed you. How was limbo?" The big boss asked?

"It was horrible sire" the first creature answered to which the big boss only chuckled.

"I can relate my glutinous friend. I guess now that you're here, you'll go back to your old task. I must warn you though that you may find your workload much lighter than you thought. the humans seem to need no push to indulge in any of the deadly sins in today's world" the big boss informed his subordinates.

Just as he finished talking, another figure was seen emerging from the Portal, followed by another. Both people were male. And had humanoid figures. The first person had white long hair which flowed down to his back. He was beautiful with his white skin and well-proportioned features. But his most memorable feature was his eyes which were glowing red. The other person was a man who only had on tattered trousers.

This man was large and muscular. He had messy black short hair and a pretty much normal face. One thing that stood out though was that this man was quite hairy. Like damn, this dude would put Bigfoot to shame. But like the first man, this man's eyes were his most defining feature. His eyes were glowing a piercing yellow.

The big boss couldn't contain his excitement as he saw this two. These two would be a great help In the upcoming war. Soon more people followed until there were about 30 people of all shapes, sizes, and power all bowing in front of the big boss.

"Tonight marks the beginning of your newfound freedom. Tonight,we mark a new age of fear. A new age of darkness that would be spread to the corners of every realm by our own hands. Let today mark the day we wage war against the hypocrites who call themselves our gods!" The big boss announced to loud cheers.

"I know some of you must be hungry after being imprisoned for all these years. Which is why I chose to summon you here of all places. There's a town not far from here, In there you can feast as you like and no one would stop you. The other humans do not care about the people here and very few questions will be asked about their disappearance. Go forth and feed my children. The night is still young. Make sure to bring me some souls as well. Now go!"

The big boss waved them off as they sped Into the night. Thinking about the chaos that was Soon to be unleashed on the little town, the big boss couldn't help but burst into another fit of laughter. " What a surprise the world will get come morning."

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