
Hunting monsters I

Seeing them about to start, Gracie quickly stood and made her leave. She needed to rest as the next day was going to be exhausting.

It was a quiet night if she ignored Alice's quiet moans in the distance. As she walked downstairs she was confronted by one of the maids.

"How are you doing Headmaid, did Master get angry with you?" The maid was resting her back on the wall, glaring at Gracie with her gleaming black eyes as her orange ponytail got twisted on the wall.

Gracie slowly lifted her head to look up, the maid was a fair bit taller than her. "Fine, he didn't," Gracie said as she kept walking by the maid as if she wasn't there.

"Not fun at all, how come he chose one like you?" The maid shook her head as if in disbelief.

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