
Chapter 10, what happened

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Hey it's TheZombie talking, I am so thankful to all you glorious readers for enjoying my book. No I won't take anymore of your time, enjoy Rapture


I quickly turn around and aim my gun at the noise to see nothing. I slowly start walking along the way towards a hallway, a sign above the door says high street central stairway

(This is so convenient that it's concerning)

I walk through the hallway to the stares and start climbing up. As I'm climbing I reach a flat spot with what seems to be a shrine, there seems to be a painting of a blue butterfly on the wall with LIES drawn over it over and over again.


I keep climbing up the stairs, the more I climb the more I feel like something Or someone is watching me. I keep my gun trained on the stairs as i climb. I don't want to get jumped by something down here

After a while of climbing the stairs I finally reach a door. I grab the door handle and slowly open the door.

As I open the door it bumps into a bunch of boxes on the other side that block it from fully opening. I put my shoulder agents the door and put all my strength into pushing open the door.

The boxes fall out of the way and I step the door to the bright shopping district of high street

I walk out into the open and start looking around, once beautiful lights flicker on and off, shops are ransacked with windows broken, the water fountains are over flowing as water pours from the roof, random bullet holes dot the ground in some areas around the fountain and shops. But what caught my attention is a body sitting against the fountain, water is pouring onto the body.

I slowly walk towards the fountain, I walk down some steps and stop in front of the body. It looks half decayed, half it's face is falling off from the water constantly hitting it. I crouch down in front of the body and start looking it over.

Who ever it was she had a sense of style, she has on what probably once a very fancy dress but now has been torn to shreds. She seems to be covered in weird mutations, her legs are bent the wrong way, her arm looks like it has been burnt with third degree burns. In her right hand she seems to be holding some kind of home made weapon.

I put my gun in my holster and reach down to take the weapon. As my hand grabs the weapon her hand seems to not want to let go. I grab her arm with my other hand and pull as hard as I can. I hear some cracks as her hand literally rips off still holding onto the wrench.

I desperately hold back vomiting but it doesn't work and I quickly dash over the fountain and vomit into it

(What the hell happened to this place?! How has this place fallen apart like this?!)

I vomit some more before I calm down

I look at the wrench I took and realize that her hand has apparently fuzzed it's fingers together around the handle. The wrench it's self looks like a axe on the back with barb wire around the front and a blade welded to the bottom.

I take my knife out of my pocket and cut the hand off the wrench and put the wrench in my belt.

As I look back down I see something glowing hidden behind her, I reach down and gently push her to the side.

Behind her is something that looks like a needle with some kind of logo on it of a lightning bolt coming off a hand.

Suddenly I feel something breathing on my neck.

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