
First day at school

As Joy walked into the school, she turned briefly to look at her parents and she smiled as they waved back at her with smiles on their faces, she was very happy that they were both here to see her off.

Joy walked into the school and she could no longer see her parents again, with her pink backpack on her bag, she looked around in the now crowded school, she had came here with her parents on Friday, this place was very empty, but now it was not.

Joy did not know where she should have gone, she did not know anywhere here at all, and just to her luck, a woman who looked like she was a teacher came and she bent down beside Joy.

"Hello Sweetie" said the woman as she smiled sweetly at Joy.

"Hello" said Joy as she smiled at the woman.

"Are you lost?" asked the woman.

"Yes" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"I don't know the way to my class" said Joy.

"Oh well, let's fix that sweetie" said the woman as she smiled.

"Which class are you in?" she asked.

"I'm in kindergarten" said Joy as she nodded her head, that was which class her mother said that she was in.

"Alright, then follow me" said the woman as she stood up and she held Joy's hand.

"Okay" said Joy as she held the woman's hand and they began to walk.

"What's you name sweetie?" asked the woman as she looked down at Joy and she smiled.

"Joy Mary White" said Joy as she looked up at the lady who was smiling very sweetly at her.

"Well Joy, my name is Lindy" said the woman named Lindy as she smiled, she had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello Miss Lindy, it is nice to meet you" said Joy as she smiled.

"It is nice to meet you too Joy" said Lindy as she smiled, she had never met a child as polite and outspoken as Joy was in all her years of working in his school, Joy did not even seem scared at all and Lindy was impressed, most children would be crying since their parents were not allowed to enter the school with them due to some valid reasons.

"Well Joy, this is your class" said Lindy as she and Joy stopped in front of a door.

"It says class K1" said Lindy as she pointed to the side of the door where a sign was pasted there.

"Which stands for class kindergarten one okay" said Lindy

"Okay" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Great, let's go" said Lindy as she opened the door and she smiled at Joy.

"Miss, I think I found your new student" said Lindy as she walked into the classroom and she smiled as another black haired woman with brown eyes turned to look at her.

"Oh is that so?" asked the woman as she looked down at Joy.

"Hello sweetie" she said as she waved to Joy.

"Hello" said Joy as she waved back at the woman.

"What is her name?" asked the woman as she smiled.

"She said that her name is Joy Mary White" said Lindy as she smiled.

"Oh, well she is our new student" said the woman as she ticked a name in her file and she turned back to look at them as she smiled.

"Well welcome to our class Joy" said the woman as she smiled.

"My name is Miss Lolly, and I am your teacher" said the woman as she smiled.

"Hello Miss Lolly" said Joy as she giggled, Miss Lolly's name reminded her of a lollipop.

"Hello" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"So let me take your bag" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"Okay" said Joy as Lindy stopped holding her hand, and Joy removed her schoolbag and she gave it to Miss Lolly, and Miss Lolly took the bag and hung it on an area on the wall that was purposely made for hanging the children's bags, Joy could see other children's bags there too.

"So you can go and sit down right there Joy" said Miss Lolly as she smiled and she pointed to a yellow table where Joy could see some other children sitting around the table.

"Okay" said Joy.

"Goodbye Miss Lindy" said Joy as she waved at Lindy.

"Goodbye Sweetie" said Lindy as she waved at Joy and Joy went to go and sit down.

"Oh Miss Lolly, that girl is a true sweetheart" said Lindy as she smiled and she looked at Miss Lolly.

"Oh well I can see that, it seems that I have a new star in my class this term" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"You sure do" said Lindy as she laughed.

"Well I need to get back to the front door now, I will see you at break time" said Lindy.

"Alright then, see you Lindy" said Miss Lolly as she smiled and Lindy left the classroom.

"Hello my name is Joy, can I sit here??" asked Joy as she saw three other children sitting at the yellow table.

"Of course you can" came the voice of a little girl on the table, she looked like she was about the same age as Joy.

"Thank you" said Joy as she sat down next to the girl.

"My name is Clarita" said the girl as she smiled, she had brown hair and brown eyes and her hair was tied In a ponytail, and she wore the same uniform as Joy.

"Hello Clarita" said Joy as she smiled.

"This is Prince and that is Leon" said Clarita as she pointed at the two boys were sitting on the table along with them.

"Hello" said the boys as they waved at Joy.

"Hello" said Joy as she waved back at them, the boys both had black hair and brown eyes, and their school uniform consisted of a plain white school shirt, and grey plaid pants.

"Your name is Prince, so are you a prince??" asked Joy as she looked at the boy named Prince.

"Yes I am a prince, because that is my name" said Prince as he smiled.

"No you are not Prince" said Leon as he shook his head.

"Hey, I have never seen you here before" said Clarita as she looked at Joy.

"That is because I only started school now" said Joy.

"Today is my first day of school" said Joy.

"Really??" asked Clarita with shock and Joy nodded.

"Wow, you are really strong, you are not even crying at all" said Leon as he looked shocked.

"My mommy says that I should never cry" said Joy.

"Wow your mommy sounds very cool" said Prince.

"Yes she is" said Joy as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"So what will we do?" asked Joy as she did not know what was going to happen next.

"Well we are waiting for all the students to arrive, and then we go for the assembly, before we go back to class, and then we have break time where we eat, and then after that we go outside to play and then we come back inside, and we world again then we can go home" said Clarita as she explained to Joy.

"Oooh" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Clarita, can you please come here, and give everyone the building blocks?" asked Miss Lolly from the end of the classroom.

"Okay Miss Lolly" said Clarita as she got down from her sit and she walked to Miss Lolly's desk as she took the blocks and placed them on all the tables and she placed the last one on her own table.

"Guys let's play with the blocks" said Clarita as she smiled and she opened the blocks.

"Okay" said Joy as she smiled.

"Are we friends now?" asked Joy as she looked at Clarita, Prince and Leon.

"Of course we are friends" said Clarita as she smiled.

"Sure we are" said Prince and Leon at the same time.

"Yayyy" said Joy as she smiled, she had new friends now.

After the Assembly it was back to the class.

"Alright Everyone, we have a new student with us, her name is Joy" said Miss Lolly as she stood in front of her desk and everyone listened to her.

"Let us all clap for her as we welcome her" said Miss Lolly as she smiled and all the children clapped and Clarita smiled at Joy.

"Alright everyone, today is Monday, so we are going to write in our workbook today, we are still on the Alphabet" said Miss Lolly as she walked around the room and she handed everyone their workbooks.

"Joy here is yours" said Miss Lolly as she smiled at Joy and she gave her workbook to her.

"Thank you Miss Lolly" said Joy as she smiled.

"Alright, so do you know how to hold your pencil?" asked Miss Lolly

"Yes I do Miss Lolly" said Joy as she smiled.

"That's good, now we are going to trace the letter A, can you do that?" asked Miss Lolly.

"Yes I can Miss Lolly" said Joy as she opened her workbook, and she held a pencil in her hand as she traced the letter A.

"Good" said Miss Lolly as she was impressed, it was not like today was Joy's first day at all.

"Clarita, if Joy needs help, you can help her okay" said Miss Lolly.

"Yes Miss Lolly" said Clarita as she smiled, and she wrote in her own workbook, she was on letter R.

"Looks like we have another smart girl on our table" said Prince as he laughed.

"Prince, no talking, write your work" said Miss Lolly as she warned Prince.

"Yes Miss Lolly" said Prince as he nodded his head.

"Good" said Miss Lolly as she moved to another table.

After an hour of writing, it was now 10am, which meant that it was break time now.

"Alright children, come and hand me your workbooks, and go and wash your hands in the bathroom" said Miss Lolly.

"Yes Miss Lolly" said the children as they stood up from their tables and they walked to Miss Lolly's desk and they gave her their workbooks and they walked to the bathroom that was at the far corner of the classroom to wash their hands.

Miss Lolly quickly brought down all their bags and she walked to help them wash their hands.

"What do you have for lunch Joy?" asked Clarita as she looked at Joy.

"My mommy made me a chicken sandwich" said Joy as she smiled, and she also had a juice box of grape Juice.

"Ooh that is very nice, I have a jam sandwich" said Clarita.

"I have a peanut butter sandwich" said Prince.

"I have a blueberry jam sandwich" said Leon.

"No talking while eating children" said Miss Lolly as she walked around the classroom and the children went quiet as they ate their food.

"I am going to go on the swing" said Clarita as she ran outside with the other children.

"Okay" said Joy as she followed after Clarita.

Joy was looking around when she caught sight of someone very familiar.

"Hello Ethan" said Joy as she smiled and she waved to Ethan who was walking by.

"Joy??" asked Ethan as he saw Joy, he could not believe who he was seeing.

"Do you know him Joy?" asked Leon as he wondered why Joy knew one of the big kids.

"Yes he's my friend" said Joy as she smiled.

"No I am not, I am not talking to you Joy, you got me in trouble last time" said Ethan as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry" said Joy as she looked very sad, she was about to cry.

"*Sigh*" said Ethan as he sighed and he shook his head.

"Don't cry, we are still friends" said Ethan.

"Really??" asked Joy.

"Of course" said Ethan.

"So will you play with us Ethan?" asked Joy.

"Well No, not now, I have to go somewhere, I will see you later" said Ethan as he ran away.

"Okay Bye Ethan" said Joy as she smiled and she waved at him.

"He's weird" said Prince.

"Right??" said Clarita as she was on the swings.

After Breaktime it was 11am, and they were back to class for one more hour of work, before it was time to go home.

"Alright children, colour in your colouring books" said Miss Lolly as she handed the children their colouring books.

"And please be quiet, the toddlers in the nursery are sleeping" said Miss Lolly.

"Okay Miss Lolly" said the children.

"I am going to colour this bat" said Prince as he whispered and he took a crayon.

"I am colouring this car" said Leon as he took a blue crayon.

"What will you colour Joy?" asked Clarita.

"I will colour this bed" said Joy.

"Okay let's colour it together" said Clarita as she turned the pages in her colouring book to the one Joy was on.

"Okay" said Joy as she smiled.

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