
Finding Answers

It was quiet when he opened his eyes in the dark. It was just another day of his cursed life. He lay still and stared at the ceiling, he always found the moment that he opened his eyes as something magical.

The way his body found its own rhythm, waking up on its own once the moon took its place in the night sky without any probing from him. His mind is always blank and he remembered his mother calling it being reborn. It was aptly put since they were dead and waking up each night was being alive once again.

'Mother,' he blinked his eyes. He had no idea where his mother was. There was a party when he fed on Fleur's poisoned blood.

'Poisoned blood?' He jerked up from the cold flat stone bed that he was using inside the crevice of the basement that also served as Iris's bedroom. He got up agitated. Why didn't he think of it before? Was she killed on that night too? When he drank the poisoned blood of Fleur, he slept for years because he was undead, however, Fleur was a mortal. She would die in every sense of the word if she took some poison that put him to sleep for a hundred years.

An unexplainable rage rose in his chest and he grabbed the first thing his hand reached and threw it on the ground, shattering it into dust. And he did it again and again until he was panting with anger towards his own father.

Meanwhile, on the first floor, they first heard the growl followed by a loud bang of something that got broken, and to their surprise, they could swear the house trembled a little.

"What was that? What did you do to make him angry?"

Monette was the first one to open her mouth and she directed her vile words toward Iris who flinched as if she was physically attacked.

"I didn't do anything," she replied in a small voice. Monette had been giving her a strange look and she seemed to be more annoyed at her than usual.

"Let's try not to get on the bad side of that…" He pointed in the direction of the basement where more things were being broken. They had decided not to call their master a vampire because they don't want to get used to it and accidentally call him that in the company of other people.

"Let's just introduce him as a son of a family friend," Monette suggested with a gleam in her eyes.

Iris rolled her eyes inwardly. She knew why Monette wanted the annoying vampire to be introduced as a son of a family friend. She didn't have to be popular and pretty to know her motive. Monette happened to have a huge crush on that vampire that was treating her as his staple food—her blood, but it was basically the same thing.

She shoved more food in her mouth when he remembered the harsh words that he told her after drinking her blood.

"You're disgusting!"

Iris looked up from her plate but didn't stop eating as she turned her head to face Monette who had a disgusting look on her face, watching her eat like a pig.

"That son of a family friend that is currently breaking everything in the basement, told me last night that I should eat more because I am stick and bones and he wanted to drink more of my blood."

Monette grimaced in disgust. "He drinks your blood," she said in a whisper, her eyes as big as a dinner plate.

She scoffed. Shoving another slice of pork chop in her mouth and deliberately chewed it with much gusto which annoyed Monette more. "What do you expect? He's a vampire and my blood is his meal." She put another slice of meat in her mouth and while chewing loudly, she asked, "Do you want him to feed on you instead?"

"Shut it!"

Theo snapped at her two daughters who would not stop bickering at the table.

Monette and Iris stopped bantering at once but they continued glaring at each other.

"We should do what he requires of us. You must not forget that he owned this house and…" He looked at his wife meaningfully before continuing, "...other things."

"He was dead for so many years! Why does he still own us…or our family?"

"Shut up, Monette!" Theo angrily glared at his daughter and he clamored to stand up for he saw the man that they were talking about was climbing the stairs.

"Milord," he said, bowing respectfully to the man who had a terrible expression on his face.

"Your blood tastes like shit." He sneered at Monette who cowered and lowered her head in shame and fear.

"Milord, Iris is eating well…she…" Minerva stammered, trying to protect her daughter.

Calixto scoffed and his eyes sought Iris who had her eyes lowered on her plate, overflowing with food.

"Stand up!"

Iris choked on her food but she tried to act natural even when her knees trembled in fear when she heard the anger in the annoying vampire's words. She slowly lifted her head, put down her knife and fork, and wiped the corners of her mouth.

She stood up and waited in silence for whatever the annoying vampire was going to say.

"I need you in the basement." He glared at the rest of the people at the table before he turned on his heels and headed back down the basement.

"Go!" Theo hissed at Iris who stood motionless.

Monette clicked her tongue. "You should be thankful that you're useful. You won't be disposed!"

Iris blinked her eyes and what Monette said startled her from her thoughts. She quickly followed the annoying vampire and was surprised to find the hole in the wall tripled. A crease appeared between her brows and her questioning eyes landed on the annoying vampire's face.

"Don't mind it. Go, open the machine."

"Machine?" The crease between her brows deepened. When the vampire nodded over her desk, she understood that he was talking about her desktop computer. "Why?"

"I need you to find out what happened to my mother."

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