

He went to her room. And asked the nurse what went wrong

Nurse spike softly "she can still talk but she lost her quirk. she had a special area in her throat to ignite her spit in a way to make flames but since it was closed up she cant use it."

"What about the rest of her quirk? Like her hands?" He asked

The nurse looked at her through the window "we would have to wait for her to wake up and ask her to test it out"

"Is she awake?" He asked

The nurse shook her head "she's still asleep she just just got out of surgery so it will take some time until you can see her. you know after you left i heard her crying to herself. saying that she was an idiot for pushing you away. you two must be really close"

"We are, she's my best friend's little sister" he said to her. "And we have feelings for each other but I can't act on them yet"

"or you do want to act on them but your scared of the consequences which is understandable but for a girl like her having her brother barely spend time with her or talk to her anymore she's relying onnyou to fill that void." The nurse said "trust me i should know my parents divorced and i missed my dad so much but then i met my girlfriend and i never been happier"

"She's still a student in highschool where as I'm and adult whose been graduated for a couple years. Plus I'm going to be a teacher at that highschool next school year" he said

"and she'll be an adult as well wont she?.....ill tell you when she wakes up" they walked away going back to work then after a couple of hours go by Mizuki slowly wake up looking around rubbing her eyes a bit.

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