
People Are Just Too Horny [5]


I would have answered the tall lady's question like a pushover, but I was different now.

I wasn't stronger than the high elf lady, oh dearie no. Just from my eyes, I could sense how dense and tall her mana pool was, unlike her height.

But, how could I be scared of a race belonging to a being who I'm dearly in love with. But seriously, this high elf lady is really short.

"You just made fun of my height, didn't you?"


I immediately shook my head. "No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did," The high elf lady was shaking. "You incorrigible, rude fool. You and your species know nothing but debauchery. Listen carefully, wench!"

The 'high' elf lady proceeded to throw her hand out to the side, whipping her red-golden cape back in a manner of utmost haughtiness.

"I am the unchaperoned, the single one, the future seeker of knowledge, Fayeth Shorh!"

I tried my best not to let out a chortle at her last name. Her parents knew what they were doing by giving her such a wonderful last name. And, the future seeker of knowledge? From my knowledge of the game, I don't remember any short, high elf being a seeker of knowledge.

"You would do well to remember my name," Fayeth said, flipping her silver hair back.

"Wow," I deadpanned, giving her an applause. She seemed to like it since her lips curled into an arrogant smile. Oh wow, I don't like her already. Aegis, my pegasi snorted in derision which brought Miss Fayeth back to reality.

"I almost forgot. How did you stumble upon a pegasi?" Fayeth asked with greed in her eyes. "And how on earth did a mere human manage to tame it?"

For some reason, Fayeth seemed like an absolutely fun person to tease. I remember, I had a friend like Fayeth, always boisterous and loud, always giving the best reactions. Oh, how I miss my little doggo.

My mind conjured up ways to mess with her. Ah, I got it.

"It's a gift from the goddess of the moon," I decided to just be blunt with it.

As expected, she didn't believe it.

Fayeth burst in laughter. "From the great silver one? Please, don't jest with such ambition, little human."

Little human? I was a whole foot taller than her, and I wasn't even that tall! I watched the little elf slowly come down from her laughter, before shaking her head at the last of her giggles.

"Oh, it's true," I replied. "Would you like to check it for yourself?"

Fayeth's expression immediately switched from laughter to anger. Her eyes glowed with magic and power but her and all mana felt like home to me. I frowned in loneliness.

"If I find you to lie, you won't be happy with the consequences," Fayeth told me, her voice empowered by her magic. "Be careful with your next words."

I simply smiled, and waved her to my lovely pegasi. "Go ahead. If memory serves correctly, anything your goddess touches and wills, it will have her mana signature."

The only reason I wasn't glimmering with the moon goddess's mana was because I had my own divinity, only that it was asleep. Last time I checked, a god couldn't be marked with another god's divinity. Otherwise, there would be a war of the gods, a war for the one true god.


Jesus, even the way she walked was arrogant. I wonder if being short her entire life in a race full of towering people had something to do with it. After all, she has to make her presence known somehow.

As Fayeth approached my lovely pegasi, Aegis raised it's head warily, inspecting if this new person frothing at her mouth was someone to be kicked nine ways to hell. I whistled low at Aegis, and it went back to eating grass.

"Hehehe," Fayeth finally got close enough to my flying steed. I saw the maniacal curiosity that plagued my lover's descendants and wondered if letting such perversion touch my Aegis was worth the prank.

A soft magical glow from Fayeth's eyes and she suddenly stopped giggling like a perverted, old man and froze. Not even a single muscle in her body moved.

"He's a good gift, isn't he?" I decided to rub salt in the wound. She turned around to me with color drained from her face, which was awesome to see since all the high elves were naturally pale already.

"Oh, I wonder what the Great Silver One will think about a little elf doubting her gifts and therefore, her words," I shook my head. Even if I tried, I couldn't stop the nasty smirk from spreading across my face.

I shook my head even more, now walking towards her. When I got close enough to her that my lips were near her ears, I whispered, "I heard it's considered. . .blasphemy."


Fayeth's body turned even smaller as she dropped down onto her knees, face kissing the grass that Aegis was lazily munching on. Oh, I was trying so hard to stop myself from giggling that annoying giggle the haughty, little elf did.

"I-I-I apologize for my mistake. I-I didn't re-realize that someone of such stature was in such a remot-"

"Either way, you doubted the Great Silver One's gift and my words, didn't you?" I said, with a sadistic grin on my face. It felt absolutely wonderful to see her body practically shrinking onto itself.

"You even threatened me, didn't you? Oh, what was it that you said?" I snapped my fingers in mock-derision. "Ah, I remember now. You said, 'If I find you to lie, you won't be happy with the consequences.'"

Fayeth shrinked even smaller than she already was.

I rubbed my chin mockingly. "Now I may be wrong, but if I remember correctly, wasn't the punishment for such treachery towards the moon goddess punishable by death?"

Fayeth started trembling like a little leaf.

"So, what do you think I should do, little elf?"

"I-I don't believe I shoul-"

"Oh, but isn't it true that you did threaten me?" I told her. "Or, was I simply mistaken? Are you accusing me of lying now?"

Don't laugh. Hold it in.

"No, no, I was simpl-simply just say-saying that-"

"I think you've erred too much to be forgiven," I was going to burst into laughter. No, hold it in! "What do you th-Puhahaha! Oh, I can't do it, I can't do it anymore!"

I fell on the grass, kicking my feet out as I held my stomach in laughter. "You should have seen the look on your face!"

". . .Huh?"

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