
Phase Two!


Wolfram the heavy metal door with one kick. And then, Zenoc saw his ridiculous get-up.


Zenoc's eyes were already too heavy, with all he had been through these past few days. Every day, he slept no more than 4 hours... Sometimes 2. And then he was up again.

Wolfram looked at the overly bloodied body and was taken aback. 

Just what did they do to this guy? 

Words couldn't describe his maligned appearance. 

It was dreadful... Truly awful what they did to him. 

Wolfram was again refreshed by just how unsettling this world could be. 

He had never seen such cruelty. 

Where was one of his ears? 

Though blood covered the place, as a sky hailer, his observational skills were stronger. The wound was 2 days old. 

It had already caught infection.

Wolfram felt that with the state of this place, as well as the torture the boy had undergone, should've already killed him by now. 

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