
An Idea

[No, you gave me a great idea… by the way, when will that happen?]

[Well… I guess you have one up to three to prepare]

[Days? Weeks? Or months?]

[No, hours! One up to three hours dude! No more, no less!]

[Damn! That's… That's like not giving me any time at all to do anything!]

[Then start doing what the hell you got in your crazy mind, do it fast, and pray to succeed at the end]

[I will! No one is going to rip me off my victory and gains here, no matter who, no matter what!] I closed the chat with him, feeling the fire of determination blazing wildly inside my heart.

Yes, I spent too much time preparing for all this. And no one got the right to steal such hard earned victory by some cheap tricks!

Trying to get reinforcements to kill me? Trying to stop me? Huh! As you decided to struggle when you were this close from the doorsteps of death, then let me handle whatever you thought might work, and give you the last push over that door.

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