
He Is Mad From Me Killing His People!

"Russle, no matter what I do, I'm still on your side, got it?" I didn't even turn to Russle as I said these words. And I could feel the latter's daggering eyes on my back.

"What exactly do you plan to do?"

"Killing a few to save the rest," I paused, took out my pillar, and added, "I'm going to go into that damn planet, no matter what!"


The next few minutes, I used my pillar and scattered shields all over the place. The enemies tried to attack my shields, ending up getting either trapped inside or storing up damage in them.

Many of the fighting forces got trapped inside my bubbles, and after an hour, the entire space looked a bit weird.

Many bubbles scattered all over the place, separating the fighting forces apart, and entrapping tons of them inside.

But that wasn't enough! The belt of debris was indeed quite vast. It stretched out for hundreds of thousands of miles.

If I solely depended on my shields, then I'd achieve nothing in the end.

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