
Dragoon Piping 6

It was utterly amazing to Yarden, how his new abilities and the knowledge on how to manipulate deep lake of mana within him, became utterly second nature the second he landed in this world.

Aqua, did good work. But, should he say, as expected from that divine booty?

When he reached just twenty feet away from the giant toads just minding their own business like respectable citizens, the evil dragon Yarden inhaled a deep breath, his chest puffing up, before unleashing all the air in his lungs.

Alongside a large, searing red hot torrent of flame that burned through the air like a raging bullet of wildfire.

It slammed into one of the poor poor unsuspecting toads, drawing a shriek of agony and pain from it, before the flames swept over it like a wave. Its two equally slimy green companions gave startled jumps at the noise their beloved Toady Toad Greenson made and attempted to leap away to safety, but it was too late.

The wave of flame spread out over the hill like a monstrously hot tsunami and swept over them just like the first, and a moment later, their shrieking agony filled death wails echoed out throughout the grassy plains.

When Yarden finally cut the flames off and allowed them to dissipate, all that remained were three horribly charred huge toad corpses.

"Oh yeah," the Scottish teenager and now pyromaniac hissed with pleasure as a familiar rush of strength filled him just like from earlier and felt the lake of mana deep within him expand to ever deeper depths, and basked in it all and his horrible brutal murder of some innocent toads, "I love the smell of the French in the morning."

Though he much preferred the smell of some wet French vajay-jays to their weird food choices.

After a moment of admiring his handiwork, Yarden reached into his pocket and pulled out his adventurers card.

[Name: Yarden Odhar]

[Age: 15]

[Occupation: Dragoon]

[Level: 5]

[Skill Points: 20]

As he stared at his level, he couldn't but guffaw, 'Yeah, that chick is completely full of shit.' he basically took a stroll and breathed in the direction of three monsters just right outside the city, and jumped to level five.

Yet she claimed level twenty was a high level? Sure, his cheat dragon core made it so he apparently 'grew' faster, but still.

"Hmm?" Yarden raised his eyebrows when he noticed something else. Well, beyond the growth in his stats that had increased overall by around thirty percent or more.

Before, when he obtained the card, there was a section called [Obtainable Skills], but underneath it had been blank.

Now though, there were four additions that weren't there before. "Cool." he smirked.

[Toad Leap - 1 Skill Point]

[Extendable Tongue - 1 Skill Point]

[Slime Excretion - 1 Skill Point]

[Night Vision - 1 Skill Point]

'Wait, Luna never said anything about being able to learn monster skills before though?' Yarden's brows furrowed in thought. Then again, she only mention skills and abilities in general, from any 'class'. Were monster species treated as classes then?

Man, Dragoon had to be the best class ever huh? At least for him and his cheat ability. Adventurer class it looked like, was basically a Blue-Mage build from RPG games, and Dragoon was basically a super evolved form of that.

Quite different from the Dragoon classes in games back home, but Yarden wasn't complaining. And he didn't know how much these skills would cost normally, but for him, they only cost the one because of his advanced class.

And all of these looked amazing! Well, not really slime excretion and extendable tongue, but he could think of some very fun ways to use that.

His eyes briefly flickered to the blonde knight thirty feet away just standing where he left her.

"Besides, it looks like I get two skill points on levelling up anyway." Yarden grinned.

Bringing his finger to the card, he pressed on the skills one by one as Luna had taught him and a moment later, a rush of knowledge filled his mind pertaining to his knew skills, quite like what happened when Aqua gave him his dragon abilities and dropped him here in the first place.

Also, what kind of Dragoon class didn't have a jump based skill anyway? Thankfully, he'd now rectified that.

Done with that, he stashed the card back in his pocket and looked around. Yet, beyond the three cooked amphibian boys dead and gone smoking the joint up on the hill in front of him, he saw no toads in the distance.

…Didn't Luna say this place was jampacked with them?

His eyes flickered to his blonde 'companion' again and he shrugged, making his way back over to her.

"H-how brutal," Darkness gulped when he reached her, staring wide eyed and flushed face at him, why was she flushed now!? "And I thought you said you were only a beginner? What kind of beginner has power like that, to so easily kill Giant Toads?"

"Don't compare me to the scrubs you're used to dealing with," he shrugged, "I didn't lie. I was level one until just a minute ago, now I'm level five."

"L-level five!?" she sputtered, "How!?"

"I'm just better than the rest." Yarden replied completely truthfully, "I'm built different, but enough about how amazing I am Darkness, where the hell are all the toads? The fat tittied blonde in the guild said this place was teeming with them."

"F-fat tittied blonde?" Darkness repeated, mouth going agape.

"Yes, fat tittied blonde, I mean have you seen those udders?" he snorted, waving her affront off, "Now the toads, Darkness? I've got shit I want to accomplish before it gets dark."

Darkness shook her head and composed herself, "..They'll be around the farms or in those forests," she pointed between multiple forests across going in different directions across the plains, "The toads only stop hibernating to find food then get back to it, though I'm sure some will be attracted by those carcasses there."

Huh, so all he needed to do then, was wait for them to come to him? "Good to know," Yarden nodded, before grabbing Darkness around the arm and tugging her along with him as he began making his way to the closest forest, "Come on, let's go sit out of sight until until some come along." specifically, he was heading towards one not far off from the tree giant toad corpses.

"…So rough and demanding!" Darkness throatily moaned and he felt her arm shake a bit in his grasp.

Yarden blinked, '…No way,' he denied the first thought that came to mind, but..it kind of fit, '..Is she into being treated like this?'

Was she a fucking masochist?!

It couldn't be, right?

But here she was, a literal knight class lady letting a teenager drag her around as he pleased.

This…this needed further testing.

If you're interested in my stuff. You can see it a bit early on Pa---atron. There's a link in an yof my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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