
Chapter 18

Disclaimer: I have never nor do I currently own Naruto. There are some quotes in this chapter that are not mine either.

Chapter 18 – Fights & Invasion

Naruto was standing in line with the other genin. He had chosen to go all black wearing a plain black t-shirt, jeans, and boots. He kept Endless Night strapped on his back and the standard kunai, shuriken pouches strapped to his waist, but other then that no other weapons were visible. What wasn't visible were the seals hidden inside those pouches that allowed Naruto to carry a veritable armory with him without weighting him down. There was also an extra scroll sealed on the back of his left hand.

Also in-line was Temari, Gaara, Shino, Kankurō, Ino, Neji, Yuudai, and Katsu. Yuudai and Katsu had just returned in the morning with their families also joining them to watch their sons in the Finals. What no one expected was for the Fire Daimiyo to also be with them along with a large contingent of his samurai. The samurai had taken posts up around the village with some sprinkled throughout the stadium.

Naruto turned to his right and greeted Temari.

"I hope you enjoyed our date yesterday" Naruto says to her.

"It was fun Naruto-kun. I … hope that we can do it again some time" she says before stopping and appearing to be in thought about something " … although next time I'm hoping we can be alone when we go out" Temari finished with her best attempt at a sultry voice.

"I think that can be arranged" Naruto responds with a grin.

In her head though Temari was thinking something else.

'I hope you survive today Naruto-kun and can forgive me, but my family and village come first' Temari thought.

To his left Yuudai and Katsu could only shake their heads at their captain.

"Lucky bastard" Yuudai mumbled while Katsu tried to conceal his almost imperceptible nod agreeing with him.

In the Stands

Kushina was sitting in the stand with Akari, Miyuki, and Karin. They had gotten great seats fifth row near the middle of the arena. Katsu and Yuudai's families were a row in front and they were all chatting amiably about the boys. Kushina was invited by the Fire Daimiyo to sit with him and the other Daimiyo's but she politely declined the offer. Yūgao Uzuki and her lover Hayate Gekkō also sat with them as they waited for the finals to start.

"So who do you think is going to win?" Izumo asked his friend.

"I placed one hundred thousand ryo on the Uzumaki kid to win" Kotetsu says with a smirk.

"What? Why would you waste your money like that? Everyone knows the Uchiha and Hyūga are favored and the Kazekage's kid is a known killer. There is no way Uzumaki can beat all of them" Izumo says seemingly with conviction.

Kotetsu on the other hand just looks at his long time friend and fellow gate watcher like he was a flaming idiot.

"Are you really that stupid Izumo?" he asked incredulously. "How many times have we seen that kid and his team come in from a B-rank or A-rank mission?" Kotetsu asks.

"Umm … a few times … I think. What's your point?" Izumo asks as he scratches his head confused.

"The point is what would a genin be doing going out on missions reserved for a team of chūnin or jōnin unless they were really that strong. The Uchiha and Hyūga brats are only favored because of their clan's name and reputation and not really based on anything they have actually done. And while the sand-nin is a wild card I doubt Uzumaki will let himself be beat. I've never met a more stubborn kid than that one" Kotetsu says with a smirk at the end.

There were similar conversations going on all around the arena with some wise investors quickly getting up to change their bets. Kushina sat with a smile as she heard a few of them betting for or against her son. She had also placed a bet though it was only for his match against the Hyūga since she figured Orochimaru's little attempt at an Invasion would interrupt things before they even could really get under way with the tournament.

Unfortunately certain people wouldn't take a hint that she didn't want anything to do with them.

"Kushina, can we sit here?" asked Tsume Inuzuka.

Beside Tsume were Kuromaru, her daughter Hana and her ninken the Three Haimaru Brothers, Yoshino Nara, Yori Nara a dark brown haired girl with dark brown colored eyes that looked to be a little younger than Hana, Ine Yamanaka, Isae Yamanaka was Ino's cousin but with Ino fighting Ine thought bringing Isae would be a good idea as she looked very similar to Ino only her eyes were a bluish green color, Fusa Akimichi, Chouko Akimichi was Chōji's cousin a red headed brown eyed girl that looked to be around Naruto's age she was a full figured girl and very attractive by Akimichi standards, Takako Higourashi, and Tenten Higourashi whom was dragged along by her mom.

Kushina looked at the group and shrugged turning away from them and resumed talking with the girls and Yūgao. Taking that as a yes the group of ladies took up space on the row behind her with the mothers sitting directly behind Kushina. Tsume sat the farthest away not wanting to catch Kushina's wrath again. She tried to warn the girls against doing this, but Yoshino was just as stubborn as Kushina and wanted to see her no matter what and got the others to go along with this plan of hers. The only one who had taken her advice was Shizuka Aburame as she had staid home knowing what was going to take place. She simply wasn't a fighter and believed she would be more of a hindrance than a help when it came time to fight.

The mothers had each brought their daughters or nieces as they wanted to formally propose marrying their girls to Naruto and allying the Uzumaki clan with their clans once again. They weren't going to propose it now, they just wanted Kushina to see them and for the girls to get to know each other since it seemed Naruto was going to invoke the C.R.A. . They wanted their girls included, but first on the order was to get Kushina to forgive them. They knew it was bad timing with the Invasion and all, but they all figured the Invasion could work to their advantage in mending fences with their thought to be lost friend.

Kushina was fuming inwardly and had a hard time concentrating on what she was talking about due to their presence. She was just glad there was going to be an Invasion soon and poor innocent fools to slaughter that she could take her anger out on.

With the Kage's

"Hokage-sama, we haven't been able to find him yet" a male ANBU operative says.

"Very well, call off the search. I'm sure they will arrive in time. Have all squads focus on final preparations for our guests" the Hokage says evenly.

The ANBU nods and moves off to carry out his orders. It was just in time for right as he left the Suna delegation arrived.

"Hello Kazekage – dono, I hope your travel here was pleasant" Hiruzen says to his fellow Kage.

"Of course Hokage-dono, I am just glad the Exams were held in Konoha this time around. I don't think your old bones could handle the rigors of traveling such distances any more" the Kazekage replies cheekily.

"I think you'd be surprised Kazekage-dono. I may not be the spry young man I once was but I'm still able to get around just fine. I intend to do this for another five years or so. I still might be able to show you a thing or two" the old Kage answers back.

Another ANBU with a long ago healed burn mark on his face arrived and Hiruzen nodded as they spoke before turning to his fellow Kage.

"I think we should get things started don't you. I wouldn't want to make the people wait any longer" Hiruzen says.

"Of course Hokage-dono. I admit I am eager to see how my kids fair against your shinobi, especially that Uchiha I have heard so much about. Speaking of which … I don't see him with the other fighters" the Kazekage says.

"Not to worry Kazekage-dono, I'm sure he'll show up soon" the Hokage says.

'Damnit Kakashi, you know how important this event is. Why would you choose to show up late to such an event?' the old man inwardly questioned. 'I guess it can't be helped. I'll move his match to the end of this round so there is still time before I am forced to disqualify him' he reasoned.

Sarutobi turned to the waiting ANBU and had him relay his orders to Genma.

Arena Floor

Genma was waiting with the Finalists when the ANBU appeared next to him and whispered the orders given to him by the Hokage. He looked up the aged man and received a nod confirming it. He gave a nod back before turning to the genin.

"Alright look sharp things are about to begin" he says to them.

Genma then turns to address the crowd.


He then turned to the fighters and showed them a diagram of how the tournament would be carried out. The winners of the first and second matches would fight in a quarterfinals round as would the winners of the fourth and fifth matches. The winner of those matches would then move to the semi-final round and fight each other while the winner of the third match moved straight to the Final match where they would face the winner of the semi-final match.

A few instantly complained about how unfair the setup was. Everyone else would have to fight three times before facing the winner of the third match that only had to fight once and would get to see all their moves and strategies not to mention how tired they would be after all that fighting.

"Hey! That's unfair! How come the Uchiha and Sand boy only have to fight once while the rest of us have to fight three times" Ino Yamanaka yelled.

Genma just shrugged before answering, "That's the luck of the draw Yamanaka now quiet down and get back in line"

"Will we at least get breaks or something inbetween our matches?" Yuudai asked.

"There will be fifteen minute breaks inbetween each round. During the rounds you are to stay up in the waiting room until your name is called. If you win your match you will be allowed to receive medical treatment before returning to the waiting room. If you loose you will be given medical treatment and then you can sit in the stands when you are well enough. You are not allowed to leave the waiting room except during the fifteen minute break between rounds where you can do what you want, but if you don't return before the start of the next round you will be automatically disqualified. Do all of you understand this?" He asks them.

Everyone nodded except Gaara who he didn't expect to so he continued.

"Now the rules for the fights are the same as they were in the Preliminaries. There are none. You fight until one of you dies or acknowledges defeat. But if I determine that the fight is over … I'll step in and stop it. And when I say stop I expect you to obey or I will stop you by force if I have to. Got it?" He asks them.

Again he received eight nods of acceptance.

"Now, the first fight, Uzumaki Naruto … Hyūga Neji. Those two stay here and the rest of you go to the waiting room" Genma orders.

In the stands

Sakura was looking nervous at the arena floor as the fighters were listening to the Tokubetsu Jōnin's orders.

'Where are you Sasuke-kun?' she wondered as she watched for any sign of the boy she loved.

Meanwhile, Hinata sat in another section with Kurenai, Anko, and Ami. Her eyes never left Naruto as she gazed upon him. Despite Naruto telling her they would never be together her crush on him was still there. She didn't understand why she continued to feel the way she did, but she couldn't help it.

Kurenai watched her student knowing she was suffering over what Naruto said to her nearly a month ago. She still hated the boy for what he did, but she also was glad he did it as she didn't believe Naruto was right for her student. There was also what she feared the Hyūga clan would do if she ever did get Naruto to go out with her. While she had always supported Hinata in her feelings towards Naruto she had also hoped the boy would always stay blissfully ignorant of the shy Hyūga's feelings as at least that way Hinata could always have hope and the Hyūga's wouldn't be able to do anything to her. Sadly the boy wasn't the idiot she had hoped he would stay, but at least he finally did the honorable thing and let Hinata down.

Anko was also staring at Naruto, but also casting a wary eye towards Kushina occasionally. She had made sure to stay out of the vengeful mother's way since she had returned. Anko didn't know if or when Naruto would tell her of her part in his change but she knew he would if he already hadn't and then Kushina would be on her doorstep ready to skin her and make some new boots.

Anko was also still hoping that Naruto would forgive her and let her make amends. After what happened in Wave she had nearly lost hope, but Kurenai and Yūgao had talked her down and helped her keep faith that one day he would see reason. Yūgao also promised to help with Kushina if things ever got ugly between the two.

Ami was looking from Anko to Naruto and back. She was still angry about how he was treating her one true sensei when all she was trying to do was apologize. She had thought Naruto was a good guy after his confrontation with Sasuke when they graduated, but now she was sure he wasn't.

As the foursome sat each thinking of things involving Naruto Kiba came bounding down the steps.

"Hey Hinata-chan, Ami, Kurenai-sensei mind if I sit with you guys. I would sit with my mom but her and Hana chose to sit with that jerk Naruto's mom" Kiba says loudly.

Hinata and Anko give him a quick glare but it goes unnoticed as Kurenai motions for him to sit in an empty seat beside Hinata.

"Hey Hinata, who do you think will win?" Kiba asked her excitedly.

"I b-bel-ieve N-Naruto-kun w-will win" Hinata says.

"What? You still believe in that jerk even after what he said to you?" Kiba asks surprised.

"H-hai … I c-can't f-for-ce Naruto-kun t-to love me, b-but I s-still love him and he's m-much s-stronger then t-the others" she says with as much conviction as she can muster.

Hearing this Kiba and Kurenai are stunned. While Kurenai knew of her continued affections for Naruto it still stunned her. Kiba was pissed thinking how she could still love that demon. Anko smiled at the girl.

'Maybe I can repay Naruto by helping this girl out. If anything it should be fun to 'teach' her. I just need to get Kure-chan's approval' she thought.

It was then Akamaru noticed something and whined to get Kiba's attention.

"Kyuun .." "What is it Akamaru" "Kyuun .." "What …?" "Kyuun" "Where?"

Further up the stands Kiba noticed a masked man standing towards the back.

'Why is an ANBU here?' 'Is something going on?' Kiba wondered.

With Kushina and the Ladies

Kushina was watching Naruto with pride as he stood there looking so much like his father when he would go into battle. The time they spent training and in Uzuo was more than she had hoped for. It seemed like every day they just grew a little bit closer and for her to finally be able to bring him to her homeland and get him his sword. Words couldn't describe how proud she was of her boy.

"Your son looks just like his father Kushina-chan" Yoshino says as she was also watching the Uzumaki-Namikaze heir.

Kushina was forced to nod in agreement.

"I almost can't tell the difference. It reminds me of our days at the academy and how big a crush I had on him before you landed Minato Ku-chan" Takako says offhandedly.

"I think about half the girls at the academy even a few of the teachers had a thing for Minato" Yoshino says.

"All except Kushina-chan here, she was too busy beating up the boys to actually be in love with one" Tsume says joining in.

"I wasn't that bad" Kushina responds.

"Oh remember the time Kushina beat Akihito up, gave him a swirly, dyed his hair red, and then gave him an atomic wedgie. I swear the poor boy couldn't sit down for a week and his hair stayed red the entire year" Tsume says barking with laughter.

"I remember, he still blames Kushina for his inability to conceive a boy with his wife" Yoshino says.

"He shouldn't have called me a tomato head" Kushina says defensively.

"Oh remember when Ken-kun challenged her to a fight and said she was a weak little girl that wouldn't be able to lay a finger on him" Ine says.

"Do I ever, I think he still has to visit the hospital once a month" Takako says.

"Actually I heard that's because he's seeing someone who works there" Ine says.

"What? Isn't he married to Fumi?" Yoshino says.

"No, I think they divorced a few years back. I heard Fumi caught him cheating and threw the bum out" Ine says.

As the ladies continued to gossip Kushina did her best to ignore them and keep her focus on the arena. Watching her sochi like this just made a strong feeling of warmth rise through her.

'I'm watching sochi, show them what us Uzumaki's are all about' she thought as she looked down at Naruto.

In the Arena

The other fighters left the field leaving Naruto and Neji alone with the proctor. Genma watched both carefully for any signs that one of them wanted to with draw from fighting. Naruto stood looking into the stands not seeming to pay Neji any mind as he waved at his girls in the stands.

Neji watched as the blond ninja was seemingly ignoring him.

'Who does this nobody think he is?' he thought angrily as he clinched his fists.

Naruto's eyes left the girls and focused for a second on Genma who shivered a bit before his focus turned to Neji. The Tokubetsu Jōnin took that as a sign he was ready.

"You seem angry. Is there something you want to say to me?" Naruto asked.

"Why did you stop me?" Neji asked angrily.

"Stop you?" Naruto asked with mock confusion.

"Why did you interfere in my fight with Hinata-sama?" Neji asked angrily.

"Oh … that. I stopped you, because I could" Naruto says nonchalantly.

"What?" Neji asked not believing what he heard.

"I said … that I stopped you because I could. You were going to kill her and Hinata didn't deserve that" Naruto says.

"Who are you to determine that! It was her fate to lose to me and she refused to accept her fate. For that she deserved to die!" Neji shouted.

In the stands Hinata gasped, "Nii-san why?" she said quietly while clasping her hands together.

"Ha,ha,ha … I find that funny coming from a branch family Hyūga. You talk about fate, but isn't it the fate of all branch members to protect the main family from all harm. Yet here you are claiming one deserved to die … by your hands no less" Naruto says laughing at the boy.

Neji was beginning to see red. He didn't care about anything any more except shutting this loud mouth up.

"And what would you know about our fate? What would you know about our curse?" his voice never rising in level but the anger in his voice was palpable.

"You know Hinata asked me if I would go out with her not too long ago" Naruto says confusing the boy.

"What does that have to do with anything!" Neji shouted.

"I had to say no to her. It was honestly one of the toughest things I have ever done, because I genuinely care for her. Do you know what I told her when she asked me why?" Naruto asked.

"No, but I'm sure you will enlighten me" Neji responds.

"I told her that I hate your fucking clan, because you bastards used to use me as a practice dummy to test out your techniques" Naruto says now showing his anger.

"I especially remember you and a few branch members in particular" Naruto says as he leveled a good deal of KI on Neji who was sweating but still glared at Naruto.

"Liar, I would never stoop to even touching someone like you" Neji says.

"So you are telling me you don't remember. Then let me refresh your memory. I had just been chased into the woods by some parents angry that I was using the same playground as their kids despite the fact I had stayed away from everyone and only used the equipment no one else wanted to use. I thought I was safe as the parents went back to check on their kids when they felt I was far enough away.

That was when you and two older Hyūga branch members seemed to suddenly come out of nowhere and surround me. I tried to leave, but you wouldn't let me. I remember you were saying how excited you were to be learning some new move and that you needed someone to test it on and that I would do.

The pain from those techniques … I never forgot that. I may have acted like an idiot, but I remember everything that happened to me and who did what. I'll never forget your cold uncaring face as I screamed in agony with each one of your hits. Now it's time I repay the favor.

Start the match" Naruto says angrily blanketing the area in his KI.

Genma didn't want to stick around and quickly complied.

"Now, the first fight. BEGIN!" Genma yelled before Shunshining out of the arena.

Naruto wasted no time in closing the distance between him and Neji striking out with the first punch.

In the Stands

"Watch closely Hanabi there isn't another who has received such thick Hyūga blood …" Hiashi says to his youngest daughter.

"Yes, father"

"What does that idiot think he's doing? Doesn't he know fighting a Hyūga up close like that won't work. Neji will kill him" Tenten says unknowingly out loud.

The idiot statement earned her a few glares, but the last statement caused those glaring to turn around hiding the smirk they sported.

Arena Floor

Neji narrowly evaded the punch and moved back to give himself a little separation. Naruto was on him instantly punching him in the gut. Neji rode the momentum of the punch and flipped in the air trying to catch Naruto by his head, but failed as Naruto grabbed his wrist and slammed him to the ground.

Neji rolled out of the way as Naruto followed with a stomp and sprang to his feet. He then lashed out with a palm thrust to Naruto's abdomen that was evaded and was rewarded for his failure with a punch to his jaw. Naruto followed with an uppercut that once again lifted Neji off the ground.

Feeling the pain Neji managed to roll in mid air and bring his feet up to kick Naruto in his chest giving him some separation as he landed quickly taking up his stance again.

Naruto shrugged off the kick and charged Neji again attempting a jab at his opponents head. Neji pushed the fist aside and attempted a palm thrust to Naruto's chest only to have his hand smacked aside.

Naruto jumped back a little before bringing his hand close to his mouth and after taking a deep breath blew out a stream of air laced with wind chakra that formed a ball shaped like a miniature whirlwind into his palm. Taking another breath Naruto pushed the spinning ball of wind out of his hand and it zoomed towards Neji.

'Wind Release: Spiralling Wind Ball' Naruto intones mentally.

Neji didn't even have time to do anything more than bring his arms out infront of his body to shield himself. The jutsu impacted him and sent him flying across the arena field slamming him into one of the trees that dotted the landscape.

In the stands

"Whoa, I knew the kid was strong but this is ridiculous" Kotetsu says.

"To dominate a Hyūga like this in taijutsu … it's unheard of" Izumo says.

'Naruto-kun' thought Hinata

"The Uzumaki kid seems to be very strong Hokage-dono" the Kazekage remarks.

"Yes, he's turning out to be one of my best shinobi" Hiruzen responds.

"I heard from a reliable source that he plans to leave your village in a few years, perhaps I will try to persuade him to choose Suna as his new home" the Kazekage inquires.

"I don't know where you heard that from, but I assure you Naruto-kun is one of my most loyal shinobi" Sarutobi lies.

Arena Floor

Neji recovered enough to pull himself up as he leaned against the still standing tree for support. A few leaves fell on his head and he felt sore, but other wise he was fine to continue.

Naruto didn't wait for Neji to clear his head as he rushed in to press the attack. Feeling danger Neji ducked as a chakra infused fist slammed into the tree and the trunk shattered sending splinters and chunks of bark all over the place.

Neji quickly ran to get more space between him and the blond shinobi, but Naruto wasn't giving him any space.

Going through the hand seals tiger, snake, and ram Naruto unleashed his next jutsu.

"Fūton: Kami Oroshi – Wind Release: Godly Wind from the Mountains" he called out.

A vortex of wind lashed out hitting Neji in the back sending him flying only to hit the ground face first and skid a little creating a small trench in the dirt. The back of his shirt was slashed up and blood was seeping from cuts in his skin.

Jumping in the air Naruto tried to come down with another stomp on Neji only for the Hyūga to move out of the way at the last second again. While he pressed two points on Naruto's right leg.

Trying to buy himself a little time Neji threw down two smoke bombs and scurried up to his feet running to put enough distance between himself and Naruto.

'How is he so strong? Fate has decreed that I will win today not him so why is he beating me so effortlessly' Neji thought.

In the stands

'What will you do now Neji? Uzumaki is too strong for you. Will you give up?' Hiashi wondered.

Hanabi looked on in confusion at what she was seeing. 'I thought he was supposed to be the best of our generation. Why is that blond kid dominating him then and why does he hate onee-chan' she wondered.

'Neji' thought Tenten.

Outside of the Arena

Kabuto stared down at the body of the Leaf ANBU he had just killed and took the mask from his face.

'Let me enjoy myself a little Naruto-kun … since I have such a tough job coming up' thought the traitor.

'The final test is different from the prelims … Naruto. I have faith that you will win. You are much stronger than I believed you to be' Iruka thought.

He wished he had been able to attend to the Finals and cheer for his former students, especially Naruto. But he couldn't find a decent substitute so he just hoped they each would at least survive the day. He had been briefed on what was going on by the Academy supervisor and soon they would all be heading to the Hokage Monument.

Back in the Arena

Neji stood back and surveyed the area the smoke covered waiting for the next attack to come. He slid into his stance once more and tried to anticipate which direction Naruto would come from.

From the smoke several kunai came at him forcing him to dodge. They were followed by several more, then ten more, twenty, fifty, soon it looked like hundreds of kunai were coming at him. He would have run, but several more poofs of smoke erupted around the field with kunai streaming out of them pinning him down to one area with no visible means of escape.

'I can't lose here, not to this loser. I have to use it' Neji thought desperately.

"Hakkeshō Kaiten – Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!" Neji shouts.


His announcement of the technique caused many of the Hyūga's in attendance to gasp.

'A branch member using a technique reserved for the Main house family' were their thoughts.

Those of the main house were shocked and disgusted. They were also worried about there possibly being more branch members that knew techniques limited to the main house, but just hadn't used them yet or have been seen using them. This eventually lead to thought of a possible revolt being plotted, which had happened only once before.

It was that incident that actually lead to the creation of the Hyūga Sōke no juinjutsu 'Hyūga Main Family's Cursed Seal Technique'. Oh they would always preach about it just being a means of defense and not one of enslavement, but all one needed to know to see through that lie was the fact that not all Hyūga's had it.

The shock on the face of Hiashi and Hinata would have been satisfying for Neji, but he was busy at the moment. To busy to see that those shocked looks also held admiration and a little guilt on both faces.


If Neji utilizing the main house technique shocked Naruto no one could see, because the clouds of black smoke still covered the three now five areas of the arena floor steadily streaming kunai at him.

Neji released his chakra from all of his tenketsu points and then started to spin faster and faster until a glowing blue dome of chakra is all one can see. The crowd watches in amazement, but just as Neji initiates the techniques the smoke clouds vanish revealing the five Narutos.

All five rush the dome of chakra seemingly to take it head-on eliciting mutters of idiot. They didn't expect what happened next.

'Bunshin Daibakuha – Clone Great Explosion' Naruto intoned from where he was hiding.

The explosions rocked the arena causing many in the audience to either feel a little shook up or like their seats were swaying. A few felt something else having to fight a slight blush that threatened to come over their faces. But all were awed by the sight of the explosions, with a few being worried about those actually in the arena fighting.

Neji's technique was disrupted as he faulted once the tremors of the technique caused him to stumble, then he felt the force of the explosions nearly crush him due to losing his protective shell, but he still stood not giving in.

What finally did him in was Naruto as he came up from under the ground beneath Neji and delivered a brutal earth chakra enhanced uppercut. Neji went flying out of the plumes of smoke and debris that covered the area he was in to the further shock, amazement, and worry of the crowd.

A fierce wind blew dissipating the smoke and clearing the arena for all to see. Naruto stood in the center a whole beside him as he wiped down his clothes seemingly without a care in the world.


"He … actually defeated the Hyūga's Kaiten technique" said a surprised Ine.

"I can't believe Neji lost. He worked so hard to perfect that technique" was Tenten's sad remark at her crush losing.

She knew how hard Neji had worked to learn and perfect that technique. She had trained with him the entire month as they made sure it was absolute in it's defense.

'Absolute defense … I guess Naruto didn't get that message. Neji's not going to take losing like this so easily' Tenten thought.

"He beat the Kaiten … can he do that?" questioned a wide eyed Hanabi.

"I believe he did Hanabi" Hiashi replied tersely his hands clenching at the edges of his seat. He was imagining it was Naruto and he was crushing him easily beneath the might of the Hyūga clan.

The Hyūga elders were having mini-heart attacks as they not only saw a branch member use a main family technique, but a boy they still believed to be beneath them defeat said technique. This definitely wouldn't stand in their books, something needed to be done.

Arena Field

Naruto strode calmly up to a struggling Neji who was trying to stand and face what he felt was someone inferior to him. During the break he had attempted to scout his opponent out, but he couldn't find him or something always got in his way. When he asked others about the blond, the stories he heard were grandiose and there for unbelievable to him.

The one thing he did get was that no one had anything solid on Uzumaki. He was an enigma, a puzzle and if he were a Nara this might provoke him to look harder and intensify in his search for anything on the blond. As it was he just ignored it and decided in the end regardless of the Uzumaki's displayed talent he would win, because fate said so. And he was paying the price for that arrogance.

Naruto calmly walked over and stomped on Neji's back as he attempted to get up sending him face first into the dirt.

"Will you forfeit?" Naruto asked calmly.

All he got was a sneer directed at him from the downed Hyūga.

"I'll take that as a no" Naruto says off offhandedly.

"You know, I was tempted to simply kill you" Naruto says shocking Neji and those that heard especially the old Hokage.

"Those explosions you experienced were only made to disrupt your technique. I could have done that in many different ways without resorting to such a flashy technique. But if I did you would have died.

When I was studying up on Hyūga techniques in preparation for our battle I saw the many flaws that come with your techniques. The first was obvious and that is if you faced a superior taijutsu user there isn't much else for your clan to fall back on technique wise and your so-called pride prohibits you from using much if anything else.

There are others but for the sake of Konoha I won't air a clans failings that any enemy could pick up on and use against it … for now anyways.

What you should know is … that the only thing that saved you from death in this match was the cousin you seem to hate so much. I know why you hate her and I think you are pathetic for hating someone who was a victim and didn't have any more of a chance to change what happened that night then you did.

I won't lecture you about that, because it's not my place. I honestly don't understand what she sees in you to make her value you so. I may not love her the way she wants, but I do care about her and the pain both physically and emotionally that you caused her before, during, and after your fight is unforgivable.

However, if I killed you then I would be no better than you. She would hate me for it and spend her time mourning your death. She might have even become as lost as you are and dedicated her life to hating everyone and going on bull-shit rants about fate. I couldn't let that happen, so you live for today" Naruto says loud enough that everyone heard.

He then crouches down so only Neji can hear him say, "But if I ever hear of you hurting her again or even giving her a dirty look in passing I'll kill you. I don't care where I am or even if she deserved it. If you do it again I'll hunt you down and kill you without anyone ever knowing it was me that did it"

And with that message given Naruto reached over and pinched a pressure point on Neji's neck rendering him unconscious. He stood up and looked to the proctor that quickly went over to check the unconscious boy.

"Winner, Uzumaki Naruto!" he shouts.

A cheer erupted from the crowd mainly from those who had bet on Naruto to win, his mother and cousin, the girls, his sensei, and the group trying to get in the Uzumaki's good graces. The rest sat stunned that the boy was already so strong and wondered how he acquired that strength.

In the Stands

"My, that boy of yours is certainly strong Kushi-chan" Yoshino Nara says.

"Yeah, it doesn't even seem like he was really trying to beat the Hyūga boy" Fusa Akimichi says.

"He really is like his father … a true alpha" Tsume chimes in.

The girls they brought with them looked down at the arena floor with a blush.

'He's so hot'

'He's so strong'

'I hope he likes me'

Were the thoughts running through their minds. Initially most of them had been against this idea hatched by their mothers, but after seeing him in action those complaints died.

"Naruto-kun was amazing don't you think Miyuki" Akari says.

"Mhm, he was great but I don't think he's happy with ending the match the way he did" Miyuki responds.

"What makes you say that? Cuz totally killed it out there, why would he be upset?" Karin asks confused.

"It's because while Naruto has moved past much of his anger at what happened to him in the past. There are still some things that make that anger resurface. I imagine seeing the way Neji treated Hinata and the fact he cares for her makes him want to kill Neji" Kushina says shocking those around her that were listening.

"What? Kill Neji … but" Tenten says a little frantically.

"Relax girl, your boyfriend is safe. If Naruto was going to kill him he would have done it instead of simply knocking him out. It's just like he said Hinata would hate him if he did and that's something Naruto doesn't want so he won't" Tsume says.

She had some insight on the situation due to her son being Hinata's team mate after all. She also knew a good deal about Naruto as despite her past actions she had watched the son of her former best friend from afar. She knew enough about Naruto to say nothing would happen … unless Neji did something stupid towards Hinata again.

Tenten relaxed for a second, before going red with embarrassment.

"He's not my boyfriend!" she shouted.

Everyone laughed as Tenten's mother tried to calm her down.

Kiba was tightening his fist his mouth clenched in a scowl. Ami's fist were also clenched as they both thought the same thing.

'I don't care how strong he is one day I'll make him pay'

'Naruto-kun is so strong. I need to train so that one day I will be his equal and then …" from there Hinata dissolved into fantasies that started off innocent but eventually turned very perverse. When her imagination hit it's peak blood started leaking from her nose worrying Kurenai and Kiba. She was forced to assure them she was okay snapping her out of her fantasy.

'Yep, I'll have her in a trench coat and fishnet before the month is up' Anko thought grinning madly, which also caused Kurenai to worry.

She knew that look meant Anko was up to something and she was getting a distinct feeling it had something to do with her precious little Hinata.

"To think that's the same loud mouthed shrimpy kid we met all those years ago screaming about how he was going to be Hokage and make everyone respect him" Kotetsu says in remembrance.

"Yeah, I can't even recognize him he's so different" Izumo agreed.

Waiting area

Naruto walked up the stairs to the waiting area after waving to those cheering for him. When he made it the waiting area his team mates were already waiting for him.

"Nice fight Naruto" Ino Yamanaka says.

"Thanks Ino" Naruto responds.

"Great fight Naruto, that Hyūga didn't know what hit him" Yuudai says bumping fists with Naruto.

"Yeah, Naruto you really kicked his ass. He won't forget that beating any time soon" Katsu says also bumping fists.

"Thanks guys. I can't wait to see how strong you've gotten while you were in the capitol" Naruto says.

Both boys nodded then gave a challenging glare to the other. That ended quickly as both gave a smile and turned on Naruto.

"So … how far did you get with Akari and Miyuki while we were gone?" Katsu asked eagerly.

"That's … none of your business" said a slightly blushing Naruto who turned away from them.

Temari watched from her position with her brothers. She was admittedly jealous of Naruto's relationship with the other two girls, but she knew he liked her. He had a different relationship with all three of them and each was growing at their own pace. For now she was okay with it, but in the future she wanted more. It was selfish, but she couldn't help it.

Naruto noticed Temari's frown and moved past his friends to talk to her.

"What's wrong Temari-chan?" Naruto asked her.

"Nothing's wrong. Congratulations on your win" Temari says curtly.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Naruto asked again.

"I am"

"Okay … perhaps in a few days after all of this is over we can go out on a date or something. If you guys don't have to leave immediately that is" Naruto says hopefully.

"Great, another group date" Temari responds.

"No, I was thinking this time it would be just you and me. I'll take you anywhere you want to go" Naruto tells her.

"W-what … just … the two of us?" Temari asked with hope in her voice.

"Yeah, Akari and Miyuki just wanted to meet you and get to know you a bit. This time it'll be just you and me. I did say yes earlier remember" Naruto says with a grin.

Temari didn't know how to respond so she just went with what she was feeling and glomped the blond. She was also softly crying into his chest hiding her face from the other competitors in the box.

While she was facing away from them Temari couldn't see the confused looks on her brothers face.

'When did this happen? Will she go through with the plan? And why didn't I bring a camera?' wondered Kankurō.


'Naruto to think you've grown so strong and right underneath my nose. I'll need to keep a closer eye on you in the future' the old man thinks.

He wasn't the only one shocked.

'To think little Naru-chan has grown so well. If Sasuke-kun weren't around I might favor you with the blessing of being my next vessel' thought the disguised Orochimaru.


"That Naruto, always surprising me. I'd be shocked if anyone in the tournament could match him" The Fire Daimiyō boasts.

"Wait until you see Gaara. I doubt anyone will survive if they decide to fight him" The Wind Daimiyō boasts equally.

"You … wouldn't perhaps be willing to make a wager on that would you Hiroshi?" asked the Fire Daimiyō.

"What did you have in mind, Daichi?" The Wind Daimiyō inquired.

"I heard that Naruto and one of your female ninja have hit it off. I owe the boy and his parents, so my proposition is that if he wins the tournament the girl becomes a citizen of Fire Country and becomes betrothed to him" The Fire Daimiyō says.

The Wind Daimiyō thinks it over before counter proposing.

"Fine, but if Gaara wins the tournament then Naruto becomes a ninja of Wind Country. Perhaps I'll even make him the Kage of a new village I've been secretly building since Suna has become such a disappointment to me" Hiroshi says.

"That might be a problem. Naruto is not officially a ninja of Fire Country. He is working on a contract that expires in a few years" Daichi responds.

"Hmm … that is not an issue. I can always convince him to stay after his contract is up and I assure you once he sees my plans for the new hidden village I doubt he'll want to leave" Hiroshi says confidently.

"Fine, then I also want 100 thousand yen in addition to Temari to balance the wager" Diachi counters.

"Done, I only hope Naruto will survive in good enough condition to merit such a wager after all of this is done" The Wind Daimiyō says before focusing back on the arena.

In the arena

"It's time for the next match! Kankurō and Aburame Shino! Come down!" Genma called out.

Up in the fighters area Shino had already moved towards the stairs, but Kankurō was still looking over the rails.

'This match doesn't even matter. I'm more worried about having to reveal the gimmick implanted in Karusu before the plan begins. There is no way I'm going to do that' he thought.

He looked at Temari as she turned to look at him and it seemed like a conversation passed between them without words.

"I FORFEIT!" Kankurō yelled down to the proctor.

Everyone in the booth that wasn't from Suna looked at the puppeteer in shock.

'He must be forfeiting so he doesn't waste any chakra before the Invasion. Or perhaps he is hiding something he doesn't want anyone to know about' Naruto thought.

That thought went through the minds of everyone that knew about the Invasion. Those that didn't looked towards the Suna-nin curious wondering why he would even show up if he didn't plan to fight.

In the stands

"Sorry we're *munch* late, has Ino's match *munch* started yet?" came the voice of Chōji Akimichi.

Fusa Akimichi turned to acknowledge her son as did some of the others in the group. Chōji and Shikamaru Nara had just made it to the arena witnessing Kankurō forfeit. This of course got Shikamaru to thinking something was definitely up. On his way to the arena he had noticed the large amount of shinobi moving around and thought it was odd. He also thought he saw a group of civilians being led away some where.

'It's like they were preparing for some kind of attack' he had mused.

"No sochi-kun, her match doesn't start until after the next one. Are you feeling okay" she says.

"I feel good mom, swear" Chōji replies.

"Good, now here's a bag of XXL bag of double dipped honey barbeque potato chips. Don't eat it all though sochi, and share with your friends" Fusa Akimichi says after handing him the bag of chips.

"Thanks mom, I will" Chōji says as he and Shikamaru go to sits down behind the women.

"Did Naruto win?" Shikamaru asked curiously.

"If you had gotten up when I told you to you would know that he did in fact win" Yoshino Nara says chidingly to her lazy sun.

"Tch … troublesome" Shikamaru drawls quietly.


"Next Match, Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara! Come down!" Genma called.

Stands – 10 minutes later

"Where are you Sasuke-kun?" were the worried thoughts of his most devout fan girl.

"To keep everyone waiting like this … What is Kakashi doing?" Kurenai says.

"I wonder how long before the old man has to call the match and disqualify the Uchiha" Asuma wonders aloud.

"If you ask me it would be better if he were disqualified. Even sealed Orochimaru's little gift will be too much for that boy. At least this way he'll stay a genin and can be watched" Anko says.

No one around her verbally acknowledged what Anko said, but not many thought she was wrong. As the group of shinobi were talking amongst themselves others in the stands were growing quite restless.

"What's going on? Hurry up and start the next match!"

"How long are you going to keep us waiting?"

"It seems like Kakashi hasn't changed at all" Kushina says offhandedly.

"Who's Kakashi? And why would you say that?" Karin asked.

"Kakashi was my late husband's student and he is the Uchiha's sensei. He is known for never showing up on time for anything even missions" Kushina informs the girl.

"And he's still a jōnin?" Karin asked.

"Considered to be Konoha's best after the Hokage and his remaining loyal students" Kushina replies.


"What is that guy doing? Is he planning to come or not?" Shikamaru wondered before he looked at the competitors box.

'If it were me I wouldn't show up. That Gaara's a monster, but Sasuke isn't like me' he thought.

Waiting Area

"Where is Sasuke? He's going to miss his match" Ino says.

"Confucious said, 'The wise do not approach the dangerous' Wise decision perhaps?" Shino says shocking those that knew him at the fact he spoke.

"He'll show, he's too arrogant not to" Naruto responds turning the focus on him.

Away from the other contestants the Suna trio were talking amongst themselves … well two of them were anyway.

"If he doesn't come then the plan will …" Kankurō starts.

"This is bad. What are we going to do?" Temari asks to her brother.

Both Suna genin and their sensei sitting in the stands had a bad thought. They remembered a few weeks ago after Gaara had met with the Uzumaki's he came back and slept for a week only coming out of his room for food and to use the bathroom. It was the most terrifying week of their lives.

Then he left the hotel one day and said, "I'm going to test my existence". And then he didn't return until this morning, which had them all a little on edge.

'He didn't kill him did he?'

Kage Viewing Area

"Hahaha … they're quite restless aren't they?" the Kazekage remarks.

"Indeed, an intense but brief match followed by a forfeit and now nothing. Even I am anxious to get things moving" the Hokage responds.

"No …" the Kazekage starts getting the Hokage's attention "I'm sure that's part of the reason, but it's more likely because of the next match. For the more experienced lords and shinobi leaders there isn't a match they'd enjoy more" the Kazekage says.

Before the Hokage can digest what was said the ANBU with the burn mark across his face returns.

"Where is he?" the Hokage asks quietly.

"We can't find him and we are still busy … so before everyone starts to make a big fuss, perhaps we should disqualify him" the ANBU suggests.

Hiruzen thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"We have no choice … as the rules state … Sasuke will be disqualified" the Hokage says.

But before the Hokage could finalize the decision the Kazekage interrupted.

"Hokage-dono, please wait a little while longer before making a decision" the Kazekage implores.

"I beg your pardon, but anyone who takes punctuality lightly … doesn't have what it takes to be a chūnin, no matter how good they are.

Unless there is a good reason to convince the shinobi lords and leaders to wait … we should go on without him" the ANBU responds.

"I see … If that's the case, then there is a more satisfactory reason. The majority of the shinobi leaders and lords, myself included, are mainly here because we wanted to see this next match" The Kazekage says.

"But …" the ANBU tries to interject.

"He is, after all, a member of the Uchiha clan … and we as the wind country, would also request that our Gaara … be given the opportunity to fight him" the Kazekage finishes.

"What should we do?" the ANBU asks the Hokage.

'There's no guarantee Sasuke will come, but there's no helping it …' the old kage thought.

"Very well, we will make an exception and have this match later on" the old man says.

"Hokage-sama, are you really okay with that?" the ANBU asked questioningly.

"… just inform the examiner" the Hokage says after giving the ANBU a look.

"Yes sir" the ANBU says and shunshines away.

"It seems odd that you would push so much for this, Kazekage-dono" Hiruzen says after the ANBU left.

"Not at all … there's no better opponent than the Uchiha to show off the quality of our village's shinobi to these clients. It's a great opportunity for us" the Kazekage says.


"Hey what's up with the match?"

"Hasn't the Uchiha shown up yet?"

As the people in the crowd kept shouting the burn marked ANBU informed Genma of the Hokage's decision.

"Okay, I got it …"

The message delivered the ANBU left the arena floor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The contestan for the next match hasn't arrived yet! Therefore will push this match back and begin the next one!" Genma announces to the annoyed crowd.

"And now the next match! Yasuoto Yuudai and Osegowa Katsu! Come down!"

After being told good luck by Naruto the two team mates turned to face each other and gave a slight nod. They were both feeling a little anxious and the crowds' unrest didn't help the situation. They quickly shunshined into the arena coming to a stop in front of the proctor facing each other.

"Now, the third fight! Begin!" Genma shouts before getting out of the way.

Yuudai and Katsu both tried to stare each other down before relaxing.

"So how are we going to do this?" Katsu asked

"How about a two out of three match?" Yuudai answered.

"Okay how about ninjutsu, genjutsu, then finish with kenjutsu" Katsu proposed.

"No, you'd win as your better with genjutsu. How about tiajutsu, ninjutsu, and finish it with kenjutsu?" Yuudai counters.

"No ninjutsu above B rank" Katsu says.

"Agreed, should we begin?" Yuudai asks.

He never received an answer as Katsu charged in with a knife strike to his chest, which he dodged by moving to the side and attempting to jab Katsu on the chin.

Katsu slaped the punch aside and tried a rising knee strike, but was stopped as Yuudai used his free hand and pushed against Katsu.

Using the momentum of the push Yuudai tried for a mule kick, but Katsu shielded himself with his forearms taking the brunt of the blow. He skidded back a bit before dropping his arms only to be met with a punch to the jaw.

Katsu recovered quickly enough to slap away another punch aimed at his head ducked under Yuudai then sprung up grasping him around his torso and using his leverage to slam him into the ground.

'I'm getting no where with this. Time to take it up a notch' Yuudai thought.

Katsu sprung up into the air and tried to come down with an elbow drop, but hit nothing except the ground as Yuudai's body had submerged beneath the earth just in time avoiding the painful blow.

'Shit! He used 'Doton: Dochū Eigyo no Jutsu – Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique'. Is he going to come at me from underneath or use a clone to distract me' Katsu thought as he rose up and took a defensive tiajutsu stance.

True to his thoughts across from him three Iwa Bunshins rose up from the ground and charged at him. Seeing this Katsu took out his sword and channeled chakra through it. It seemed as if flames sprouted from the blade covering it as he began to engage the rock clones.

Katsu charged the middle clone and thrust his sword forward embedding the sword right in the clones waist. The clone raised it's fist to pummel the fire user but didn't get a chance to as Katsu jumped up bringing the sword up and through the rock clone forcing it to crumble into rock destroying it.

The other clones tried coming in from the side as the first clone was destroying, but Katsu landed on the head of the one coming at his left flank and then jumped off causing the bunshins to miss as he prepared a jutsu to destroy them.

Katsu built chakra up inside his body while holding the horse seal then expelled a large amount flames sending a wall of fire at the clones that were incinerating everything in their path.

"Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku – Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation" Katsu shouted after expelling the flames.

The audience watch enraptured as the flames engulfed the rock clones forcing them to crumble and blackening the rocks themselves. Katsu cut the chakra off from the technique before it could endanger the crowd and scanned for his teammate.

He wasn't disappointed when a cry of "Doton: Doryūha – Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave" was heard from behind him.

He turned in time to see Yuudai atop a wave of mud that threatened to come crashing down on him if he didn't use a quick Kawarimi to appear behind the wave.

"I didn't think that fire technique would get you. How about one more ninjutsu before we let our swords settle this" Katsu challenges.

"Fine by me" Yuudai responds after cancelling his technique.

Katsu rapidly did the hand seals Ram - Horse - Snake - Dragon - Rat - Ox - Tiger "Katon: Karyū Endan – Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet" creating a dragon of fire that soared towards Yuudai.

At the same time Yuudai also went through hand seals Ram - Horse- Dragon "Doton: Doryūdan – Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet"

By virtue of having less hand seals to go through and the use of the mud created by the Earth Flow Wave technique Yuudai's jutsu finished first. A dragon head made of the mud rose from the ground and fired multiple bullets of mud at Katsu.

Katsu managed to finish his technique before the first bullet made it half way to him, but it was still too late. The first three mud bullets impacted the Fire Dragon destroying it and in the process causing an explosion which thanks to how close the explosion was to him Katsu got caught up in it and was thrown off his feet violently as he was slammed to the ground and sent tumbling over.

This also saved him, because the two remaining bullets missed him creating indents in the wall surrounding the arena from their impacts.

'It's times like this I wish I had an affinity for lightning' Katsu thought as he shakily rose from the ground.

When he looked across the way for his friend and opponent he only saw a fist a millisecond away from connecting with his face. The impact onced again knocked him off his feet.

Yuudai didn't give him a chance to recover and as he jumped up and delivered a rising crescent kick to Katsu's head sending him to the ground. He smirked and advanced upon the downed form of his friend only to be forced to shield himself as the body glowed red and exploded in flames hiting Yuudai and forcing him to rip off the sleeves of his shirt.

"I think it's time, don't you Yuu?" Katsu called from behind him.

Yuudai turned to face him and removed a sealing scroll from his belt and unsealed a standard katana. He would have used the sword Naruto gave him, but he didn't want to show everything he could do.

Katsu had already had his sword out as well. He was also using a standard Katana. As they both took their stances Katsu with his blade held infront of him in his right hand and Yuudai with his blad held high above his head wielding with both hands they stared at each other.

In the stands

"I wonder why they are using such low quality katana's?" Tenten asked.

She was exited about possibly seeing a sword duel between two fellow Konoha gennin. She was disappointed it wasn't her out there facing one of them. She also wished one of them was female because she wanted to see more women like Kushina and Yūgao become weapon specialists like her. It was her dream that she herself would one day inspire a whole new generation of female fighters that would look up to her and want to be like her.

"Actually Ten-chan, those swords are nicely made. They aren't high quality like the swords your father produces, but they should hold up well enough" Takako says correcting her.

"I saw them with swords during the joint mission to Wave. They could channel chakra and create huge elemental dragons. I think they said Naruto gave them to them so why aren't they using those swords?" questioned Chōji.

"It's possible they don't want to show everything they can do here with everyone watching. A ninja needs their secrets after all and a good shinobi knows that" Yūgao answers.

All the adults nodded at that simple answer agreeing with the jōnin, but the kids all thought it was a waste to not show everything and thought they were hurting their chance at being promoted.

"They should start any second …"

Arena Floor

Katsu recognizing Yuudai's stance knew he wouldn't attack first and was basically waiting him out so he charged. He ran slightly to Yuudai's left towards his weaker hand and forced Yuudai to turn slightly to intercept him. Katsu then quickly dashed to the right and slashed at Yuudai's right side.

Yuudai's response was to side step to his left while slashing his blade up from a downward position to get underneath Katsu's guard. Seeing the maneuver Katsu pressed down where their blades locked and then jumped over using Yuudai's force to propel himself over the rising blade and getting behind Yuudai just enough to launch a kunai at him while he was still in the air.

Yuudai quickly knocked the kunai away and charged Katsu whom had enough time to land safely and also charge. They met in the middle their swords clashing as each took turns stabbing or slashing at the other. Moving backwards and forwards, side to side, and some times displaying beautiful maneuvers and movements that didn't look like anything that belonged in a duel to the death.

They doggedly went after each other for five minutes straight never stopping, never hesitating. For Katsu and Yuudai locked in the heat of battle and focused only on the other the match had little meaning beyond gaining bragging rights and respect from their friends and family. For the crowd it was a mesmerizing spectacle that made them eager for more.

Unfortunately all good things come to an end just as this battle must. The end came when Katsu ducked under a seemingly wild swing from Yuudai, came underneath for a forward stab only for Yuudai to use his free hand to grasp Katsu's sword and yank it from his grasp flip it into his hand and point both swords at Katsu's neck.

"Do you yield?" Yuudai asked.

He brought the swords closer as they crossed and looked like a pair of scissors closing in on Katsu's neck. Katsu knew he lost so he did the only thing he could.

"Fine … proctor I quit" Katsu announces.

Genma nodded and smiled at both genin, 'They both will make excellent chūnin. After that display I know more than a few jōnin and chūnin will request to work with them, including me. You sure had one of a hell of a team to work with Yūgao-chan' he thought.

"Shousha Yasuoto Yuudai" Genma announced.

Yuudai handed Katsu back his sword and both put them away as they walked out of the arena. When they got to the stairs they were met by Naruto.

"Nice fight guys" Naruto says to both.

"Thanks, but don't think I'll take it easy on you when we fight Naruto" Yuudai challenges.

"I wouldn't dream of it. Just like I hope you don't expect me to go easy on you" Naruto responds with a smile.

" … maybe a little"

All three laughed at the joke as they headed back up into the waiting area.


"Both boys performed well" Kushina commended.

"I agree … I'd recommend both for a promotion along with Naruto" Yūgao.

"Do you really think they are ready?" Osegowa Rui asked.

"They have only been here a few months, surely they could use another year to learn the way you ninja operate better before going on tougher missions?" questioned Yasuoto Fumitaka.

"It embarrasses me to say this, but in our initial training session I was very impressed by both boys and their level of combat knowledge and their sword skill. Physically I reported they were already at a more than acceptable level.

Obviously they had very little knowledge about shinobi, but had knowledge of chakra and how to utilize it. Their reserves were also at a decent level for males of their age. And for gennin the only real requirement is that they know the basic three techniques clone, replacement, and transformation.

It took them all of a week to learn those with Naruto's help and from there I've taught them a few things, but Naruto has helped them a lot. He really made it his responsibility to bring both up to a level where we are already taking C and B level missions on a regular basis.

I would say they are more than ready for the responsibility that comes with being a chūnin. Plus, they will be with Naruto until they leave. He won't let anything happen to them that I am sure" Yūgao answers placating them.

"Thank you Uzuki-san. I am glad the Sandiame saw to it that you would teach and protect our boys. I was sceptikal about all of this when the Fire Lord requested my boy for this mission, but it would seem he has benefited from it greatly and become stronger for it. I hope that you will continue to teach and guide them regardless of any of them receiving a promotion" Osegowa Hayao states.

Yūgao looked around at the parents of the three boys and saw the other four all nod in agreement.

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of leaving the team now. I may not officially continue being their sensei, but I can still go on missions with them and I will always be around if they need me for anything" she replies.

All the parents smiled at the jōnin causing her to blush slightly at the attention aimed at her. Even the parents of the girls behind them were smiling at her with the girls giving her looks of admiration and one of awe … she hopes it was awe. Hayate hugged her a bit and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

Arena Floor

"It's time for the fourth match of the opening round of the Chūnin Exam Finals! Yamanka Ino and Temari! Come down!" Genma announces.

Waiting Area

As Ino and Temari walked towards the steps Naruto grabbed Temari.

"I just wanted to say good luck Temari-chan" Naruto said.

He then proceeded to kiss her on the lips shocking the normally serious girl as her mind shut down a little as the kiss progressed. Naruto released her and took a step back.

"You should go they are waiting on you" Naruto says after a few seconds of staring.

"Hey! Why aren't you wishing me good luck?" Ino asked.

"I'm not dating you" was the simple reply.

"So, we're still friends and she isn't even from here" Ino pointed out.

"I'm not aware of us being anything resembling friends" Naruto says as he turns away dismissively.

"W-what? We are friends … aren't we?" Ino asked a little hurt.

"Yamanaka-san I think the proctor is about to disqualify you" Shino informs the girl.

"What?" she turns and notices both Temari and Genma looking at her impatiently "Hey! Wait for me!" she shouted and turned to make her way down, but not before looking back at Naruto once more. "I'm coming!"

"Uzumaki-san, Yamanka-san is correct" Shino stated as he stood beside Naruto while looking out at the arena field.

"About …"

"We all do consider you our friend and comrade" Shino elaborates.

"Is that so …"

Arena Floor

'Damn that Naruto distracting me and making me late. Who does he think he is anyway? Nobody dismisses Yamanaka Ino that way'

Ino quickly made her way to stand in front of her opponent and the proctor.

"Sorry … I got sidetracked by … something" Ino says.

"It doesn't matter, are you ready?" Genma asked.

She nodded and he turned to the crowd.

"Now the fourth fight! BEGIN!" Genma announced and shunshined away.

Both Temari and Ino stand observing one another. Ino knew some of what the Suna kunoichi could do having seen her match with Tenten. Temari's only knowledge of Ino was the little she knew about her clan, but she wasn't worried. Of what little she had seen of this class of kunoichi she could only deem them one thing and that was fodder or worse in the case of that one girl she remember from the prelims, a fan girl.

Like many kunoichi she considered fan girls the bane of all females. It was one thing to admire or desire strong or popular males, but to be completely totally devoted to a guy that didn't even care about you or even acknowledged you exisited was just despicable. She wouldn't lift a finger to help a fan girl nor would she take it easy on one.

As pathetic as that prelim farce of a fight was she did catch that the blond in front of her is or at least was a fan girl. This would be an easy fight and she might even get to conserve her energy for when the real fights happened.

Ino was going through everything she knew. She knew her clan jutsu's were out unless she could maneuver the blond from Suna into making a mistake. Still, she had learned a few things she was sure would help her in this match.

Ino knew from watching the blond Suna kunoichi fight that older genin kunoichi that she couldn't match up in a battle of ninjutsu. She also only knew a few outside of the clan ninjutsu her father taught her.

Genjutsu might be an option. She had learned a few. It seemed stupid for a clan of mind walkers to not know any good genjutsu. And unfortunately her tiajutsu was still a work in progress. She was still weak from years of stupid dieting and not exercising properly. She had only started working on improving her tiajutsu during the month break.

Ino also knew her speed was decent at best. Still, only Hinata had proven to be faster among the kunoichi of their class. If she could get in close kenjutsu might work. She had bought a Tanto after talking to some old Yamanka that were kunoichi.

Ino had her plan and was now ready to implement it.

'I hope this works' she thought with finality.

'Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu – Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique' Ino intoned mentally while making handsigns for a ninjutsu.

What went unnoticed by most including Temari due to her underestimating the blond girl was that Ino wasn't moulding her chakra with the hand seals. This was something Ino had worked hard on during the month. She figured Temari was more of a straightforward fighter and she might be susceptible to more subtle arts like genjutsu.

Still, she knew Temari was smart as it was something Shikamaru had commented on when she managed to get him up and moving to train. When she asked him for suggestions on what she should do he made mention of double layered genjutsu.

"What's wrong honey. Your little ninjutsu failed. You fan girls are all alike … weak. Let me show you what a real kunoichi can do" Temari states.

Temari unfolds her fan and says, "See this moon, there are three of them. When you see all three this fight will be over. Kamaitachi no Jutsu – Sickle Weasel Technique"

Temari then waves the fan sending gusts of wind at Ino forcing her to cover her face as small rips appear in her clothing. Ino remembering the preliminary fights knew what was next so she made a show of going through hand seals again before correctly calling out her jutsu this time.

"Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu – Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique" Ino calls out.

Instantly the world around Temari worps and she finds herself in Suna alone. The first thing she notices is the searing heat, then in the distance she sees buildings collapse as a rising tide of sand demolishes them. From the rubble rises Shukaku in all it's demonic glory looking at her with nothing short of a predatory grin.

Temari cursed her stupidity in letting Ino trap her in a genjutsu and tried to pulse her chakra to disrupt the technique. When that didn't work she bit her tongue and almost instantaneously she noticed she was back in the arena. The only problem was her opponent was no where to be found.

Ino crouched down behind a bush near the only bit of cover the arena offered. So far everything had been going according to her plan, but this next part would be the most difficult. Taking careful aim Ino threw five shuriken at the Suna kunoichi and lept from where she hid throwing five more as she ran at the older girl.

Temari sensing the attack immediately moved and avoided the throwing stars before launching her second wind scythe jutsu revealing the second moon. The wind jutsu traveled through the arena meeting little resistance until it came upon the slightly wooded area and sliced into the wood leaving deep scars before the jutsu ended.

Of course the wind jutsu missed Ino and she was able to continue moving towards Temari. It did scare her that the Suna kunoichi came close to nailing her with the jutsu. The cutting wind attack was widespread enough that she hadn't exactly anticipated how wide it would be thuse resulting in sustaining a little damage. It wasn't enough to stop or even slow her down as the few cuts she received were thin and shallow.

When Temari saw that her jutsu missed it shocked her enough that her reactions slowed giving Ino time to reach her. What started next was a brief Tiajutsu duel, which basically feature Ino dodging Temari's punches and kicks.

Ino had no illusions of winning such a fight against the older and much more physical Suna kunoichi. As it stood she was only able to dodge the older girls attacks due to the affects of the earlier placed genjutsu making it seem as if she was closer than she really was. Ino's goal was to take Temari's fan away from her thus elimating the older girls long range capabilities.

Unfortunately even in close range combat Temari was able to unfurl her fan enough to launch another wind jutsu making Ino back off before revealing the third moon. This was what Ino had been waiting on and leapt at the older kunoichi before she could unleash her wind attack.

Ino managed to land just in time as Temari was swiping downwards and stabbed her Tanto into the fan using chakra to give her attack more strength.

What Ino hadn't considered was that by using chakra her attack wouldn't just pierce the giant iron fan, but Temari too. Due to her hitting the fabric stretched out by the fan being open it ripped right though like butter and stabbed into Temari.

Temari instantly dropped the fan and clutched her chest where the tanto was currently imbedded. Her last though before she dropped to the ground, 'I lost … to a fangirl'.

The moment she hit the ground blood poured out of her mouth and the wound. Genma quickly called the fight.

"Sousha Yamanaka Ino" he called out as he waved for the medics.

Ino stood still, stunned by what happened. She couldn't tell if it was shock over possibly killing her opponent or that she won. In the stands her mother, friends, even rival excitedly called out to her clearly excited about the unexpected victory. Even Ino's own mother thought she was done for when the match started.

Tenten in particular called out strongly seeing her opponent from the prelims defeated. Tenten wasn't a vengeful person, but she would never forget the shame and humiliation she felt during her battle with the Suna kunoichi not to mention anger over how it ended. While, she didn't want the blond to die she did take a small measure of satisfaction that a younger leaf kunoichi was the one that defeated the girl.

Naruto himself stood in disbelief at what happened. He wasn't sure exactly what he felt. Part of him wanted to yell and storm the field to be by Temari's side, but the more rational cold side of him that Kaen had practically beat into him made him stop. He would only get in the way right now.

That didn't mean that when Ino finally got over her shock and made it up to the waiting area that he didn't give her a smouldering glare that promised nothing good.

Ino herself after coming out of the shock enjoyed the praise, adulation, and cheers she was showered with.

'I won! I really won!'

She felt ontop of the world until she went back to the waiting area with the other potential chūnin waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. When she got there she looked to see Naruto and was going to brag about winning over his foreign friend, but the look she got stopped her.

'What's his problem. It was a fight. I didn't mean to hurt her that bad. And it's not like she wouldn't have hurt me' Ino thought and justified.

She walked away from the blond plans of rubbing in her victory gone. She couldn't even enjoy the further congratulations extended to her by some of the other Leaf gennin still participating.

With the match over and the field clear Genma called for the last and final match of the first round.

""It's time for the fifth and final match of the opening round of the Chūnin Exam Finals! Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara! Come down!" Genma announces.

After ten minutes of the still no show Uchiha and a very restless Gaara that was freaking the proctor out he looked towards the Sandiame.


Hiruzen watched as the crowd began to become restless again with Uchiha still absent. He knew he should just disqualify the brat and be done with it, but if he did so he knew a lot of people wouldn't be happy with him. Sarutobi didn't so much care about that as he did the clients that he knew came to see the Uchiha prodigy.

There was also the fact he had already post poned the match once. He didn't think the crowd would accept him doing so again.

Unfortunately when five more minutes passed with still no sign of the Uchiha or his grey haired sensei he knew he only had two options. He either had to disqualify the Uchiha or move the match to the second round. After a few more minutes of thoughts the Hokage had his decision relayed to Genma.

Unnoticed by the old man was the smirk of the Kazekage as he heard the message that would be relayed. He also called on one of his attendants to relay a message catching Hiruzen's attention.

"Something wrong Kazekage-dono?" Hiruzen asked.

"No, just with all these delays I had to make a change to my plans for the day and inform those involved" the Kazekage responds.

Hiruzen nods as he turns to face forward again although he discretly eyed the other Kage.

'Soon sensei you and this wretched village will cease to exist as I burn it to the ground, Kukuku' the disguised Orochimaru thought.


"Those are his orders?" Genma asked.

The response came in the form of a simple nod.

"I don't know why they coddle that brat so much. Fine, I'll make the announcement" Genma says.

The ANBU quickly leaves the field returning to his post.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I have been informed that Uchiha Sasuke has still not arrived. Because of this and knowing how many of you want to see him fight his match will be moved to the end of the second round. We will take a ten minute break and then the second round of the Chūnin Exam Finals will begin. We apologize for the delay and understand your time is valuable so there will be no further delays from this point forward. Thank you for your understanding" Genma announced then left the field.


"What a farce. Is this really how one of the big 5 act?" Karin asked.

She had seen the Uchiha and admittedly was more than a little attracted to him, but all this waiting around for one guy didn't sit well with the former grass genin.

"I have to agree. It's rather disgraceful that Sarutobi has allowed this to continue even now when he has received all of the powers of the Hokage back from the council thanks to Naruto-kun and the Daimyo" Kushina adds in agreement.

"Now, now they did speak truthfully about the reason why. A lot of prominent people in and outside of Konoha do want to see this fight. They hype behind it was unreal. It was being billed as the fight of the century with the 'heroic, noble' Last Uchiha versus the monster of the desert heir to the Kazekage's throne Subaku no Gara. It was quite effective obviously" Yoshino Nara butted in.

"Maybe, but that still doesn't change that if it were Naruto or anyone else they would have been disqualified after the first five minutes have passed if not sooner" Kushina responds.

No one could argue that fact so they all switched to talking about something else. Meanwhile others had moved to use the bathroom, get something to eat, make more bets, or just stretch and walk around. Sakura Haruna was merely sitting with shock and concern. She was shocked how easily baka Naruto beat the Hyūga prodigy and that her rival beat the more experienced and strong Sand girl. But mainly she was worried about one thing.

'Where are you Sasuke-kun? Please be okay?'

She wasn't the only one thinking about the revenge obsessed genin.

"Still no sign?" Hiruzen asked.

"None Hokage-sama" the burn marked ANBU replied.

"*Sigh* It can't be helped search one more time, but this time tell the teams to focus on the memorial stone and the Uchiha compound. If they are here it's likely Hatake is making up for lost time" the Hokage ordered.

"If they are found?" the ANBU asked.

He knew what the old Kage was referring to and what Hatake would do if disturbed. He was not an ANBU captain for nothing and in the past when bothered paying his respects he was violent with anyone that wasn't Rin or his sensei. Unfortunately neither would be able to lend him any assistance in this manner.

"Detain them and bring them here. If Hatake gives you any trouble tell him it's an order" Hiruzen replied.

"And if he still resists?"

"Then have Tenzo and Cat arrest him for treason and bring Sasuke here yourself. Are my orders clear"

"Yes, Hokage-sama"

Hiruzen didn't even have to nod before the ANBU sunshined away to carry out his orders.

Meanwhile with the fighters Naruto was having a debate with himself on wether to visit Temari or not during the break. He didn't know if he could handle seeing her right now. The main reason was he didn't know if he wouldn't snap and kill Ino or anyone else that got in his way if he did.

"You should go see her Naruto" Yuudai says.

"We have ten minutes that's plenty of time for you to get back" Katsu added.

"I can't" Naruto responded.

"Why not? Isn't she your new girlfriend?" Katsu asked.

"Yeah, don't you want to go see if she's okay?" Yuudai asked.

"It's not that I don't want to see her. It's … I don't know if I could control myself if she wasn't okay" Naruto says sadly.

Both boys and those over hearing the conversation wanted to prod more, but stopped short. None of them knew how they would react in a similar situation so wouldn't beat the guy up for it. A few also took note that both brothers nor their father had left to see her either. This made Ino in particular wonder about the blond kunoichi and how tough she had it.

As the seconds ticked off everyone began to prepare themselves for the next round. Like it or not there were still fights to be had and for those in the know a village's future lay in the balance.

Chapitre suivant