
Rescue Failed.

Alex PV's

I got in the car with Frankie and went to the meeting point, arriving there I met with Elisabeth and Harold Cooper.

My men also arrived and we all arrived at the place where the signal was last issued.

Our men entered the shed and found Anslo Garrick's body with a punctured neck, the man had choked on his blood.

Elisabeth Keen. "What happened here, where is Reddington?

Kruger, do you know anything?"

Harold Cooper. "Our friend Garrick was murdered, and that raises a lot of questions.

But one thing is for sure, someone is behind this play, and it's not Garrick!"

I smiled at Anslo's body and answered some of Lizzy's questions. "Agent Keen, what do you think is going on here?"

Elisabeth Keen. "I don't know, that's why I asked you.

Why is Reddington's captor dead and he's nowhere to be found?"

I looked at Harold Cooper and said. "Is that what they've been teaching at Quantico lately?"

Harold Cooper. "Don't shame my agent, Mr. Kruger!

Remember, you're not in jail because we can't link you to any of the crimes you're suspected of!"

"For God's sake Harold!

You are a bunch of incompetents, the best agents you have are suppressed by corruption, killed, or turned into mercenaries!"

Harold was irritated by my words and said. "What do you mean by that?

We are the largest government agency for internal security!"

"Yes, you are the biggest clowns in the international underworld.

Look at your wanted list, I know of at least twenty other criminals more dangerous than those nine stooges you consider a threat to public safety!

But that's not why I'm here, focus agent keen!

you're an analyst, analyze the place and think about what could have happened here and how Anslo Garrick ended up in this situation!"

Elisabeth became serious and started to look around, after a few minutes of silence she spoke. "Looking at the area, there is no sign of a struggle.

But there in the corner, near the rafter, there are splatters of blood and there are also slivers of rust on the floor that clash with the splinters of chains thrown in the other room.

That means someone was immobilized and tortured in this shed.

Anslo Garrick was killed in the middle of the room and next to the body are two chairs facing each other.

Looking at the chairs carefully, the farthest chair is in perfect condition, the one closest to the body is missing a screw in the area that connects the backrest and the feet, and near the gap where the said screw should be, there are marks of blood.

Analyzing the laceration in Anslo Garrick's neck, he was killed with a piercing object similar to a bolt or a very thin ice pick."

Harold was surprised by Elisabeth's analysis, I smiled and replied. "You thought too much.

It wasn't a screw that killed this asshole, but other than that what you said is pretty close to the truth.

What you need to know is that the person who killed this asshole is the one we're looking for.

Reddington escaped on his own, but looking at this location, our kidnappers had no intention of killing Raymond Reddington!"

Harold Cooper. "If they didn't want to kill Reddington, why did they kidnap him?"

This subject is very strange, something is not hitting. "Tell me, why were this asshole's men in Agent Ressler's ex-wife's apartment?"

Elisabeth Keen. "Are you trying to say that Agent Ressler is the spy inside the agency?"

"Either that or someone superior to Agent Ressler has access to his file.

Maybe it's Harold, maybe it's Aram Mojtabai, Meera Malik, or even you.

But one thing is for sure, this person is strongly connected to the task force."

"Harold Cooper. "Do you suspect me?

Why would I hand Reddington over to his enemies, that would go against everything I fought for.

He's more useful to me alive, and handing me dangerous criminals if I want to, over time I might even be elected president of the country!"

"You may not have reasons, but that doesn't mean others don't.

My work is complete, I'm leaving. See you."

I took my people and left the shed, got in the car, and waited for the girls. "What do you think happened, Frankie?"

Frankie. "Knowing Mister Reddington, he's probably far from here and he's already in touch."

Just when I thought about the chances of Frankie's words happening, I got a call from an unknown number, when I answered I heard a very familiar voice. "Hello, Alex! How are things, this time I've gotten myself into trouble."

"Reddington, this is not a surprise.

To tell you the truth, I kind of knew I had a high chance of getting away so I didn't care.

Reddington. "Do you have any questions about the Spy?"

"This person is in a high position, surely someone with access to confidential agency secrets."

Reddington. "I think so too, I already have someone in mind!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Nez Rowan will eat your cookies!)

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