
Once I Was 13 Years Old Part 3

Tianwei stood up suddenly, and the chair he sat on toppled backwards with a loud clatter. "So?! I don't care! Mom is dead whether you believe me or not!" Tianwei screamed, his eyes bloodshot with grief. He grabbed Jingwei's collar and hauled him closer, his reddened eyes glaring straight at him. 

"Why didn't you pick up your phone, stupid brother?! Why didn't you come and see Mother one last time before she passed?" 

"Mother died… all alone…Where were you?!" Tianwei continued, gripping Jingwei's collar as though he longed to wrap his fingers around Jingwei's throat. 

Jingwei could feel his brother's fingernails barely brushing past the soft skin, as though they longed to dig themselves in to make him hurt. He grabbed Tianwei's hands to pull him off, even more upset at his words, but Tianwei had a death grip on him. 

Well, two could play at that game. 

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