
Chapter 403 — Ball after Ball... Meeting after Meeting...

We leaned on him, wanting to be pampered by the father whom we so much cared for. Listening to his next words in simple tranquillity.

"… this treasure… don't stop wearing it, sweetie. If it is aiding you, for more reasons you should keep it always on you."

'Yes… I will, mister. Don't worry…'

"I will stay for a few more days here to take care of investigations... yet principally so I can be at ease that you are doing better." — The duke's voice told us as his hand stroked our hair lovingly. Finally saying what I already wanted to request but did not need to tell in the end. — "What you have told me today will get solely to the ears of those involved in investigating these incidents… so do not feel concerned... and focus on having peaceful days, small and sweet bird."

Chapitre suivant