
We'll Run Away Through There

The moment things would turn quite serious, they wouldn't be able to do anything at all. Even that pirate king would fail to acquire anything and would feel threatened if he stayed here.

[Make yourself ready to depart when I give the order] As he knew all this, he already set his eyes towards the safest exit from here, [Once I give the order, you'll follow me]

[Towards where? The safe zone?]

[I've already called Lucas and others back] he paused, [We won't remain here any longer. We did enough, and we have to make a run for our lives if we wanted to survive in the end]

[Still didn't tell me where…]

[Towards that whirlpool, what else? Is there any other place out there that could take us away but this?] Hye rolled his eyes, feeling like this lady was acting stupid and weird at some point without any proper reason.

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