
Meeting With The Four Big Names


As I couldn't stop him with my glaring eyes, I had to use one of my weapons. With a simple snap of my fingers, I called forth one of my dragons.


My dragon landed beside me with a mighty roar that managed to silence that dude. Finally! He was like a talking machine, knowing no limit.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat before asking, "which company are you from?"

"Is it safe?" yet instead of answering me, that wolf seemed to be more interested in my dragon, "can I have one?"

"If you wanna die then be my guest," I simply waved my hand in an invitation, one that Wolf had to turn down with a retreating couple of steps.

"I want an answer, Wolf," I leant over my dragons, slightly in a move to threaten that talkative and slow minded guy.

"I… I'm from Lockheed Martin company," he said and I frowned when I heard what he said.

"Aren't you from the Raytheon company?" I asked, but he shook his head then pointed at someone else:

"He is."

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