
Chapter 19

An angel was walking to a castle that was fully white. The angel was Gabriel being in a silver armor and his wings at the back exposed. Gabriel walked to the castle there were two giant angels as tall as the castle itself blocking an entrance that was small. The door was just as big as Gabriel he walked to it looking at the two Giant angels, they looked different from all the other ones resembling more the humans of the mortal world with knight like armor and spears. Gabriel opened the door entering inside what he saw was a long hallway with seemingly no end. Gabriel was walking the hallway he saw how the hallways were moving but he knew that this was just a trick to his eyes.

"Michael" Gabriel shouted the name out and the wall didn't move anymore.

The hallways distant didn't seem to be infinity long anymore but just 10 meter now. Gabriel walked relaxed there to and came in a room that had an office inside and an angel sitting on a chair with an office table in front of him. The table was filled with papers and Michael was looking at Gabriel.

"What's wrong Gabriel?"

"Lucifer said he would accept war"

Michael snapped his finger making all the papers disappear from the table. He clenched his hands which were close to his chin, and he looked at Gabriel face. Michael face was serious not angry neither disappointed. He was not showing a single sign of emotion. His eyes were like that of a dead fish which made Gabriel flinch.

`Michael serious face is just scary´

"How did it come that war will happen" Michael asked, and the office table was slowly getting cracks.

"He called to us, and I was the one opening the call. He informed that we were the one breaking the deal that we made which was sending only the lowest ranking of angels but at the extermination day that happened just 2 days ago we had also let archangels go down to hell"

"Explain me why you didn't follow the deal" Michael leaned back with the chair letting his hands be more relaxed hanging around.

"The higher-ranking angels expected the one angel that had fallen to attack the extermination angels when they go down to hell. Which they would be right as that is what happened and..."

"Stop" Michael raised his hand.

Gabriel stood firm he was surprised of Michael cutting his words off like that. Michael made a long sigh as he saw what mistake Gabriel made which Michael had also found weird as he knows how Gabriel wouldn't make such mistakes.

"Gabriel there is a mistake in what you are saying"

"Even if that is what happened you still could not break a deal for such a simple reason. You are the messenger of God, and you never made a mistake there so now that God sends no messages to the humans anymore you seemed to have become a bit clumsy"

Michael sounded serious his voice was serious he had no need to infuse and angelic power into his voice as the moment he spoke serious the room started to shake. In the room were multiple bookshelves, paintings, oil lamps hanging on the ceiling was a chandelier all of them were shaking in an uncontrollable way. The bookshelves fell down the paintings also fell and the thin glass that was put in front of them were shattered. The oil lamps all broke to pieces and the chandelier was shaking so violently that it broke from the ceiling down to the ground.

"Or do I need to expect that you are doing treason Gabriel. As this mistake is not something an archangel like you would do"

The eyes of Michael shone a yellowish light, and 6 magnificent wings came out from Michael back. He was a seraph. He became one of the many as he was in charge now of controlling all around heaven as God commanded him to do so.

"Gabriel, I want you to make all angels who were preparing to lower their weapons I go down to hell to talk with Lucifer"

Michael let the light from his eyes go away and stood up. He walked past Gabriel to the hallway in a fast way. Gabriel was standing there being silent he didn't know what he should do he had nothing to do as Michael was the observer over the heaven. None of the Angels understood why God wouldn't do it but none questioned it. Then a voice is what Gabriel heard the voice of God.

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