
The Enemy's Portals

Damn! I took roughly one day to just cover up the entire bubble! It was crazy! Yet I managed to finally do it.

And by it, it was time for me to do the next step in my plan.

I left tons of Kings to secure the place here. And I knew that my portal was something that didn't need forces to pass through it. But seeing how huge this zone was, I knew taking away all the race members from here would take a long time.

And that meant I either had to wait here, secure this region, until all the race members would get teleported, or I'd have to leave.

And frankly speaking, leaving was the right option. I found just one bubble, and that wasn't enough to accommodate the billions and tens of billions of any race members.

Not to mention there was the jumper race, the one that got hundreds and even thousands of billions of members inside their race.

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