
Chapitre 113

Chapter 113

"...So as you see here," Sparks said and pointed at a diagram with her pen, "On the second column we have the budgeted and estimated food requirements for a calculated six hundred ponies. With the money we have been given by the crown for the project, after using what's needed for the rest of the expeditionary supplies. Assuming six hundred ponies and on average three ponies per tent as the average amount of tools and other supplies, I estimate that the food will last about three months."

"Is gathering of supplies from the jungle taken into account?" I asked and frowned down at the paper, trying to follow her numbers. I'm not dumb, okay, I'm just not a number pony. And she was using a lot of numbers.

...Okay, so I'm a bit dumb.

Sparks shook her head, "No, because that's difficult to calculate as supplies are unknown. Besides, ponies need more than fruit and grazing."

"Speak for yourself," I said and nibbled at a quarter apple, "Thestrals will be fine after conversion."

"Which will take time and maybe, maybe if you're right about dietary requirements, will make it possible," Sparks said seriously, "And I'm not convinced. You have those teeth for a reason and it's not for eating grapes. I suspect thestrals are naturally omnivores and that may cause a problem with nutrition in the long term if not handled."

I glanced down at the apple, "Yeah, I guess..."

"And even if that's not the case, six hundred ponies eat a lot of food. A lot. A pony needs on average fifteen hundred calories a day, more if they are working. Depending on the food, that's between a half and one point five kilograms. Times that six hundred and..."

I stared at her, "Oh buck."

"Exactly. Which means that we will need transports for that food and other supplies, which means hiring more ponies to move it even if some thestrals are strong enough to pull wagons from a train stop which means being able to afford less food and..."

I rubbed my eyes with my hoof, "Bottomline it for me, Sparks."

"At the estimated burn rate, the colony would be out of food within a month unless we can in that time gather enough from the environment to keep us fed or get additional supply deliveries. Even with the railway passing through the jungle, nowhere near it is very suitable for a village that we know of. Not in easy transport distance at least without wagons."

Groaning, I let my head fall until I rested it against the table. I felt like screaming or something similar because why is nothing ever easy or smooth or gaaaah!

"It's not as bad as it seems," she said and poked me with her wing, "Keep in mind that these are pessimistic worst case numbers. Most likely we will be able to gather significant amounts from the environment itself, maybe even all until we get the farms up and going."

"...And maybe something big will eat us before it becomes a problem," I grumbled against the wooden table, "Damn it, Sparks. I'm an author, not a ruler!"

"Seems to me like you're both," she answered as she looked at me with a small smile, giving my ear a quick nuzzle.

I sighed and pulled back again, looking down at the paper, "So... worst case, we'll run out in a month. What if I add my money to it?"

"Wouldn't help, maybe get us another two weeks," Sparks said and showed another paper, "I already did the math, I knew you would offer," she explained at my questioning look.

"Ah," I said and shifted my wings, "So, we're stuck at finding a way to get enough supplies or... beg Sunshine for more."

Sparks nodded and took a sip from her glass of water, "Pretty much."

"You know," I said after a moment, "I am really glad you and Midnight are helping with this or I'd be completely lost. This is not what I'm good at and you two are. I wouldn't even know where to start with this, buck I can't even organize my own economy, I have a pony for that! I don't even know how much I own!"

I kind of stopped paying attention when it came to 'enough'.

Sparks smiled and flicked her ear, "It's interesting and so different from anything else I done before," she said before she frowned, "It's going to be so odd from being away from my friends for so long, but I think it's worth if for what you are trying to do here, Page," she said, her wing brushing across mine.

"I hope so," I admitted and stretched my wings for a moment, looking out towards the snow outside the window. Here it was nice and warm though, the fireplace in Sparks and Midnights living room crackled happily in the corner.

"Okay," I finally said and nodded, looking at her, "What can we cut? We need to lengthen that runway, we need some room for mistakes and accidents because they happen. Do we have any fresh fruit for example?"

Sparks looked through a stack of papers before she nodded, "Yes, we are budgeted for six hundred kilos of apple, fiv-"

"Buck all of that, toss it all," I said, "Use the money for oaths and hay, rice. Things that's light and dry. We need calories, not vitamins. Any fruit can be gathered on site."

Sparks slowly nodded, "Yeah, that makes sense, that'd give us..."

"Wait with the calculations, let's see what more we can cut first. It'll be boring, but ponies won't go hungry."

She nodded thoughtfully, "The calculations were based on a nutritionally optimal diet. If we can acquire supplements on site, then it-"

The door opened and Sunset trotted inside, her saddlebags heavy with groceries and she kicked the door closed behind her, "How's it going you two?" she asked, "Still working on it?"

"Sunset!" I whined, "Your marefriend is making me feel stupid."

"You are stupid," Sunset teased and moved up to kiss my cheek, "We love you anyway," and then she repeated the performance with Sparks.

I glowered at her, "You're awfully cheery today. What's up?"

Sunset smiled and then put her bags down and jumped up next to me, cuddling close as she leaned against my side, "I saw Midnight and Tempest while I was out, they're going out to a restaurant tonight. They were sharing a scarf, it was absolutely adorable!"

"We're not teasing them about it!" Sparks told her firmly across me, "I know how I...she... we can get if we're uncertain about those kinds of things!"

"Speaking of those kinds of things," Sunset said and looked at me with a smile, "You're staying tonight, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I don't particularly want to turn into a ponycicle on the way back to the castle and it's already getting dark," I said before I frowned and touched my horn to hers gently, "Not sure how fun either of us will be today though, there is just so much we need to get done," before giving Twilight a small nuzzle.

Sparks made a sound of agreement, "There is," she said, "But... nothing says we can't relocate this to in front of the fireplace after dinner? Maybe with some wine?"

"Awesome," Sunset said and leaned around to give her a nuzzle, "And speaking of dinner, I should get it started. How do you two feel about something with oats?"

I sighed, "I like them just fine now, but I suspect not so much in six months," earning myself a curious look from the unicorn

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