
Sticky Business 2

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[Ben Pov]

Listening to Julia laughing, made the whole situation a lot less gloomy, shedding a bit of light on the situation. It seems I wasn't the only one affected by her as I spotted Joe giving me a teasing grin.

After about a minute of laughing, she turned to me with a serious demeanour indicating she was done joking around. How she manages to change her mood so quickly will forever be a mystery to me, it must be a woman thing as my mom used to do that a lot too.

"So how bad is the situation?" she asked me, wanting to get right into the nitty and gritty, and the no-nonsense look on her face only further affirmed it.

"It's a sticky business" Joe repeated his words from earlier with a solemn tone as he faced Julia. At this point, he is starting to sound like a broken record guess the weight of the information must be bad if even a seasoned Soulja like him is fazed by it.

"That Bad huh" was all Julia said as she got up from her chair and went to the window to stare at the passing waves. I could practically see the gears in her mind turning by the second as if she was answering the questions to life.

Joe began giving her a rundown of the situation from start to finish so that she could get a clearer died of what we were dealing with. By the time Joe explained the situation to her, she was practically trying to squeeze all the life out of the railing she held on to.

"Make them pay" is all that she said to me before forcefully slamming her hand on the window seal trying to release some of her frustration. That seemed to somewhat help, as she calmed down and, took a seat on her chair again.

"So what are we gonna do with the boy?" I carefully asked wanting to know her opinion as she seemed quite emotionally invested when it came to treating his wounds earlier. My question seemed to trigger her a little though, as she shot me a glare.

"His name is Rakim," she said without losing eye contact with me as if she was trying to engrave her words in my mind. Oh boy, it seems she's already attached to the boy, even though she has not even had a conversation with him yet.

"Ok, so what do you want to do with Rakim?" I asked my question again making sure to say his name this time, I felt like I was navigating a minefield at this point. Saying his name seemed to satisfy her as she finally stopped glaring at me as if I was on trial for something.

There was a silence that hung in the atmosphere as no one spoke for a while. Looking at Lisa she seemed to be having an internal battle on what to do with Rakim. It's understandable he's basically just a child who should be getting taken care of by his parent, with him only being five.

"Let's just wait for him to wake up before making any decisions," She said as she picked up his passport from the table. Looks like this situation is too close to home for her.


[Lisa Pov]

Looking at the passport that looked like it had been through some tough years. I flipped through it till a picture of a two-year-old kid with big innocent eyes stared back at me. The smile of the child in the photo makes me wonder what kind of monsters were heartless enough to mistreat him.

I can't help but feel that this is fate or some type of divine intervention that has led him to us. From all the boats he could have chosen to go onboard off, what are the odds that he would choose ours? It is not like he knew beforehand what kind of people we are. It was like drawing a lottery ticket and hoping that the person he met wasn't as bad as the people who held him captive.

I was just arguing with Ben about how I didn't want to adopt a few months ago. But looking at how helpless Rakim looked bleeding all over Emma's bed just made me want to take care of him. I've never felt this way about anyone else except Emma when she was first born, it's as if my motherly instincts just took over. I just don't know if I could be a good enough mother for a child that is not mine.

It looked like Ben noticed my mood as he started giving me worry-filled glances. Kids have been a taboo topic for us for a while now. We both talked about having a big family when we first dated. However, when we found out that I couldn't have any more children that plan went down the drain. It hit both of us pretty hard as it had been a major plan for our future for a long time.

Ben has always wanted to have a son to cause trouble with, one he could brag about his athletic achievements to. Since according to him Emma and I don't seem to appreciate his athletic prowess. I guess that's why he has been so insistent that we should adopt in the past, saying he doesn't need blood ties to become their father. I love him for that he's just got such a big heart.

It's not like I don't want children, it's just that I didn't want to randomly adopt someone. However now that there is a child that needs help, I can't help but want to care for him. It feels like God just dropped him into our lives and told us to make the best out of it. One moment we were arguing about adoption and in the next moment a child just papers out of nowhere.

Now if that is not the universe trying to send us a message then I don't know what is. This is the type of stuff that Hollywood scripts are made out of. I could see it in bens eyes as well that he wanted to protect the boy. Guess he really is a hero at heart and not just someone that pretends to be one by pulling dumb stunts.

I'll just wait to see what he is like when he wakes up. There is no point in formulating a plan for his future without him. Looking at Be who was watching the waves, it seems like he has reached the same conclusion. Sometimes I wonder how such a big goof can be so rational sometimes, it's like he's got a switch in his head that he flips.


[General Pov]

in a slightly luxurious room on what seemed to be a boat a quite peculiar scene played out. A little blond-haired girl who seemed to be around the age of ten could be seen intently staring at an unconscious boy. They were both covered in warm blankets that kept the cold air from touching them.

The boy seemed to be having a peaceful dream as he just lay next to the girl with a wide smile on his face. Looking at the smile on the boy's face seemed to relieve the girl somewhat as a small smile crept up on her face as well.

The little girl's name was Emma and today could be said to be the first time that she shared her bed with anyone other than her parents. Usually, she likes to keep her distance from people she doesn't know but something about the boy seemed to draw her curiosity.

It also helped that she could annoy her mother with her actions. She has never seen her mother act so affectionately with another child except with her. So she relished the opportunity to annoy her a little when she chose to sleep next to the boy named Rakim.


[Emma Pov]

I felt relieved looking at Rakim who was peacefully sleeping next to me without a care in the world. I stretched my hand to poke his hamster-like cheeks that kept puffing up only to see his nose scrunch up when I made contact. Mesmerised I couldn't help myself from poking a few more times. This must be why my friends in schools bully their younger siblings, it's so cute looking at their reactions.

After satisfying my newfound hobby for a little while I finally gave it a res as I was starting to feel a little tired now. Quickly making sure that his temperature had gone down from earlier and that he was laying comfortably. I kind of felt like a mother hen taking care of her chick at this moment. Once I was sure he was ok I laid on my back and closed my eyes to finally get some sleep.





[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...

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