

Slowly, the sound of gears began to ramp up again. Even as the sound of one door slamming shut almost sent Dyon flying once more, the sound of another opening followed suit.

The clopping of horse hooves filled Dyon's ears once more. By now, Dyon was convinced that there had just been something weird about Famine. After thinking a moment, he understood…

Famine's steed's steps had sounded like feet because of its demeanor… It was slow and steadfast, meandering and patient. War's steed had sounded like hooves because of a combination of its heavy armor and sharp horseshoes.

However, the clopping of this horseman wasn't due to either of these reasons. This horse moved as with exaggerated movements, its head was held high while its legs arched elegantly into the skies, stomping down with authority that reverberated through the battleground.

Understanding this, Dyon wasn't surprised to find the appearance of a white horse entering his gaze.

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