
All of It

Dyon's aura was far weaker than it had been just a few moments ago, yet somehow, he felt more dangerous than he had ever been. 

For the first time in his life, the normal looking young man felt a pang of inferiority. It was such a novel feeling that he didn't know how to deal with it. He had been hearing about Dyon almost all his life, yet he had never felt any sort of pressure. 

To him, every genius was bound to be tread beneath his feet. They were all grand and lofty when they faced a situation they felt they could easily handle. But, when push came to shove, and they realized that their lives were truly on the line, without fail, each and every one of them would fold. 

This went for the True Gods of the Epistemic Tower, the legendary Ancient Constitution wielders of old, and he had thought that Dyon would be no different. 

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