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"Right," she replies weakly, focusing on her food instead, her ears red with embarrassment. How was she supposed to respond to such a statement? Did he even mean it in that way?

Perhaps he meant it between friends. Friends cook for each other all the time. Roommates do that too. Not that she would ever end up living with Sun Jingwei. Ever. They occupied two different worlds, and tonight was just an anomaly. 

"I'll wash the dishes then, so it's fair," Xue Ning says, taking some comfort in the fact that his offer to cook for her isn't going to be realised anytime soon. She hates washing dishes.

She drains the bowl dry, letting out a satisfied burp at the end. 

"Good meal, thanks for cooking it," she says, patting his arm in thanks. She wipes her mouth clean on the napkin and leans back against the chair, her eyes closing in lazy satisfaction.

She reminded Jingwei of a cat that was going to nap after eating her fill. 

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