
Impossible Improbability, Techno-Rat, and a new Title

Black had thrown the rat out with such force that instead of tracing a parabolic path down to its doom, the creature found itself moving up briefly.

The animagus couldn't even undo the transformation as it flailed its tiny legs. Along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, he was the most stunned because of the sudden turn of events. If it wasn't for the immense affection he had been feeling for the black-haired boy, he would have already bitten him.

Squeaking out a beastly cry, Scabbers reached the highest point of its flight and then began falling to its sure death.

But, just as the rat was about to undo its transformation to get a chance to survive, a giant paper owl descended from the sky and scooped it up, clutching it between the steel-like talons. Scabbers thrashed its body in all directions, hoping to get free, but it was all in vain.

Seeing no choice, Scabbers finally undid the transformation of the Animagus after years, becoming Peter Pettigrew.

The rat-like wizard flailed his hands as he plummeted toward the ground.

However, in the very next moment, the paper owl enlarged, becoming four times its size. With a powerful push of its wings, it lifted the man and shot toward the sky.

"Let me go!" Peter cried.

He didn't have a wand, so he couldn't Disapparate, either.

Peter kept throwing his arms and legs, shouting meanwhile. No matter how he struggled, the paper owl's grip was like death's, refusing to budge even an inch.

Unknown to Peter, his fate had already been sealed under the Grand Arrangements concocted by the Lord Yellow Warlock and Lord Voldemort.



"What did you do?!" Ron cried, horrified.

He lunged across the compartment from his seat and stretched his neck out of the window, the wind slapping heavily against his face. But there was no sign of Scabbers.

Even 11-year-old children knew what would happen if you threw a rat from a train at such a speed.

"Why'd you do that?!" Harry asked, stunned. He couldn't believe the humorous black-haired boy would do such a thing.

Hermione just sat there, her eyes wide. "That was… horrible."

Black smiled with Calm in return. "Come back, Ron," he said, pulling the boy's shirt from behind. "It's part of my magic."

Ron turned his head and looked at Black with a blank face.

With shallow steps, he returned to his seat next to Harry, his breath breaking in an angry rhythm.

"Alright," Black said, lifting his hands. "Let me ask. What are the chances of Scabbers still being in this compartment?"

"Is this some sick joke?" Ron asked, licking his lips. He kept looking out through the open window.

Hermione's nostrils flared. "It's impossible!" she declared. "I have gone through our course books. There's no spell to bring back the… rat in this case. All such magical work requires high-level wandwork and practice. And… we saw you throwing it out. I've seen tricks. That wasn't a trick."

She said all this very fast.

Black's lips twitched. He looked at Ron and Harry, then. "Do you agree with her?" he asked. "Do you think it's impossible too?"

Harry didn't want to say this, noticing Ron's pale look. "I saw it disappearing, Arlen," he said, his eyes going quiet. "It's… impossible."

Black's smile widened. "And I say…"

He thrust his hand into the inside pocket of his Hogwarts robes.

"… Nothing Is Impossible!"


Skill: Nothing Is Impossible

Grade: B

Specification: Manipulate the Probabilities of the Impossible Improbabilities



 1. An Impossible Event

 2. An Improbable Event

 3. Mass Acknowledgment of Impossible Event

 4. Mass Acknowledgement of Improbable Event

 5. Luck > 50

Attributes: Contestant's desire must be against the Impossible Improbability



 1. Consume the Mass Acknowledgment of an Impossible Improbable phenomenon

 2. Raise the Probability of an Impossible Improbable event

 3. The vaster the number of the Mass Acknowledgments, the higher the rise

 4. Maximum Rise: 100%


WARNING: The use of Skill can stretch the boundaries of reality and logic to the breaking point


There was no mass acknowledgment in this case, though.

There were no hundreds of Contestants under the Ad Infinitum's influence, agreeing with Kai.

It happened anyway. It happened because the people in favor of the Impossible Improbability this time enjoyed the Prime Providence and major Lead Providences from the Timeline. It happened because Black wanted it to happen.

Somewhere on the train, there was a suitcase.

In that suitcase, there was a library, a hall, a potions room, a bathroom, and all the things an 11-year-old genius could ever need.

In that suitcase, there was also a Lesser Bounded Field. A few people could pass through it while walking right into the fireplace, reaching a place that spanned across at least 3 football fields. It had a White Palace, which looked more like a tower. At the top of the palace, a flag of skull and snake fluttered with wind.

The White Serpent Pirates' HQ!

There were many domed buildings on the palace' left and right.

One of these domed buildings had a rat, caged behind the steel doors of a lab.

This rat was a bit special, though. From all angles, it looked exactly like Scabbers.

However, unlike the animagus, this rat was full of nanobots, which were ingeniously designed by Kai and Rintaro to harness the rat's bioelectricity to power themselves, enabling them to store images and record audio.

Both scientists had been working on this Techno-Rat for years as the magic rendered any electrical appliances useless and Kai needed non-magical eyes and ears in Hogwarts for his plans.

Trusting himself to only Magic or only Science had never been Kai's thing anyway.

Black, of course, could have brought the creature on him before boarding the train. But Nothing Is Impossible was not only a new Skill, it was also very complex. Moreover, there was no way to know its shortcomings or strengths without practically using it. With the trio in the Compartment, it would give him the best opportunity to test the Skill's limit, he knew.

The moment Black used the B- Skill, the dimension around the Techno-Rat twisted and devoured the creature. In the very next moment, it appeared in a closed space, its torso surrounded by five fingers.

If shock and surprise could be measured, then it surpassed all its limits when Black pulled Scabbers out of his robes and caressed its furs with a smile on his face.

"Scabbers!" Ron lunged and took the rat in his hands.

Harry and Hermione just looked at Black in pure disbelief.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have unlocked 1 Title

Title: The Multiverse Maverick

Specification: Shock and Surprise the Main and Major Support Characters of 5 different Random Worlds

Status: (1/5)


 1. Skill - Reality Delusion

 2. Charisma +30

 3. Intelligence +10 


Black chuckled inside as he saw the Title. He sure would have felt disappointed if such a marvelous act of magic hadn't attracted any notification.

"… Send the girl away," the Ad Infinitum suddenly beeped. "She's falling for you."

Black's smile died. He turned his head right and found Hermione, her cheeks red. Noticing him looking at her, she suddenly looked away and stood up.

"You two better change into… uh… robes," Hermione said hurriedly, shifting on her legs. "I expect we'll be arriving soon."

Then she almost ran away, even forgetting to close the compartment's door.

Ron looked up suddenly and blushed even more than Hermione. "Sorry," he said, looking at Black.

The young Black crossed his legs and chuckled. "Don't mention it. I should have warned you."

"It was brilliant!" Harry said, excited.

"Man!" Ron let out exasperatedly. "I really wish we three can be in the same House. Tch!"

Harry's shoulder slumped, too. "Sigh! I heard it's impossible to know which House you will get in, though."

Ron nodded. "Yeah," he said, making a face at Scabbers who had fallen asleep. "It's impossible."

Suddenly, as both of them were experiencing a Deja-vu simultaneously, their heads snapped up toward the black-eyed young boy.

"And I say…" Black said, leaning back in his seat, smiling, "… Nothing Is Impossible!"


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