
Who's the true monster? II

GAWGAWGAW! Selena roared rushing at Morena as fast as she could.

Morena took a stance and blocked Selena's punch, "What are those knuckles?" She growled looking at the knuckle dusters Selena was using. They were extremely hard and held a ton of compressed magic. As they were made to deal as much damage as possible.

"GAW!" She delivered another punch "GAW!" and another one. Selena wasn't stopping or listening to Morena, all she need to do is punch and punch, buying time for Cain.

Morena deflected all those punches and when she tried to counter, Sofia flew all the way to her with a kick.

"You as well?" She dodged to the side.

Cling! Alice appeared from behind her dual wielding a holy sword and a cursed sword. A dual slash clashed with Morena's back leaving a cross-shaped wound.

BAM! Selena punched her at the same time and Sofia breathed fire at her.

In the background, the Abishai army was keeping the sinner army at bay while Cain recovered his MP for a big attack.

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