
My Daughter

Dante stayed in that position for an entire month.

This month has definitely been the most relaxing month Dante's ever had in his 2 lives. Dante honestly wasn't sure how he should feel about this time period. Resting isn't a word in his vocabulary and it was only something he did as a mortal when his body was still burdened by such things.

But now that he's almost willingly had a period of relaxation, he can't necessarily say the feeling is bad. Though he can say with confidence that if he didn't have a daughter, he definitely wouldn't have done it.


Dante stopped thinking about that when he heard the egg in his lap make a noise.

That's when he noticed that his daughter Ava was trying to break out of the egg. He could see that she was using her little baby fists to punch the eggshell. This in and of itself is surprising since an ordinary baby would have no hopes of breaking this shell, but Ava is a bit different.

She had inherited Dante's bloodline which essentially makes her a super baby. In fact, even though she was born without any cultivation (something Dante made sure would happen) and coupled with the fact that she was just born, she can probably kill someone in the 3rd Realm of cultivation.

Just to remind you, she was just born and her fists already contain such power. She can't control that power at all, her body isn't even close to fully maturing, and again… No cultivation!

Little Ava kept banging on the eggshell until finally, a small piece popped out. On instinct, Ava focused on the hole that she made and started ripping apart the egg until a hole big enough for her to crawl out of was made.

Ava popped out of the egg and landed in Dante's lap, then…


Started to cry.

Dante was freaking out internally hoping his daughter would be able to break out of the egg. One thing he knew from living/killing beasts during his cultivation years was that it's extremely important for newborns to break out of the egg on their own. He's not sure on the specifics as to why, but he figured it was true since the ones that didn't break out of the egg on their own were weak as fuck!

Seeing his daughter break out of the egg on her own made him feel extremely proud!

But when he felt the baby plop onto his lap, he froze! He didn't know what to do!

She even started crying!!

Why are you crying?! Did I hurt you somehow?! Daddy's sorry, okay?!

Deep breaths! In! Out! In! Out!

Fuee~ (Deep exhale)

After Dante calmed his chaotic mind, he looked down to get a good look at his child, but in that instant, it felt like time stopped and slowly everything around him started to vanish until it was just him and his daughter.

His usually cold and determined eyes softened and slowly an expression of pure love was plastered onto his face.

There was only one thought going through his mind right now and that was,

'This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. This is my daughter.'

He felt both his bloodline connection and the spiritual connection he had with his daughter strengthen which seemed to help calm down Little Ava, sensing her Daddy nearby.

Dante subconsciously reached out his hands, cleaned off his daughter, and started rocking her back and forth in his arms.

It didn't take long for Little Ava to fall asleep after a hard day's work of being born.

Dante didn't stop cradling and staring at her until some minutes later when he finally snapped out of his daze.

That's when he was finally able to get a good look at what his daughter looks like and although he expected something like this, the results were still a bit out of his expectations.

Little Ava barely looked like a newborn baby at all! The only thing that resembles a newborn on her is her size.

She was only around 50 centimeters tall, which is pretty average for bipedal newborns.

But that's it!

She had long silky white hair that went almost down to her waist.

A golden tiara around her head with gold, silver, and purple crystals on it.

A beautiful pair of feathered wings on her back. The wing on her right is pitch black and the wing on her left is pure white.

She was also born in a royal purple robe with wings embroidered on the back of it. The right-wing was embroidered black and the left-wing was embroidered white.

And even though her eyes were closed, Dante could still tell that her eyes were unique. The right one was gold like his, but the left eye was silver which Dante thought was a bit unique. Though he's not sure if it's just a unique eye color or if it has some special ability.

All in all, he really only had one word to describe his daughter: Divine!

She really looked like an angel or maybe a fallen angel? A Nephilim? Honestly, none of these really fit.

He's seen angels, demons, and even what was probably supposed to be a Nephilim and it seems the mythology behind them is a bit different than what it was on Earth.

Angels in the Immortal Realm are basically just another species of humans that have wings. They branched off from normal humans and thought of themselves as superior due to their wings and generally higher comprehension abilities. Later, they went on to call themselves angels because they wanted nothing to do with the human race.

Demons on the other hand is a very vague term. Essentially anything intrinsically 'evil' is a Demon.

Dante has always found it hard to classify or notice when someone or something is a Demon because what is 'intrinsically evil'?

Demons, for the most part, enjoy killing and more often than not do it in sadistic manners. Whether that be through torture, having sex until their opponent is sucked dry, or sometimes just doing it for fun.

But this isn't something that's exclusive to Demons. Humans and other intelligent species do these things too. They might not enjoy it quite as much or are as extreme as Demons, but they still do it.

That's why Dante is always confused when it comes to Demons.

But what is interesting about Demons is their relationship with the Winged Humans or Angels. These two races hate each other and are constantly fighting and trying to exterminate one another.

And you know what's even more interesting? Whenever a child is birthed by an Angel and a Demon!

Originally, Dante thought that these children might be super OP, but WRONG! These children are basically useless! Angels are really just Humans with incredibly righteous personalities and wings!

Demons, on the other hand, have shitty personalities and are fucking insane! Their sole purpose in life is to kill. So what do you get when you put these two together?

Well, basically a braindead child with an identity crisis!

Nothing like the myths back on Earth where a Niphelim is super OP!

So although Dante wishes he could say his daughter resembles a Nephilim, that would be an utter DISGRACE to his beautiful Little Ava!

She looks like God's daughter!

My Daughter!

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