
Chapter 3: Choosing Loyalties

Summary: Hibara and Naruto make a decision… which Hidden Village gets their services and loyalties. A secret is revealed.

AN: About 4 years after Naruto has left Konoha, 1 year after hooking up with Hibara.

Review Responses:

- Itachi is a girl. Deal with it. I don't have anything against yaoi, In fact I love reading StarsofYaoi and Agni who specialise in yaoi ItaNaru SasuNaru pairings. But the truth is I suck at writing it.

- Konoha will be in this story. You can be certain of that

AN: I'm not going to write a lot about the back story, the time between Narutos departure and meeting Hibara, or their meeting and this chapter. The usual mercenary routine of travelling, meeting people, taking jobs, training, and developing techniques or learning more.

AN: Disclaimer in chapter 1


...ooO Choosing Loyalties Ooo...

Hibara frowned as she cleaned and polished her weapons while she waited for her lover and partner to collect the bounties on their latest heads.

"Bara-chan, we're done here."

Deft hands slipped the kunai back into the quick-release holster and packed away her equipment in a sealing scroll that went into her satchel.

Ten minutes later they were in a bar sipping sake warmed by katon jutsus.

The kunoichi noted Narutos distant, blank expression.

"Did you get any flak from the clerk?" She asked idly.


"Then what is riling you?"

Naruto hesitated before speaking. "Do you like this life? Having no ties, no stable home? Owing nothing to any particular village? Constantly traveling?"

Hibara stilled. She did not complain about the traveling because they had little choice; they had to go to where the work was. But it would become more difficult, especially if she became pregnant. And she would sooner or later. All forms of birth control had a failure rate. And factor in a jinchuurikis sperm that most likely more potent than the average male…

"Not really. But why do you ask Naruto-kun?"

Naruto ran a large hand through his messy hair. "Curiosity. I've been thinking about the future. Bounty hunting is okay but having the back up of a village would be better."

"Most shinobi villages consider their nins as tools to be used and discarded. I will not risk being treated that way ever again."

"I know. Trust me I understand perfectly. That is why I think we should study the possibilities to see which village would suit us best."

After several days of debate and data analysis the pair came to a decision.

"Kumo is the best bet. They are desperate to have a strong kekkai genkai and higher profile with potential clients." Hibara pointed out. "They won't be able to resist the Sharingan and two skilled S-class nins."

"Their Raikage is getting old though. We'll probably have to deal with his successor in a few years." Narutos nose wrinkled.

Hibara nodded slowly. "True, but if we play our cards right we can make sure someone we like is nominated as the next Raikage."

Naruto bit his lip. "I'm not sure about Kumos political structure. In Konoha the Council has a great deal of influence."

"It is usually not the case in Kumo but the Raikage is getting old and losing control." Hibara explained. "He was able to protect Nii Yugito, jinchuuriki to Nibi no Nekomata, throughout her childhood and early shinobi career. In fact there is some gossip that she is one of the leading candidates to be the next Raikage."

Narutos eyes widened. "Sugoi! They are seriously considering her as Raikage?"

Hibara nodded. "Hai. Kumo has strong nins but few have the spark, the drive and power to be kage-level. The clans have become proud and stale. The Raikage is desperate for fresh blood, new life. That is the only reason why he did not stop the Gokiro clans attempt to kidnap the Hyuuga Heiress for the Byakugan."

Naruto nodded slowly. He could see the Raikages point of view; he wanted his village to become strong and reputable, if it was at the expense of another non-ally village then so be it. Besides, wasn't that what all shinobi villages did?

"Okay. You've convinced me." A wide smile split his face. "Lets go pay the Raikage a little visit to see if he's interested."


Omada Hiroshi, Yondaime Raikage, shivered slightly as he hunched over the newest paperwork in the Kage Tower. His old bones were too vulnerable to the biting chill of the Tower set in one of the high peaks of Kumo. It was a strategic spot but better suited for young vigorous bodies.

Carefully he put down his glass nib pen and turned his thoughts to his ever present concern, his successor candidates. So far no clear candidates had caught his interest though the clans continued to push their scions. Hiroshi himself favored his ward, Nii Yugito who was jinchuuriki to Nibi no Nekomata. Like the Sandiame Hokage he took up his old job when his old successor (and nephew) died sealing the Nibi inside his grandniece Yugito.

Yugito was a superlative kunoichi, an excellent taichou on the battlefield, but she was not a Leader. She did not have the charisma to draw attention or set hearts on fire. She was reserved and quiet... Oh she was decisive and quick with orders when fighting but she was more inclined to ignore what happened around her as no concern of hers. Not a good quality in a political leader or kage candidate. Even she herself admitted it. But as things stood she was the only one he could trust Kumo to, someone who would not drain the village to benefit a select few.

He wheeled around kunai out when a soft polite cough broke the silence. He was tense but not too concerned. If it was an assassin he or she would never have coughed.

"Who is there?"

The shadows peeled away to reveal two forms that emerged from the darkness. A not-too tall man with blonde spikey hair wearing a cloth half mask veiling the lower half of his face. His lithe build was dressed in green camo pants, pouches on both thighs, black combat boots, a black turtleneck under a sand colored trench coat. His companion/partner was obviously a kunoichi dressed in green cargo pants and black boots, a black t-shirt under a green camo jacket. She had long black hair twisted in a knot secured by chopsticks and senbons with long strands framing a pale aristocratic triangular face and almond shaped black eyes.

Neither of them bore a hitae, even a scored one to mark them as nukenins, but they were clearly shinobi trained. High class ones given that they penetrated the Raikage Tower without setting off any alarms.

They also bore no killing intent. They wanted something. Feeling a tad more relaxed the Raikage filled his pipe and lit it before taking a deep puff.

"What can I do for you?"

The pair glanced at each other before the blonde man stepped forward. "It is more like what we can do for you Raikage-sama."

Rheumy eyes narrowed sharply. "Perhaps you can start with your names?"

The pair hesitated before answering.



The Raikage perked. "Uzumaki Naruto? Of Konoha?"

The blonde stiffened. "Formerly of Konoha." He corrected sharply before forcing himself to relax. "Forgive my abruptness… I have almost no good memories of Konoha."

Hiroshi nodded slowly. He had heard of how Konohas jinchuuriki was treated. Fools! They did everything they could to anger the boy. It was a miracle he hadn't snapped years ago like the Godaime Kazekage Gaa'ra.

"I can see. It was disturbing… Sarutobi was a fool. He watched his village prime an explosive tag and did nothing to stop them. Young man, you must have an iron-will to have reached your current level with so little encouragement or backing."

Naruto blinked and smiled hesitantly. "Thank you."

Hiroshi shook his head. "It is no compliment. It is the truth. I've studied the historical data on jinchuurikis. Those treated reverently, with respect, they served their villages well often becoming great leaders. It is those despised and hated who become insane and go on killing rampages that are so prominently noted in the records." He took a deep puff. "I was determined to not let that happen to Yugito so I was very strict about enforcing any law I made to protect her.

"In fact I forced many of the clans to send their heirs for special training with Yugito. They grew up with her and treated her like any other high clan child. Whenever they heard uncomplimentary things they were quick to speak in her defense. When they finally learnt she was a jinchuuriki it was something secondary, like a kekkai genkai. All Kumo shinobis know she is a strong kunoichi and experienced taichou. They know she will not risk their lives for no good cause, that she will do her best to make sure her team returns alive."

Naruto bowed his head. "I heard that. Jiraiya, the Gama Sannin, he said that Akatsuki always hesitated going after the Nibi because Kumo shinobis were quick to react."

The Raikage nodded. "When they were active Yugito spent more time doing missions requiring several squads. Akatsuki is good but not against a group that works like an oiled machine, or a jinchuuriki comfortable with drawing on ninety percent of the bijuus power without losing control. Especially Nibi."

Naruto frowned then nodded. "Nibi has control over the dead."

"Yes. Yugito can reanimate corpses to fight on her behalf. If the death is fairly recent and there is a medic to repair the injuries she can force the soul back into the body."

Narutos eyes widened. "Wow!"

The Raikage smirked. "Yes, wow. It makes her a particular favorite of Kumos shinobis. All the divisions know to make sure there is a good medic on her team. But enough about Yugito. Tell me about Uzumaki Naruto. What brings you here?"

Naruto glanced at his companion. "You might not be aware of it but I have left Konoha with the blessing of the Godaime and Daimyo. I currently have dual citizenship with Wave and Spring Country. I have been working as a bounty hunter when I met Hibara. After some discussion we decided we wished to join a Hidden Village, Kumo by preference." His blue eyes were level. "Hibara is practically unknown to most villages but I assure you she is a skilled kunoichi, S-class, better than me in technique in some fields."

The Raikage almost dropped his pipe from shock. "Tell me, why Kumo? Is it for vengeance? Do you hope to attack Konoha in the future using Kumo as a shield?"

Naruto shook his head. "No. Konoha holds grudges. I do not. You tried to make your village strong by going through with the Hyuuga kidnapping. Don't all villages destroy or steal the resources of others? Scrolls, jutsus, kekkai genkais, weapons, shinobis? You had had no treaty with Konoha, you were there To sign one, but you hadn't."

Hiroshi stared at the young man with thoughtful eyes. "That is a very mature outlook."

Naruto shrugged. "Well if I hated everyone who treated me badly I would be full of nothing but bitterness. I've learnt to let go and move on to survive. Besides you are more worthy; you've treated Yugito a lot better than Konoha ever treated me. I think if I lived in Kumo I would have had a better childhood."

Hiroshi could say nothing because it was the bitter truth. He cursed the long dead Hokages; two particular ones who were responsible for the sufferings of this young man. The private speculation was looking to be more and more real.

"Uzumaki, could you do something for me?"

Naruto tensed warily. "What?"

"Remove your mask."

Naruto blinked but obeyed. The stretchy material rested around his throat to reveal the chiseled features, the long nose, the wide sculpted mouth, the faint trio of lines around said mouth that resembled whiskers. A restless hand ran through the spiky blonde strands while the narrow eyes eyed the Raikage with veiled wariness.

Omada Hiroshi nodded thoughtfully and took another deep puff. "That explains it."

Naruto exploded. "Explains what?"

"Why the Yondaime Hokage chose you." Hiroshi explained calmly. "I met Namikaze Minato during the treaty talks after the Konoha-Iwa wars. He was an honorable man, very forgiving and ready to look for the best in people around. He would never ask another to make a sacrifice when he could." The clay pipe tapped the surface of the heavy desk. "You are very like him, like your father."

Naruto froze.

Hibara stared at Naruto. He had never told her…

"Naruto-kun, is this true? The Yondaime is your father?"

Narutos shoulders went stiff before he turned to meet his lovers eyes squarely. "I have no proof. No birth certificate, no clan scrolls, no letters… Nothing but what I look like. Jiraiya said I most likely am but I refused to let him tell anyone, even Tsunade-baa-chan. If you think the fools in Konoha would have believed us you are high on something!" He laughed a sharp barking sound. "They would say I stole the Yondaimes appearance. Foxes are tricksters and illusionists you know!"

Hiroshi coughed discreetly. "It does not matter what Konoha says. I know our archives have several blood samples from Konoha shinobis. They were collected from the battlefields for our medics to study." He explained. "I'm certain we have a sample for Namikaze Minato. He participated in a sparring duel with my old successor, Yugitos uncle. Hiraiko used a kusari-gama that drew blood. The blood sample would have been preserved." He smiled slyly. "If it proves he sired you you have every right to use the Namikaze name, it is not like there is a clan to protest it no matter what Konoha feels."

Naruto turned away tears filling his eyes. All of Konoha denied him. And here a complete stranger acknowledged the possibility, was willing to help him prove his heritage. He looked at Hibara who smiled with a warm understanding light in her usually cool eyes.

"I do not care if I marry Uzumaki Naruto or Namikaze Naruto. You are one and the same and I love you." She voiced her opinion and support.

Naruto bowed his head briefly before straightening with fresh resolve. "This proves my point Raikage-sama. You are willing to see beyond the surface, to consider what most people would not. I would be honored to serve you as a Kumo nin."

Hibara stirred. "But we are a bit concerned about your successor, the Rokudaime. We would like to meet him or her before fully committing to Kumo." She shuddered. "We will not risk being bound to serve one unworthy."

A germ of an idea found root. Hiroshi smiled slowly. "I have no fixed choice for my successor. Currently Yugito is the most suitable candidate."

The couple looked at each other. Hibara spoke. "Could we meet her?"

The Raikage knew if he pushed too hard he would lose them. The man would only serve those he cared for, the woman would follow him. Trying to bind these two would be like chaining the wind or binding lightening; possible but eventually a futile endeavor.

"Of course. First let me prepare a set of visitors papers for you two. For two months? That should be enough time for you to make a decision."

He opened a few blank scrolls and began writing out the details of a visitors pass. A slow smile spread across his face as he imagined the possibilities. They were looking for a place to put roots, to grow a family. The children of a jinchuuriki, an S-class shinobi… the potential was unlimited. This could be the source of the fresh blood he had been looking for.




AN: I know in canon Nibi only has control over corpses, I'm changing it a bit here. I know in canon the Raikage is obsessed with kekkai genkai and war but remember... this is AR and My story. Toodles!

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