


I took a very deep breath as I touched the shaky and cold hands of my suitor, James, "Hey, are you all right? You seem pale," I asked him and tried to let him feel relaxed. I know that he is super-duper nervous by now.

He looks at me and smiles, which I know is a forced and fake smile, "I am fine," he responds and turns his gaze towards the huge gate of our beloved home.

I intend to introduce him to my mom as he is my suitor and also I want him to meet my brothers and sisters. I am kind of aware that my siblings do not want me to have a boyfriend or even close BOY friends.

They do not want me to fall myself in a man or guy, which is I kind of understand my siblings why they do that.

My siblings are just being so protective and sweet. But there are sometimes, they just go so overboard and they take everything so seriously. Now, I have decided to introduce James to my mother since I become so tired of having no boyfriend, ever. I do not want to grow to be an old maid, right?

As for James, this is just his first time being able to visit our house. He has been courting me for a long time but I never got the chance to let him visit here, of course having my siblings around will be a total disaster.

But now, I am determined to introduce him. Okay, enough with this, I've been taking it several times, and James is so sweet and I kind of like him too, but also, I want to see if he can accept the traits of my bratty siblings.

"James, let's go inside. Don't be shy with my siblings, okay? They just happen to be brats but they are sweet and kind sometimes."

"Oh, well how many siblings you've got again? I kind of forgot it."

I giggled, "You've asked that same question eight times already. Well, I have five siblings, which makes us six. I have two brothers and I have three sisters," I speak and hold his hands, "Come on and my family is waiting for us."

I opened the huge gate and as soon as it is open, all we can see is the wonderful view of our little garden.

We went straight to our front door and I opened it. I saw my cute siblings who are watching the movie on our big television in the living room.

My brother, Jeremy noticed my arrival so he came to me and saw the happiness in his eyes, "KATH! You're home!" he greeted and they all turned their gaze to me and ran for a hug. They're sweet, right?

"Hey, Jeremy!" I greeted him back, "So, how is your school? Where is mom? Is she home yet?"

They are not bad siblings after all they are so sweet. They respect me as their older sister. They just may be silly and badass to protect everyone in our family.

"Mom hasn't returned home yet. She is still at work," my sister, Sandra responds.

I noticed that they were all silent when their gaze was on my suitor, James, "You have someone with you. Who is he?" Jeremy's twin sister, Nicole said that.

I looked at James and smiled and him before turning my gaze at my siblings, "Meet my suitor, James Thomason."

I turned to James, "These are my siblings."

James nods his head and smiles at the five of them. I can't help but laugh at my mind as I could not explain James' face and expression out of his nervousness and fear. I kind of warn him about them.

"It's nice to meet you, James," our youngest brother, Rafael greets him.

"It's nice to meet you, too, buddy," James greets back and smiles. He leans to me and whispers, "Your siblings are not that bad. They are kind and sweet."

I gave him a phony smile, "Y-yeah. They are sweet after all," I feel something so fishy right now. I would know that a mess would happen later. That is never new and I am used to it.

"Anyway, you should eat dinner with us. I guess our mom will be a bit late so while we wait, you can eat with us," my other sister, Camille invited him over for dinner, which is new to me.

"Is there dinner already?" I asked them.

"Yeah, I'm done cooking our dinner," Camille replied and turns at James again, "It's better if you join us for dinner, James."

"Is it okay if I join?" James asks her and the five of them just nodded. IT IS SO UNLIKELY that they invited him. They never do that before.

As I remembered, when a man pays for a visit or any of my suitors, they already do the pranks just as we stepped in the front door. Could it be because my siblings changed? Or is it because they have a plan?

"Okay, I'll join you guys. I also want to spend time with all of you and to wait for your mom."

"Come on, let's eat and it's almost eight o'clock. Anyway, just feel at home, okay?" he bows his head and we head towards the dining room.

Camille is right, the foods are already served. Everyone in this house knows every chore since we are trained when mom is at work and sometimes she'll be late. So, we are trained to cook, clean the house, and everything.

Also, as their older sister, my siblings are my biggest responsibility. If I am not at home, Camille will take care of them since she is the second among us.


After that tasty dinner, we all gathered in their living room and I have fun spending my time together with Kath's brothers and sisters while we are now watching Netflix.

They are busy watching a movie and I kind of feel bored while waiting for Kath's mom to arrive and to finally introduce myself as her suitor.

While I am watching with them, Jeremy suddenly speaks out, "I want to eat some apples," he suddenly turns his gaze ate me, "Can you please peel an apple for me?"

"O-oh, sure. Join me at the kitchen to show where the apple and peeler are."

They all stand up and I just followed them towards the kitchen. I was mesmerized as I saw their kitchen well-organized. I heard a while ago that Kath, Camille, and Nicole are the queens in their Kitchen. They are like some wild animals when they cook and clean.

I immediately spotted the apple on a table and fruit basket so I got one and Sandra handed me the peeler.

I would have begun to peel it when Rafael asked me if I washed the Apple. I'm a bit embarrassed because the truth is, it is my first time peeling fruits and such. I grew up with maids at our home, but we are not that rich.

I noticed that they were very quiet so I decided to break the silence, "we just ate dinner and you're feeling hungry again?"

"Well, it's just an apple and I just want to eat again, do you have a problem about that?" my smile faded but I just let that go.

"James? Did you just wash your hand?" Rafael asked.

"It looks like you're not washing your hands. Eww! Gross! I don't want to eat my food with germs!" Jeremy's ejaculation.

This man is overreacting just because of this. Maybe he forgot that he ate his dinner using both of his hands only.

"I'm washing my hands, have you forgotten? Don't worry, this good is safe and is germ-free."

"You know what James? Well, no offense, but you do not know how to peel that fruit. Tell me, what do you do or work at home?" Nicole asked me.

I seem to be ashamed of it because they are still young but seems like they are good and expert when it comes to chores.

I did not sell them and continued peeling the apple and a couple of minutes passed, I finished peeling the apple so I gave it to Jeremy, "Here, you can eat that now."

"Ugh! James! Just look at this! There are some more skins! Peel it properly, dude!" he did not accept the fruit and gave it back to me.

My blood is boiling right now. I have so much respect for children, but I guess I am going to lose my patience. They were so sweet and friendly. But now, I've discovered that they are such spoiled brats.

Kath is right, but I will let it go in the meantime. There's a little patience left so I guess this would work.

I took it again and repeated peeling and once I'm done, I assured them that there was no longer skin left so I have it to him, "Here. I peeled it properly just for you."

He just looked at that and he didn't accept it. Don't tell me that there is still a freaking skin again and I will explode here any second!

"You can have it. I've lost appetite to eat that," said Jeremy and turns.

THAT'S IT! "What the –?! I'm peeling this fruit for several minutes and now, you won't take it?!" I cannot stop myself to raise my voice because I'm peeling this fruit for over a minute and he lets me redo it again, and now, he suddenly lost his appetite?!

"HEY! Don't shout at my twin brother like that!"

"I'm not shouting," I sighed and brushed my face to calm down, "Look, I'm sorry. It's just that if you don't want to eat this, well you shouldn't let me peel this thing. It will go to waste if you'll not take it."

"Who peeled that fruit?" Camille asked and I pointed at myself, "So eat that. It will not go to waste because you will eat that fruit."

I shut my eyes because I have eaten a lot at dinner so I'm so full right now. "I can't. I am so full and I can't take it anymore."

"We don't want to eat it," they are synchronized in responding.

I wonder if they all prepared and planned this thing. Because if they do, I can tell they're SMART and GENIUS! Let's see how smart you, brats are.

"You don't want it? I'll just chuck it in the trash together with these skins I peeled," I said and saw the trash at the corner so I went there. I would have thrown the skins and the apple, but all of a sudden, Kath barged in.

"What's all with that noise? What were you doing? Have –" Kath stopped dead in tracks as she stared at me and at the food I was holding.

"You'll throw that apple?" she asked curiously while pointing to the apple I was holding. I looked at her siblings who were smiling.

"YES!" they all shouted and my eyes widened.

"Yes, I will throw the skins," I said and I throw the skins I peeled, "I will eat this apple. It looks delicious so they said that I can have it," I said, and good thing that she believed my alibi. She just shrugged and she went back to the living room.

I sighed in relief and I noticed that they just stared at me. I rolled my eyes, "What are you guys looking at?"

"OH, nothing," they said and wandered their eyes as if they wanted to tease me. I don't care.

"This is your entire fault. Now, I have to eat this thing," I said to them that I know no one cares about it. I started to eat and I realized that the apple is tasty.

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