
Sith's Valuable Guidance

[Good lad]

Just as I was trying to regulate my racing breaths, I heard the sound of Sith echoing in my mind, [It's not easy for anyone to refuse such an offer. But you did great. You are going to be a real powerhouse in the future if you kept walking on the same path]

"Thank you," my thoughts were feeling like legs walking in thick layers of sand at this moment. So all I could say in return to his praise was this.

[Now isn't the time to be wasted on talking, you have a great chance now. Don't miss it]

"A… Chance?!" my mind was slowly processing what he just said. In a few blinks of an eye, I realised what he was talking about.

He mentioned this before. I hurriedly closed my eyes and tried to feel the threads attached to the stars high above and the creatures down below.

Just feeling the stars didn't bring me anything. It was all like before. But at the creature's side, things were looking much different.

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