
Her New Friend

"so.... You are a princess and Woon is a prince?" Dan Oh makes a brief conclusion from the long story that told by her new friends.

Siera gave a brief nod to respond her. No wonder she always exuded the elegance of a noble woman. She is a royal princess. But Woon... Dan Oh never expected that he was a prince.

"Mm.... Do all the royals indeed have a stiff faces and are happy to be cynical?" Dan oh wonder. After a careful Observation that was the only things that look similar from Siera and Woon.

The princess laughed lightly at Dan Oh's question. She knows that she is not a friendly person and likes to be kind. She was quite haughty and cold. But she had never heard anyone reveal this fact in front of her so openly like Dan Oh. Meanwhile Gwi who was in front of Dan Oh looked at the high school girl with a glare. The loyal bodyguard can't accept it when there's an ordinary society like Dan Oh talking badly about the master he serves. Especially when there are people who criticize his princess, Siera.

"That description suits me... But my brother, Woon is a friendly and kind young man" the princess defended her beloved brother. Woon looked at his sister and smiled. But Dan Oh looked at Siera in disbelief.

"excuse me.... Are we talking about the same Woon?" And Oh look at Woon. The man replied to her gaze by glaring sarcastically towards Dan Oh.

As far as their journey together these few days, Dan Oh always saw that the man never spoke. He only sometimes responds when a colleague asks. He seemed indifferent and only focused on whatever was on his mind. Dan Oh sure the definition of friendliness is simply not suitable for this Prince. Among the three men in the entourage, Ryu is the only kind and cheerful man. Gwi? To be honest there were times when Dan Oh felt scared when she saw him. The man always emitted a cold and savage aura, like a night wolf. Well.... He is indeed a terrifying werewolf

"emmm.... So the three of you are the remaining commanders? Then you are the strongest?" Dan Oh diverts the conversation and tries to avoid the cynical view of Woon. She looked at Gwi... (Just as scary as the prince). She look at Ryu and Key in turn.

" True, we are the commander-in-chief of the royal guard, we indeed come from the descendants of the best commanders in the seven generation" Ryu boasted of about his family background proudly.

" except Gwi... He is a lost werewolf found by princess Siera" Ryu chimed and continue his word by making a joke about his chief commander.

"I'm not lost" Gwi immediately corrected him. Ryu is indeed a person who likes to joke while Gwi is a serious man. Ryu plays his mouth and taunts his boss Gwi with his silly face.

"You really didn't want to listen..." Gwi placed emphasis on his tone. The man raised his hand then pushed Ryu's head and pressed him against the table firmly. Ryu cried out in pain and asked for forgiveness. After the werewolf released him he appeared to frown and stroke his messy head and hair. Key and Dan Oh giggled at the look, while Siera and Woon only smiled faintly.

"You must be amazing and the strongest commander! It's so cool!" Dan On discuss the topic of the remaining commander-in-chief again. The girl pointed out her two thumbs towards Ryu, Key and also Gwi. Key and Ryu smiled broadly receiving the compliment, Ryu even mimicked Dan Oh's style and gave both of his thumbs up while smiling proudly. While Gwi tried to cover up his embarrassed smile

"For the two of us they are not just our bodyguards but also friends and our remaining sibling, Don't you think so Woon?" Siera asked her brother. Woon gave a short answer to confirm it and looked at his three bodyguards with flat faces.

" We have been playing and getting along since childhood, although we are different at ages but we are able to be a good close friends... Gwi is the oldest among us, he's like the oldest brother who always protects everyone , he's 137 years old. Key has been my best friend since childhood and she is one year older than me, 121 years old. Woon and Ryu are a close childhood friends. Both are 104 years old." Siera continued her explanation and made Dan Oh gawking.

" haaaaah??? All of you are already hundreds of years old? " she can't believe it. They nodded slowly.

" Very old??? I thought at least you guys are in your 20s or 30s" Dan Oh still can't believe it.

"How old are you miss Dan Oh?" Key confirmed.

"I'm going to turn 17 years old," she responded

"When I was 17, my height was this tall..." Ryu raised his hand and gave a sign that he was only about one meter tall. Dan Oh looked at him in disbelief. There were so many things she couldn't believe about the planet.

It is seems that the inhabitants of this planet have a different age range to the home planet Of Dan Oh on Earth. It doesn't make sense, but from the beginning, everything didn't make sense. Finally Dan Oh gives up and tries to accept the reality before her.

"But.... Am I going to be on this planet forever?" asked Dan Oh curiously, the inside of her is curious and wanting to live on this planet. But she is also worried, what if she would be here forever? What about her life on earth? What about his parents? What about Kyung?

" I'm sorry... But none of us know about how can you came and left this place..." Siera apologizes to her. She feels guilty if Dan Oh gets stuck in this strange place alone. The other members also looked at the little student with pity.

" Therefore... We're going to look for Elmo, the oldest creature on the planet, he's been alive for 5,000 years." Woon suddenly made a sound.

"Can Elmo help me to return?" asked the student curiously to Woon. Her eyes is full of hope. The prince tilts his head.

"I don't know... But he knows everything, including how to defeat Binju. I guess he'll know how to get you home" Woon said with a flat face.

"Well.... Then let's find and meet him!" Dan Oh give a command with Full of passion. The girl got up from her seat, clenching her arms into the air to gather all of the energy she had.

"It's not that easy. He has long isolated himself from the public, reportedly living in the north in an invisible cave," Woon explained.

"Then we have to look for it and find the cave," said Dan Oh still excited, she is not aware that Woon looks troubled by the fact. She just keep pushing on with a great passion like it was an easy thing to do.

"hey! I do know about that, you think finding him can be so easy? Looking for Elmo is not the same as looking for lotus flowers in a muddy lake!" Woon began to look annoyed. Everything that Dan Oh says is something that everyone already knows. The girl didn't need to keep repeating it with her excessive spirit. Her unlimited spirit is kinda come into the prince nerve.

" Why are you so sensitive? If you don't know then you don't! What kind of term do you use anyway? Lotus flowers in a muddy lake? Very Old-Fashioned" Dan Oh chimed in, making a mockery of what the prince said.

The man was getting annoyed. He looked at Dan Oh with an annoyed glance without saying anything more. Being aware of Prince Woon's annoyance, the only inhabitants of the earth were falling silent while closing her mouth tightly. She put her front bottom lip into her mouth.

"It's not an easy thing to do... The planet all over its territory is has been filled with Cheol creatures . It means we must be ready to fight against them at any moment" Gwi join the conversation between the two people whose argued.

"Are we all going to fight with that horrible terrifying creatures? Me too?" asked Dan Oh curiously.

"Of course!" Ryu nodded eagerly while clapping his hand. He showed his cheerful smile as if Dan Oh joining into his squad against Cheol was an exciting thing he never imagined before.

"waah.... waah.... Even just by looking at it gives me goosebumps already. I'm not as good as you guys, what can I do to fight Cheol?" Dan oh hesitate. How could she as a tiny high schooler girl is capable to fighting with a creature that just in one look at it had made she feels goosebumps. She didn't get the goosebumps out of fear of their spooky faces but goosebumps from feeling disgusted with the mucus all over the monster's body.

"We will teach you how to fight with swords or arrows." Key chimed in.

"Really?" And Oh asked her in a very enthusiastic attitude while looking at Ryu and Key in turn. Both nodded in certainity.

Dan Oh smiled satisfiedly with the two's responses. She is back on her chair. She had never fought with a sword or arrow. She would definitely gain a lot of new experience in terms of martial arts. It makes her feels very happy.

"By the way. What are you people? Alien? Ah no... What terms do creatures from other dimensions called? A ghost? Not really... I can see you clearly and you are not transparant" Dan Oh started chattering with herself. She is really chatty. The inhabitants of the Mirac planet seemed to be dumbfounded to hear Dan Oh blurting out some terms they had never heard before.

"What are aliens and ghosts?" Gwi felt curious and asked Dan Oh.

"How do I explain it to you? Aliens are aliens living on other planets but you say you're not just from another planet but from a different dimension. We used to call creatures from other dimensions by subtle being or ghost because they are invisible. But you guys are visible, then what do I have to call you? " Dan Oh explained the question in a long sentences and speech.

" We are.... Only the inhabitants of the Mirac planet" Siera are increasingly confused by the schoolgirl's explanation.

"Then should I call you Miracers? Or Miracsweties? Can the terms of girl band and boy bond fans like that be used for you guys?" Dan Oh confused. She muttered and spoke to herself using such expressive hand gestures

" Fans? Boy band? Girl band? What other term is that? "Ryu looked curious. Gwi, Siera and Key also silently looked at Dan Oh and waiting for her explanation. They wait for Dan Oh's answer patiently, while Woon only occasionally take a glances at her.

Dan Oh looked at them closely before deciding what answer she should give them in order to make them understand.

"take attention on this..... This is what the band did at Korea" Dan Oh got back on het feet. She came out of the dining table and stood before them all. The girl jostled for a moment to set her voice, clasped her hand and placed it in front of her mouth. It was as if her hand was holding a microphone. Dan Oh started singing quietly. But then she danced, moved her hands and feet, jumped and twisted as if she were performing a dance choreography from her favorite boyband.

"naego hajja! Naeganeun saranghae, oeh!" Dan Oh sings and copying the songs and the dance choreography from the boyband the song of Korean boyband Infinite tittled Be Mine.

"And this is what the fans do! Wooh Wooh wooh!" Dan Oh shouted while clenching her fists in the air and stomping her feet while jumping. She acted as a hysterical fan.

Ryu followed her hand movements and shouted like Dan Oh. Both of them were perfectly synchronized in making such a crazy fuss. When she feel that she is getting supported Dan Oh starts her crazy performance all over again and condesmaned enthusiastically while dancing around. Key gave her support to the two noisy people while clapping from her seat.

Gwi was embarrassed by the behavior of the two people in his group, he covered his face with one hand and shook his head. Siera smiled stiffly looking at them, unsure if she enjoyed this spectacle or felt embarrassed to see it. While Woon just rolled his eyes and looked back towards the window. Now their group has a new color brought by Dan Oh, a high schooler student from the Earth.

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