
In Shurima?

The Immortal Bastion, Noxus Prime, Noxus.

Jericho Swain was no fool.

Being born into a life of privilege, into a family that had been around since near the beginning of the Noxian empire's creation would have made many children into spoiled bratty idiots. But not him. In his forty-seven years of life, he had seen everything and gained enough knowledge for it to turn into wisdom. Like many nobles, he had gained the favor of the emperor of Noxus, Boram Darkwill.

This was the key to his rise to the throne, to his coup. Gaining knowledge and power, but not enough to make one greedy. This was also the reason why he had established the Trifarix Council.

But today, he thought that somebody thought that he was an idiot.

"So, witch...you are telling me that the Winter has an embodiment...that you, under Boram Darwill's preparations for the Ionian conquest, imprisoned for fourteen years and that it's now free and craves for revenge? Do you think that I am a fool?" he said, rubbing his forehead with his demonic hand.

"Certainly not, Trifarix Leader of Vision. You might know more about combat, but I know more about arcane and sorcery." LeBlanc replied.

"Supposedly you are correct. Why have you not informed us? Why has it remained secret for so long?" Swain examined his demonic hand.

"The timing was not good. With one situation after the other, I was not able to reveal it to you." LeBlanc explained.

"When where you going to then? When the snow would start to fall and he'd be here due to nature?" Swain tried to remain calm.

"Noxus is in no direct danger, I assure you." LeBlanc replied.

"It better be true, or this time, you death won't be a scheme to hide yourself." Swain pointed at her with his index.

LeBlanc nodded and walked off. She had work to do, a lot of work.




Somewhere in the sea near Ixtal.

The storm roared and soaked everything above the ship. Kayn struggled to keep it straight against the waves that threatened to swallow the ship along with the Ionians in it.

Sett grit his teeth and grabbed one of the Further ls along with Rakan, trying to gather them so that they wouldn't tear from the strong winds.

Back on the deck, Lanius looked around the sea for any ports that they could go to till the storm passed, to no avail . All that they could do at that moment was to wait and pray that the lamb wouldn't visit them.

"Lanius?!" Ahri approached him. She was soaked like the rest of the crew and had her cloak  on, perhaps in an effort to shield herself from the rain, but as the waves pounded against the ship, it didn't stay dry for too long.

"Can't you stop this thunderstorm?! You can control the weather, can't you?!" she raised her voice to be heard, as the constant thunders and howling of the wind silenced everything else.

"I tried!" Lanius replied. "It doesn't work! It must have been made someone with greater weather manipulation than me!"

"Who else would have greater powers than nature?" Ahri asked.

"The Volibear, God of Thunder." Freida replied to the vesani.

"I forgot about Freida." Ahri pointed out. "You don't speak to me that often."

"With all of this...things that played out, I thought I'd leave you two alone." Freida replied, causing the young man to grit his teeth.

"Now what?!" Rakan asked as he and Sett climbed down.

The waves continued to grow, larger and larger each time.

"Now we just pray!" The Winter said as a gigantic wave was coming straight for them.




"Ahri? Can you hear me?" Akali sounded in her ears. The vesani groaned in response, and opened her eyes. She placed a hand over them as the bright sun blinded her.

Bright sun?

The vesani opened her eyes again and slowly moved into a sitting position. She then looked around her in confusion. She was on a beach next to the ship. It had crashed upon a giant rock.

Akali sat next to her, with her legs crossed. She was wet and covered in sand.

Rakan lied unconscious on the ground a few meters away from them, covered in sand and kelp. Xayah had knelt next to him, and frantically shook him, with her face being overtaken by despair.

"MIELI? RAKAN, WAKE UP!" she yelled. Her voice cracked mid-way.

Rakan's face grimaced as he was shaken yet again. The Charmer then opened his eyes and rolled to the side, where he proceeded to throw up a great amount of water.

"W-wha....happened?" he asked.

Xayah let out a sigh full off relief and hugged him.

Ahri continued to scan the beach, trying to find everyone else.

"Did the ship crash during the storm?" Ahri wondered. "Where even are we?"

"Where's Lanius and Kayn?" Akali suddenly asked. Ahri turned followed her gaze and saw Rhaast stabbing the ship's side. Lanius' coat was placed on the hilt.

As a response, the sound of leaves getting shoved aside sounded behind them, causing them to turn. Lanius emerged from the jungle behind him. He was supporting Kayn, who was holding his side with his right hand.

"Is everyone here?" The young man asked.

"Everyone except...Sett." Rakan pointed out.

Ahri scanned the beach yet again. Sett's coat drifted in the shallow waters.

Akali stepped forwards and began to call the Beast-Man, hoping that he would answer. "SETT?!"

As another response, Sett emerged from the water and grabbed his coat, walking out of the sea.

"Where the hell are we?" The Beast-Man's skin shined as the sun rays fell on his muscular body. The closest thing that Ahri could think of was the phrase 'God of the sea.'

A low whistle left Xayah's lips, causing Rakan to turn towards her way with his eyes widened.

Ahri stared at the Beast-Man...tho man wasn't exactly a word she'd use for him. Sett was younger than Lanius, yet "young man" was mostly used to refer to Lanius.

"Did you just come out of the sea?" Kayn asked. He seemed a bit disorientated. This caused her to zone back in, and notice that Akali was staring at him the same way that Xayah was, and thus she assumed that she might have had exactly the same reaction at that exact moment.

"I did. In fact, I fell out of the ship about two hours ago and swam all the way here." Sett explained. "All right...where are we exactly?" he then asked.

"Judging by the jungle in front of us...probably Shurima." Kayn replied.

"Shurima? The deserts?" Akali asked.

"Rhaast's home." Kayn explained.

"So we crashed in Shurima...Now what?" Rakan asked.

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