
Shield Skills

Even if the exchange didn't seem worth it, it bought me a lot of time. This was the true value in such a tactic.

"Next," I called them back, summoned thirty more bulls and started to run towards the next zone.

The added monsters were an aim towards balancing the situation. After all, if I kept summoning the lost monsters in each battle, I'd end up losing too much.

The added monsters proved their worth in the next zones. The loss decreased from ten to only three, making me feel more satisfied about this plan.

In the next few hours, I kept collecting my loot and using the same tactic to clear the zones. At last I finally ended this fight, and reached the gate after fifteen hours from entering through the last gate.

"So the next gate might take up to twenty hours?" I looked up at the gate while thinking about the time progress here.

It wouldn't matter much if the time difference was too much. But if it wasn't, then it meant I was losing much time while fighting here.

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