
The Land Layout

The amount I took got consumed fast. In less than an hour, all the bones I took were turned to dust. But that wasn't without a good result.

The walls stretched out to cover a distance of tens of miles. In just one hour, I believed I managed to cover up over fifty miles.

And all the bones I used were just green grade. It wasn't that much of a grade, but it was the most abundant type of bones I got.

Looking at this grand wall, stretching behind for tens of miles, I felt satisfied. "Rising up for three hundred metres, with one hundred metres width… It's indeed something intimidating to any eye," I muttered softly before replacing the exhausted bones with another batch.

The technique I used lasted for two hours before getting exhausted. As a result, I started another technique and it lasted for another couple of hours before someone flashed from far and came directly to me.

It was Lucas and he moved like a gale of wind, hurriedly coming over.

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