
Go tomorrow

The next morning.

Natasha yawned as she woke up and she opened her eyes, she turned to look at the electric clock on her bedside table, and the time read 7:40am, Natasha frowned, she did not know how she could have slept for so long? It was almost eight o' clock.

If Joy was going to school today, they would have been very late, beyond late.

Natasha lazily got out of bed as she rubbed her eyes, she had slept for such a long time, but she still felt tired, she wondered why.

Natasha walked into her bathroom as she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as her hair was all scattered around her face, she would have to fix that soon, she wondered in her baby was awake by now, that was highly probable since Joy had went to bed early yesterday.

Natasha walked down the stairs as she yawned once more, and she was on her way to the kitchen when she stopped right in her tracks as she heard delightful giggles coming from the living room, and she immediately know who they belonged to.

"Daddy, you look silly, you don't butter bread like that" said Joy as she giggled and she looked at Dom.

"You think so my princess?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Mhmm" said Joy as she giggled.

"You butter bread like this" said Joy as she took the piece of bread from her father and she showed him how to properly butter it.

"Ahh, I see" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yes Daddy" said Joy as she nodded her head and she turned to look at the dining room door when it opened.

"Mommy!!" said Joy cheerfully as she giggled and she placed the bread down on the plate as she got down from the dining chair and she rushed to hug her mother.

"Good Morning my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she picked up Joy.

"Good Morning Mommy" said Joy as she smiled.

"You are already having breakfast?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes Mommy, you were still sleeping" said Joy.

"Well yes my baby, I was tired, but not anymore" said Natasha as she tickled Joy and Joy giggled as she went to sit down on her side of the dining table and she put Joy down as Joy sat down beside her.

"Good Morning" said Dom with a smile as he looked at Natasha.

"Hmm Morning" replied Natasha as she wondered why he was here.

"You aren't going to work today?" asked Natasha out of curiosity, it was Monday after all, and Dom was not one to skip off work, even if he was the CEO.

"No I'm not, I will go tomorrow" said Dom.

"I see" said Natasha as Joy watched her parents talk as her eyes moved from her Father to her Mother, their conversation was well… stale.

"So what are you having for breakfast my baby?" asked Natasha as she looked at Joy and she smiled.

"I have eggs mommy, but Daddy was being silly and he was buttering his bread the wrong way" said Joy as she laughed.

"I see my baby" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Mommy do you want some eggs?" asked Joy as she looked at her mother.

"No thank you my baby, I will just have some sconces" said Natasha as she smiled and she poured herself a cup of tea.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as she giggled and Natasha smiled as she took a sip of her tea.

"Daddy, when is Alfred coming back?" asked Joy as she turned to look at her Father as he was drinking some coffee.

"Well my Princess, he should be back tomorrow, your Grandpappy asked him to do some things" said Dom.

"Okay Daddy" said Joy as she smiled, she missed Alfred, she wanted to see him, her was her third best friend, after her mommy, and then her daddy, then it was Alfred, and then Clarita, Leon and Prince.

"Daddy, when am I going back to school?" asked Joy as she missed seeing her friends as well.

"Well my princess, your school is on a one week break, you will go to school next Monday" said Dom as he smiled.

"Okay Daddy" said Joy as she nodded her head and Natasha smiled, her little baby always had so many questions, to think that her baby was learning to be more independent, it made her happy, but it also broke her heart, that her baby would not need her anymore.

"Mommy, I am full can I be excused?" asked Joy as she looked at her mother.

"Of course you can darling" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Okay, thank you mommy, I am going to my room" said Joy as she giggled and she stood up on the dining chair as she gave her mother a kiss on the cheek which made Natasha smile.

"Hey what about me?" asked Dom as Joy giggled and she got down from the dining chair and she walked as Dom lowered his head and she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"There" said Joy as she giggled.

"That's better" said Dom as he smiled and Joy giggled as she ran out of the dining room and Dom and Natasha both smiled as Natasha cleared her throat and she realized that she and Dom were alone in the dining room.

"So…" said Dom as he cleared his throat and Natasha sipped her tea.

"I ordered the cake, it should be here by 10am" said Dom.

"Which cake?" asked Natasha as she looked at Dom in confusion.

"The make up cake you suggested yesterday" said Dom.

"Ah.. I see" said Natasha as she finally remembered, she did not know where her mind had been lately.

"Yes" said Dom.

"Which flavour is it?" asked Natasha.

"Vanilla" replied Dom as he knew that Joy loved vanilla cake.

"I see" said Natasha as Dom ate a piece of the chocolate cake his mother had made for them.

"You won't eat anything?" asked Dom as he noticed that Natasha had not eaten at all.

"I'm not hungry" replied Natasha plainly, she did not know why, but she just felt so tired, and in a mood, she was sure that her period would be on its way soon, that would explain her moodiness.

"Alright" said Dom.

"I'm going to the kitchen" said Natasha as she stood up, she did not know why she even felt like she had to tell him where she was going.

"Alright" said Dom as Natasha walked away, he wanted to talk to her, but at the same moment that he wanted to speak Michael's words flashed in his head, Michael was right.

"Now is not the time" said Dom to himself as he sighed, he did not think that Natasha was in the mood to listen to him.

"Oh, Good Morning Madam" said Amalia as she smiled and she saw Natasha walk into the kitchen.

"Good Morning Amalia" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Do you need anything Madam?" asked Amalia as she smiled.

"Ahh, yes, do you know if we have some painkillers?" asked Natasha.

"Yes Madam, they are right over here" said Amalia as she walked to the cupboard and she opened it as she handed Natasha a bottle of painkillers.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled and Amalia smiled.

"Are you the only one on duty?" asked Natasha as she looked at Amalia.

"Well Yes Madam, I am" said Amalia as she nodded her head.

"I see" said Natasha.

"Where are the other staff?" asked Natasha as she poured herself a glass of water.

"Ah…well I do not know, since you and the Boss as well as the Young Miss were not at home, Alfred sent most of the staff home, and well Mason was transferred to work at the office, while Lexi took a two week break to go and visit her parents" said Amalia as she explained.

"And you did not take leave as well?" asked Natasha as she drank took two pills and she drank water.

"Well no Madam, I recently took my leave three weeks ago" said Amalia as she replied and she took the glass from Natasha.

"I see" said Natasha as she smiled and Amalia smiled at her.

"Well thank you for the painkillers, let me leave you to work" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked out of the kitchen as she walked back into the dining room, Dom was still there.

"The delivery man just called me" said Dom as he put his phone on the dining table.

"Hmm" said Natasha.

"Do you want to surprise Joy or?" asked Dom.

"Let's surprise her, I am sure she will be very excited" said Natasha as she smiled and she drank the rest of her tea.

"Alright then" said Dom as Natasha poured herself some more tea and she took the teacup with her as she walked out of the dining room.

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