
Childhood Memories XIV

"I don't like her" said Lia as she looked at Zavi while he was sitting beside her on the swings.

"I also don't like her too" said Zavi as he looked at Lia while Charlie, Michael, Dom and Natasha were all happily sliding down the slide, the sight made Lia angry and nauseous.

"Why don't you like her?" asked Lia as she turned to look at Zavi.

"Well I just don't… she is too cheery" said Zavi while the real truth was that he found her annoying, especially now when she stole hi chance to rescue Lia.

"I get you" said Lia.

"Yes, and why don't you like her Lia?" asked Zavi as he looked at Lia.

"I don't like her, she is too much, everyone has to be her friend, and Dom and everyone else likes her, and they forget all about me" said Lia as she ranted.

"But I like you Lia" said Zavi.

"That is not enough, I don't want you alone to like me, I want everyone else to like me, especially Dom" said Lia as she looked at Dom where he was smiling as Charlie seemed to say something funny.

"Of course" said Zavi as he sighed, it was always Dom this, Dom that, never him, he never had a chance.

"Dom always used to play with me, and pay attention to me, but now with Natasha here, he doesn't do that anymore, and it's not fair, not fair at all!!" said Lia as she wanted some justice.

"You know that Dom still loves you, you are like his little sister, and you are like my little sister as well" said Zavi as he smiled, he always liked Lia like a little sister, he always wanted a younger sibling to take care of, and well, he always took care of Lia.

"Well I want to be Dom's only sister, only me" said Lia.

"You know that Dom is very nice and well Natasha is… well she is very nice as well" said Zavi.

"Maybe if you give her a chance, you and her could be very good friends, just like we all are" said Zavi as he knew that Natasha was not that bad, she was just herself, and well, he was sorry to admit it, but Lia was a diva who wanted things always done her way, while Natasha was just someone easy to be with.

"No, no, my daddy always says that I can do whatever I what, whenever I want, and no one can stop me, so If I don't want to be friends with Natasha, then I will not be friends with her!" said Lia.

"Okay… if you say so Lia" said Zavi as he really hoped that Lia would grow up and changer her views.

"But you know that you will always have Dom, Michael, Charlie and me" said Zavi as he smiled.

"Yes, I know" said Lia as she smiled.

"You are my favourite friend…" said Lia as she smiled and Zavi smiled as he did not let Lia finish what she was saying first.

"After Dom" said Lia as she smiled and the smile on Zavi's face dropped, of course, he should have known, he got too happy for nothing, well at least she considered him his favourite friend.

"Hey Lia, Zavi, let's go, Grandmother made cookies" said Charlie as he shouted to Lia and Nine as the both of them turned to look at him.

"We are coming" said Zavi as she shouted back.

"Okay, see you there" said Charlie as he hummed happily, Grandmothers' cookies were the highlight of his entire day, but then again, anything Grandmother cooked was the highlight of his day.

"Let's go, I am sure Grandmother made your favourite cookies as well" said Zavi as he got down from the swing and he smiled as he looked at Lia.

"Hmm, okay" said Lia as she nodded her head, but she made no attempt to get off the swing.

"Are you coming or not?" asked Zavi as he was confused.

"Carry me down" said Lia as she pouted, how did he expect her to get down from here by herself, she did not want to hurt herself, so he would have to carry her down.

Zavi sighed as he shook his head, he should have known, Lia was the pampered Princess after all, and that was sometimes very annoying.

"Okay fine, alright" said Zavi as he carried her down.

"Thank you" said Lia as she looked very satisfied.

"Yeah, yeah" said Zavi as he wondered what he had gotten himself into, only Dom had the patience to take care of Lia and heed to her every beck and call, he had forgotten just how extra she could be since she had been gone for so long.

"Don't walk too fast Zavi, I can't keep up" said Lia as Zavi slowed his pace.

"And hold my hand" said Lia as she demanded and all Zavi did was sigh as he moved back and he held Lia's hand, he was starting to think that maybe she should have stayed with her Grandmother longer.

"Better" said Lia as she smiled happily, she would be happy as long as she always got her way.

"Hello Grandmother" said Dom as he walked into the kitchen through the backdoor as the others followed after him.

"Hello my boy" said Mary as she smiled and she bent down so Dom could give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello Grandmother" said Natasha as she smiled and she waved.

"Hello Natasha" said Mary as she smiled.

"Grandmother, Hello" said Lia as she smiled.

"Oh Cecilia, how are you?" asked Mary as she smiled

"Very good Grandmother" said Lia as she smiled.

"That's good dear" said Mary as she smiled.

"So how was going to visit your Grandmother?" asked Mary as she smiled and she walked to the oven and she switched it off and she wore her oven mitts as she removed her last batch of cookies from the oven.

"It was very good Grandmother, my granny was very fun, and she made me a sweater, and she gave me lots of sweets" said Lia as she giggled.

"That's very nice dear" said Mary as she smiled and she looked at Lia.

"Who wants cookies?" asked Mary as she smiled.

"I do!!" said all the children almost at the same time and that made Mary laugh, nothing made her happier than seeing smiles on children's faces.

"Well you are just in luck, I made all your favourite cookies" said Mary as she smiled.

"Which remind me Cecilia, your mother asked me to make her a peach cobbler, is she at home right now?" asked Mary as she looked at Lia.

"Yes she is" said Lia as she smiled.

"Alright dear, I will tell Alfred to deliver her peach cobbler" said Mary as she smiled and she took some plates as she put three cookies of the same flavour on each of them.

"You cookies my children" said Mary as she smiled and she gave them their plate of cookies.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Dom as he smiled.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Michael with a smile.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Charlie as he was grinning like an ape and Mary laughed helplessly at him.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled and Mary smiled at her.

"For you my love" said Mary as she smiled at Zavi.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Zavi.

"And for you my dear, I made your favourite" said Mary as she looked at Lia.

"Vanilla white chocolate chip cookies" said Mary as she smiled.

"A sweet flavour for a sweet girl, who loves her friends so much" said Mary as she smiled and Lia smiled.

"But just be careful dear, because too much sweetness can cause you to have a tummy ache later on, and when you do, all the sweetness will be forgotten" said Mary as she smiled.

"I won't get a tummy ache grandmother" said Lia as she laughed.

"I know you won't dear" said Mary as she smiled.

"Well enjoy your cookies my lovelies" said Mary as she smiled, she just loved feeding children, they were just wonderful, pure souls.

"Alfred" called Mary as she walked to the kitchen sink.

"Yes Madam Mary" said Alfred as he replied and he walked into the kitchen.

"You called for me?" asked Alfred.

"Yes I did Alfred, can you please help me deliver the Peach Cobbler I made to Mrs. Thomas?" asked Mary as she looked at Alfred.

"Of course Madam, I will do so right away" said Alfred as he nodded his head.

"Thank you Alfred, it's in the fridge" said Mary as she smiled.

"Alright Madam, I will be right back" said Alfred as he smiled and he took the cobbler from the fridge.

"Thank you Alfred, and please be quick, I need you and Ernest Jr to move the red couch in my bedroom to my knitting room" said Mary as she smiled.

"Alright Madam, I will be quick" said Alfred as he smiled and Mary smiled happily at him.

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