

< Best Minato fight of the series coming up ;) >

<word count-1120>


"Now," the clock stuck to 12, and with that came the birth of a new day, October 10. 

All of Kuroko's muscles tighnend, his nerves at their extreme waiting for the onslaught of the malice of the nine-tails, Even though he is six years old and has faced Minato, he has yet to be faced with a tailed beast and its malevolence. 

'Now, it must begin now', he waited.

1 second

2 second 

10 seconds

30 seconds 

1 min 

Time kept ticking.

The village hidden in the leaf was as peaceful as it ever was, with the villagers sleeping blissfully unaware of the fate they would have suffered tonight. In the pitch-drop silence that ensued and the puzzled gaze of Hizashi, thinking his child had too much sugar, A fight was going on on the Hokage mountain. 


"So all this was a trick, huh?" The masked Shinobi spoke towards the people in the room. 


A few minutes earlier 

"Kushina, you can do it; come on, push," the concerned voice of Biwako bellowed. The seal had been placed in the hidden room where Kushina had decided to give birth.

Minato only had an awkward expression on his face; if seeing the shadow clone of Kushina in pain wasn't enough, seeing his sensei acting as Biwako Sarutobi through a transformation was more of an act where he couldn't help but be stumped on how to react.

Yet for the realisticness of it all, he continued to act, faking it while simultaneously being depressed that only his shadow clone could witness Naruto's actual birth. 

"You can do it, Kushina." The fake Biwako encouraged the shadow clone, "Minato, you fool, come and help your wife."

"Ah, yes, madam Biwako," Minato, with a sweatdrop, went to help his wife.

'Seriously, sensei, couldn't you find a better time to bully me?' Minato thought. 

Since a child couldn't be born even with the help of a shadow clone, and who knows whether the mankegkyo could see through it, not much was known about the eye after all. So instead, what the Kage did was use a special cloth with a Fuinjutsu seal on it to fake a chakra signature; the same had been done to Jiraiya-sama as well. After all, even an ordinary sharingan can see through a transformation technique. 

Whether this strategy would work depends solely on whether Madara would have the time to thoroughly check or not.

"Here he is, Minato, your child." A cloth shaped as if hiding a child was held by Biwako.

It was at this moment that Minato, with his intrinsic grasp over the space-time element, sensed the fluctuation in space near Jiraiya sensei.

A kunai was sprung at the sanin's neck, which he escaped with ease by pivoting on his left foot. Unfortunately, this led to the 'child' being caught by the shinobi, who quickly put a kunai around the child's neck.

"Don't you move, fourth Hokage of the Leaf," was the message spoken with spite towards Lord Fourth, "and you as well, Jiraiya of the Sanin." his transformation long since undone.

The Anbu weren't there, as Shinobi of the Jonin rank couldn't help much in the battle between Kages, and their utility would be proven better in protecting the leaf instead, thus they were all stationed ready to protect the village.

"mhm?" As Madara saw the oddity of the baby he was holding and the reaction of the two shinobi in front of him, did he notice that he was tricked?

' How' He thought, nobody knew of the plan except him and Zetsu.


present time: 

"So all this was a trick, huh?" The masked Shinobi spoke towards the people in the room. 

He threw the cloth to the ground and looked towards both the ninjas, his chain out to attack them. 

"Give up, Madara; I will not allow you to hurt my village," Minato spoke as he quickly threw his kunais all across the room. 

"Die," Madara spoke as he rushed towards Minato, with the latter doing the same.

A flying Raijin Kunai passes through the Uchiha, and so, in his bewilderment, does Minato. 

"So it's true, Minato," Jiraiya said at this moment, looking at Minato.

'ACE was right', both Shinobi thought at the same time. 

Minato had long since thought, in case the information was true, how would he go along fighting Madara? At the end, the answer just came to being a fraction of a second earlier than the masked man; the only time he will be tangible will be when he attacks after all.

"Don't keep me waiting for your funeral, Minato Namikaze." The uchiha bellowed and rushed again towards the kage of the hidden leaf.

The moment the shinobi were at a meter's distance from each other, Minato threw his signature, Kunai. 

' Its all useless against my kamui, you traitor

The moment streched into infinity as the masked Uchiha's hands were inches close to the kage, his kunai dealing no damage to the shinobi. Seeing Jiraiya not intervene, the masked Shinobi was on alert for him; this single millisecond of caarelessnes was all Minato needed.

He quickly flashed to his kunai, a rasengan ready in his hands, as he brought the revolving sentence of defeat onto the shinobi, crushing his hand and severely weakening his power.

If this was not enough already, in this bare second, all of Sanin's muscles tensed. His speed wasn't a factor that made him famous, but he was still someone who went toe to toe with Pain.

In a moment, he was onto the shinobi, quickly putting a seal on him, limiting his use of the mangekyou. 

"Aargh," a painful yelp came from the masked man, and soon came panic at the realization of his inability to use his chakra. If he did thoroughly check, this seal could only last for a few mere seconds, yet the moment the seal landed, Minato made no hesitancy, quickly using his kunai to slit the throat of the masked man.

As the blood gurgled out of the corspe, both the shinobi kept their eyes vigilant.

After a moment of no action from the shinobi, did they both conclude?

"Uchiha Madara is dead." 

"Am I?" a voice came from behind them, Little did they know that the masked man's three tomoe in his other eye had become blind. 


"It seems I should not have underestimated you." Before he could speak any further, another flying raijin, Kunai, was sent flying by Minato.

However, before the Kunai could reach him, the masked man had vanished from his place.

All that ensued in the room for another few moments was silence.


 < Thanks for reading the chapter






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