
Chapter 12: Training (2)

~Third POV~

Later on the time after defeating a Grimm Ursai raising Albus Exp from 55% to 75%, he began to grind on his skills to further raise their levels as best as he could. And when he wasn't he was busy working on his body or increasing his knowledge.

By working on his body for the past few hours he was hoping that he could at least raise one of his stats as he provided himself shamelessly the Saitama training method. Ironic he already knew but was effective.

The One Punch Man workout comes from the manga and subsequent anime series of the same name. ... Saitama claims to have developed his strength by following the One Punch Man workout, which consists of 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run.

To be able to do this every single day for years is practically impossible for the normal man as it rips the muscle fibers with too little to no time at all for them to recover with the Saitama schedule destroying the muscle fibers of the body over and over.

Albus recalls this from the Death Battle show when Popeye the Sailorman faced off against Saitama as he already knew it would be hard but it would help him raise his stats at the moment. Even if it would become useless at the end of the day when it reached the point he couldn't raise it by training alone.

As Albus was doing some pushups again by another set the girls finally arrived carrying their wonderful dog Zwei they see Albus doing some pushups as Ruby spoke, "Hey Albus! Meet our dog Zwei the cutest little corgi on Remnant! Isn't that right little guy yes you are yes you are Zwei."

Raising his eyebrow at this Yang laughs slightly at the scene as she views his body while replying to him and apologizes for Ruby's affections, "Hahaha…. Sorry about that. That's how Ruby is with Zwei so… how many pushups have you been doing so far?"

Laughing slightly at the question given Albus began replying to Yang as he continues his focus raising his stats as he replied, "Hohoho. Pretty good all things considering. I think I'm about 104 pushups in. I'm aiming for 1000 to increase my body strength you know. Although your eyes do betray you glancing at my body."

Yang shrugs with a shit-eating grin on her face as she asked Albus does he need some water as she sees him sweat a bit, "Guilty as charged handsomely. But anyway though you need some water? You must have been busy for quite a while now right?"

Shaking his head Albus casually shrugged at her while smirking using his new skill of Umbra-Telekinesis surprising the girls as their eyes widen, "No need. I recently created a new skill using my <Telekinesis>. Controlling my shadow here and controlling some light there and I get the ability to control light and darkness."

Ruby's eyes widen as she lets go of Zwei as he whimpers from the fall as Ruby looks at the shadowy hand appear and Albus drinks the water as she admired this, "Whoa! That's so cool- wait I thought your semblance was that of The Gamer? How did you get this ability?"

Finishing the small tap of his water he briefly explained to Ruby and Yang how he obtained this power as he explained to them, "Actually its thanks to my Goodwitch Bloodline. At least according to my powers. Since I awakened my aura it notified me that I have the ability to use it because of my being related to Goodwitch. You know the nice lady lecturing us miss Rose?"

Ruby flinched at this remembering the interrogation room and harsh words of Glynda as Yang blankly looks at Albus with a blank voice, "Ok that is complete bullshit now. Not only that but you're Gamer powers literally gave you the ability to have more than one skill. Most people in Remnant only have one Semblance and you have basically four from just one?"

Albus agreed to this as he playfully smirks at her as he responds while Zwei was casually climbing up on his back adding more weight, "I agree. My powers are indeed unfair. Especially my growth rate if given time I could probably become someone great in the future. But for now, everyone has to start somewhere. Hohoho."

With that, they began to talk a few things about Albus' growth rate and his powers some more as he began to check out the settings and controls of his gamer powers. Then later on the day till it was night Albus has obtained some stats for working out in the morning.

+7 STR

+10 VIT

Smirking at the progress he obtained for training the entire time in the morning till night Albus began to view his status again to see the changes of his power.


Name: Albus Goodwitch

Class: The Gamer

Tittles: None

Level: 3 Next Lv.: 75.0%

HP: 250/250

AP: 125/125

STR: 18

AGI: 21

VIT: 24

INT: 16

WIS: 13

LUCK: 11

Points: 0

Lien: 3550


When it became nighttime again with Tai helping everyone cook dinner as Albus returned taking a shower then returning to the table as he enjoys his time with them eating the food. As they were eating at the table Albus wanted to talk to the Rose Family about something, "Tai I was wondering if I can have your permission."

Tai raising his head at this raised his eyebrow as he nodded letting Albus continue as he spoke to them in a respectful tone, "To be frank I plan to go hunting Grimm to help raise my levels. But I would like Yang and Ruby's assistance in hunting them down. Of course, as their father, I would like your permission for their help as I don't want to do this behind your back. The girls will get paid by the Lien collected from Grimm for their help if you allow it, Tai."

Tai glares at Albus as Ruby and Yang like the idea of going hunting Grimm since they actually get rewards of loot from this. But Tai thought differently as his girls are too innocent and haven't seen enough action as he has.

Hunting Grimm was a death sentence to many Huntsman and Huntresses who act cocky like this and are only issued when Grimm becomes too dangerous. After all, they are at best used as deterrents to monsters.

Huntsmen and Huntresses are licensed elite warriors dedicated to slaying the Creatures of Grimm and whose duty is to "uphold the peace" of their world.

After graduation, the founders of the academies intended that the allegiance of a Huntsman or Huntress would not be tied to a specific Kingdom. With their Huntsmen licenses, graduates are granted the freedom to choose whom they work for as well as the nature of their work.

Huntsmen find employment through the use of mission boards. This approach is not without problems, however, as Huntsmen are known to be employed for disreputable purposes on occasion solely for Lien.

This separation of Huntsmen and Kingdom allegiance was intended as a measure to ensure peace. However, the Kingdom of Atlas did not appear to uphold this distinction. Not only did Atlas Academy exist as the same entity as the government, but students were heavily pressured into enlisting in the military's Special Operatives Unit, which drew significant criticism.

Mission boards detail the type of mission, a short description of the task, where the task is needed, and how soon the mission will start. Mission boards also detail a mission's status after someone accepts it.

However Tai, it is revealed that the mission board system is flawed; while the intent is to have it so that the board updates in real-time, multiple Huntsmen can accept the mission at the same time, making it so that they both need to complete the objective and split the reward.

Generally, rewards scale to the difficulty of the particular objective, especially with bounty missions on the Grimm. However, in some cases, as seen with Centinels, Huntsmen may avoid bounty missions on specific Grimm, and as a result, making their rewards be disproportionately large compared to the difficulty ranking.

There are many different types of missions for Huntsmen and Huntresses to undertake. The currently known types of missions available to Huntsmen and Huntresses include:

Search and Rescue - Finding missing person(s) or recovering missing supplies.

Search and Destroy - Clearing out Grimm when their infestations grow too large.

Perimeter Defense - Fortifying walls and defenses to keep Grimm out of the kingdom and city limits.

Village Security - Helping a village (not established as one of four kingdoms) fight off Grimm.

Bounty - Capturing wanted criminal(s) and Grimm

Escort - Helping civilians move through Grimm-infested areas.

The Huntsman Kingdom Accord is an act that protects the Huntsmen of Mistral with some legal support.

But mainly to Tai's experience at least Huntsman is best used when needed as he glances over to his daughter's dreams as he thinks about it carefully, 'I'm glad that Albus told me about this forward instead of behind my back. But sending my little girls with him actually following dangers though… they haven't had enough experience like I have during my glory days… but when are they ever going to learn… sigh… I hope I don't regret this.'

Sighing out loud as he glances at Albus with a glare but reluctantly agrees to this as he explains to Albus in intention making it well known, "Sigh… very well Albus. I'll agree to let my daughters join your hunting party... BUT! I want to make sure you three stay out of a too dangerous situation mister."

Albus looked surprised but more so the girls as well but with smiles on their faces but Albus nods his head while closing his eyes agreeing with Tai, "I accept the terms mister Xiao Long. If the situation is too dangerous fleeing is a wise choice."

Tai nodded and smiled at this listening to Albus' words at least feeling at ease that the person in front of him is being responsible for his actions as well as the consequences of him failing makes a good leader in his eyes.

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