
Everyday Life

"I heard that you went to the Principal's Office during lunch," Evie started when she and Ren were finally both in her car. "Is something going on?"

Evie didn't have the chance to ask Ren after lunch since the class had already started by the time he returned. She couldn't sneak a question either since they had a surprise quiz, as usual, which left her no room to think of anything else.

Knowing that he couldn't keep anything from Evie, Ren told her about what happened in the Principal's office.

"I see . . ." was Evie's only reply after Ren's long explanation.

"You don't seem surprised."

"I somewhat expected it," she told him. "When you rise on top, there are bound to be troubles. It was only natural for the school to get mad because we chose to help another guild rather than our own academy."

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