

A familiar sight greeted Dyon as he witnessed the massive world tree-like Earth Tower for the second time in his life.

An uncontrollable grin spread across his lips, his blood pumping with vigour he hadn't felt in ages. The events that seemed like such a distance pass had stolen two years of his life from him, and although most of those who were responsible had paid, Dyon still felt like it wasn't enough. He wouldn't feel better until he could truly stretch out his wings.

"Shouldn't we be rushing to the Epistemic Tower?" Zabia asked. He had little understanding of situation, but everyone did seem much too relaxed to him.

Technically speaking, if they managed to get to the tower first this time, wouldn't this all be over?

Ri shook her head, "We tried this during the second campaign. But, it seemed they were willing to weather the danger of the gate's closure in order to make sure they had a leg up on us."

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